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Gametrailers Timeline - The Legend of Zelda (MUST WATCH!)


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EDIT: See a few posts below for the full video


Gametrailers are starting a new series of videos called Timeline, which you may have heard them talking about on Invisible Walls a couple of weeks ago.


First up is Zelda which goes up later today.


Here's the teaser trailer for it, and as they were talking about on Invisible Walls, it looks like some amazing effort has gone into the production of this! Looking forward to it!


Edited by Retro_Link
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah they got music from a few places, it mentions them at the end.


Honestly I'd love to have a download of that video, it was so well done, the visuals were fantastic!

I loved how it moved from pillar to pillar with the music of the next game playing, and the artwork mural on the ceiling! Just brilliant!

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How does Tingle fit into all of this? :)


Good question. Actually, he seems to fit pretty well...


0. Origins

-Skyward Sword: Tingle doll in Zelda's room

-Minish Cap: kinstone fusers with brothers Ankle, Knuckle and David Jr.


1. Fallen hero

-Oracle of Ages: gives chart, bigger seed satchel. Pretty much just a random guy floating around.


2. Link sent back to child-time

-Majora: map-seller, wanna-be fairy

-4SwordsAdv: writes Tingle Times, i.e. helpful signposts, grabs leftover gems. Still looking for fairies...

3. Link continues as an adult

-Windwaker: thief, sells charts, orders Ankle, Knuckle and David Jr. around

-Phantom Hourglass: seen in a wanted-poster

-Spirit Tracks: Tingle statues in several shops. Seems Tingle is being viewed as a somewhat infamous figure after Windwaker...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got round to watching it!


I was staggered at the effort and artistry that went into the video - a 3D Hyrule Castle and, of course, that mural with a curvature effect for the ceiling!


Twilight Princess did indeed look great. Two shots of Ganondorf in particular looked higher-res than the original game, so I wonder if it was running on Dolphin?


Anyway, you can tell a great deal about a series by the devotion of its fans, as in evidence here. Bring on the next entries in The Legend of Zelda!

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FInally got to watch this... damnit I feel I should have stopped watching when they started taking about the Hyrule Historia.... I feel like I've just spoilered the book before getting it.


Never knew about this "Fallen Hero" timeline.... *MIND BLOWN*


It all fits now..... shame there wasn't a "bad ending" in OOT where if you die in the final battle you see Ganondorf victorious.

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  • 1 month later...

Would anyone like a game where the 3 universes collide? Like, the fabric of Zelda time & space is effected by these 3 most important threads (let's assume they are the most important) and Gannon/a new villain is able to discover a rift between them and change worlds, coming up with a cross-dimensional plan to gain inconceivable power? Thus begins a collaboration of Four Swords Adventures, Spirit Tracks universe and Adventures of Link universe?


The end result of the story would be permanent unification of the 3 worlds, creating a new existence.


Epic? Too silly?

Edited by James McGeachie
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I believe FSA was supposed to be a prequel to LttP (thus bridging that side), but Myamoto turned down that idea because he felt that each game should be able stand on their own. Something that connected to the grander scheme would go against the principle, so they rewrote it to be a new story (even though the game still explains stuff that would appear in LttP).


So, a big Zelda reunion of different timelines is rather unlikely. Though it would be interesting to see one in some way (like, even though they're blank slates, each Link has a distinct feel and personality. Would NES Link be more serious and cynical? Would OoT Link be the older and wiser one? Would SS Link be the better swordsman? Kind of silly, but would be amusing to see)

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