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The Red Dwarf Mafia


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This game is confusing me! I really don't know what to make of you. And I am unsure why you don't want to disclose your date, if it wasn't your own doing? I need to make some notes on this game. Get my thoughts straight.


Just a side note, I quickly looked back and noted that Jonnas had pretty much the same role as the last game - lie detect and double vote!

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I don't mind your suspicion - I was seen at the scene of the crime. However, I have exhaustively explained myself since day 1. I have answered all questions posed as clearly as I can without quoting the PM.


Regarding my date, I don't want to tell who it was with unless I have to because I don't know what repercussions it could have - this being my first game. If enough people ask, I'll happily tell.


The PM text was quite basic. It didn't tell me what happened, where, or how, but it did tell me it went really well and that the next thing I knew I was awake in my own bed the next morning.


And I am unsure why you don't want to disclose your date, if it wasn't your own doing?


I have already stated that I, myself, don't know if this was my doing or someone else's. Going on dates isn't my power.

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I went on a date, with whom I won't tell unless I'm forced to, which went so well that I blacked-out until waking up the following morning in my room.




I'm suspicious of who I went on a date with, though I don't know if that was my target, or someone targeting me.


My target last night was Cube.


I know nothing about a date, so I don't think it was me. Even though I remained with my target last night, my power was ineffective.

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so your date was the chief (or chef.. was this also muddled up in the write up Jimbob?) who moogle said can't be trusted.


also @Yvonne where did you disappear for 'what seemed like' 6 hours?


correction... YOU are the chef / chief who can't be trusted.

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This game is confusing me. Yvonne, you're saying you're Lister. But you're not the one getting people drunk? Who may or may not be a Lister impostor/clone/duplicate/etc.


The circumstances around Magnus are rather suspicious at this point, but to be honest I'm picking up trustworthy vibes from him. Still, he's new, and he might just be a brilliant mafia player, so considering the circumstances I'm going to place a vote on him, albeit somewhat reluctantly.


Vote: Magnus Peterson


And I just realised it's very likely moot to vote for anyone at this point.

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I think it's very easy to lie about what you're saying though. Despite all the people who saw you, none saw you going on a date and no one has come forward as a second Lister. You walked away from where Jonnas was killed and claim not to remember. This is the kind of thing that probably isn't going to get any clearer from discussion.


I'm going to ask now, whoever the Lister doppelganger is to come forward and corroborate the story. I'm not asking for any role details, just for someone to lend credibility to his account.


Post is directed at @Magnus Peterson

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I know who the chef is, I think. I don't think it is Yvonne though.


Just noticed this. I don't think it's Yvonne either, who I'm pretty sure is town.


I thought it was Cube initially from his youtube bid, unless you have a stronger lead. I'd say the chef is probably our strongest lynch candidate along with Magnus.

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Vote no lynch. I have inklings, but they are no more than that.


Im not sure what to say at this point. I've spilled my guts as best as possible. I do look a bit suspicious, I know, and I have been placed at the crime-scene. Hopefully after tonight, I won't look so shifty!


All eyes on me tonight, I guess?

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