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My dad is the same. At first he had a couple of questions (mostly to do with the new version of Office that our came with) but after that he had just got in with it.


I think we spend too much time moaning about how different new stuff is rather than just getting down to learning how to use it.


Well, I must agree. It is a bit of a jump, but once you've learned it all it is actually a very good system - especially the Live Tiles.


Further to this, as a Windows Phone owner, I can assure anyone that the WP interface is by far the smoothest and most intuitive phone interface available. What's more, Liver Tiles really bring your phone screen to life displaying everything you would want to see at a glance without even having to open your apps unless something catches your eye!

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That's probably the ultimate reason I dislike the Start interface over the old Start menu.


All the live tiles and stuff like that are so pointless to me. I don't see a situation where I'm ever going to want an overview of all my waiting messages, latest updates, weather, news etc all at once. That's just not how I use a PC. Or any device, for that matter. It's the reason I've never had a problem with iPhones not having "widgets". I don't want a hub that I return to for an overview. To me that's just an unnecessary middle step between what I'm actually here to do, and the passive online processes which I only need to pay attention to when each one updates.


Any kind of updates/notifications should be reserved for their own little popup on the taskbar or such whilst I get on with what I actually started the machine up for.

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Anyone know if it's possible to reformat a system running Windows 8.1 without the need for a Windows 8 disc?

According to Google it is, but still not 100% sure. :blank:


Is it that you regret installing Windows 8.1 and want to go back to Windows 8? If so, how about System Restore? It'll just take your computer back to before the last significant update.

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Is it that you regret installing Windows 8.1 and want to go back to Windows 8? If so, how about System Restore? It'll just take your computer back to before the last significant update.
Nah, it's not actually my system. :hehe: Just trying to sort out this laptop for someone (it's full of crap/running really badly) so I reckon reformatting is the way to go.


F11 during startup will give you recovery options.
Cool, but can you go through the entire process without the need to insert a disc?
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