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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


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Another great episode - seeing it from different points of view was great. As for the end - I'm sure she'll be fine by the end of the next episode.


Mike Peterson is shaping up to be a great character - and is now a villain against his will, and is now a previously-known Marvel villain called Deathlok (although, based on a quick read, Deathlok is a concept of a cyborg character who doesn't like their programming rather than one specific character).


I'm curious is Quinn is taking orders from just The Clairvoyant or someone else as well - he did wait for Peterson to leave before shooting Skye. Either that or The Clairvoyant doesn't want to cause extra stress on Peterson due to the death of a friend.


Also, they made a quick reference to Abomination, so it's nice to see an actual reference to that film.



Now we have another wait - this time a month. It seems that some rubbish-sounding TV show called "Winter Olympics" is causing a delay.


Edit: Actually, presuming that there are going to be other weeks with no episodes after this break, I do understand why Channel 4 are waiting until March.

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  • 4 weeks later...



A strange, blue alien thing. The most common thing I've seen online is that it could be a Kree (a species that should be introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy), and it works better with Skye because she's part alien (whereas it required more surgeries and memory alterations with Coulson). Imagine if her real name turns out to be Carol Danvers.


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No seriously...WTF... wasn't expecting that in any way at all.... I actually thought maybe Phil would find a bunch of clone Phils or something.... but some sort of alien....well damn they pulled that one out. :D


The Kree idea is good and if it fits into teh Gaurdians film, then all the better :D


But what do teh initials GH stand for then?


Yeah teh reason for Skye being an 084 (is that the right code used?) is prolly she is an alien or half breed of whatever Coulson found and that is why the drug worked so well on her.... though I was hoping her status as an 084 would end up being she was a "gifted" person with Wolverine like regenerative abilities but hey I'll take what we got :D


ON the rest of teh episode, really enjoyed Paxtons character, hope to see more of him in the show and maybe in a few films :D


Did think it a bit weird though when they went into the "Guest House" trying to save an agent yet shot to kill on teh two agents inside teh place :heh:



And the end credits, at first thought the woman was going to be Enchantress and she was gonna turn the dude into the Executioner..... don't know much bout this Lorelei though, will have to check Wiki on her later :D



And wohoo, just checked there is indeed another ep next week, yay, hopefully we'll be back to a proper weekly schedual again

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minor ep 14 spoilers. Can someone tag this post?



"There is a drug in the MU called "MGH"which stands for "Mutant Growth Hormone". They can't use the word mutant as we know, so its either GH as they suggest in the episode "guest house" which makes sense given the contents.



Or GH as in growth hormone which makes sense considering...what it does! :p

Edited by Mokong
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Did think it a bit weird though when they went into the "Guest House" trying to save an agent yet shot to kill on teh two agents inside teh place



And the end credits, at first thought the woman was going to be Enchantress and she was gonna turn the dude into the Executioner..... don't know much bout this Lorelei though, will have to check Wiki on her later :D



Well, we still don't know who the agents were for. Bob's ID card had a logo which looked like a red skull (a bit blurry to fully make out), so it could actually be a HYDRA base that SHIELD worked with temporally.


Apparently, Lorelei is Enchantress' sister. From the "remain free" comment, I presume she escaped from the cells in Asgard during Thor 2.


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Just thinking bout Skye... there is a more simplier reason other than Skye being all or oart alien (even though that could be what they are going for with the whole, 084 thing) for why the GH drug worked so well on her than it did on Coulson... could just be because Skye was still alive when it was used on her while Coulson was already dead.


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Well, we still don't know who the agents were for. Bob's ID card had a logo which looked like a red skull (a bit blurry to fully make out), so it could actually be a HYDRA base that SHIELD worked with temporally.


Apparently, Lorelei is Enchantress' sister. From the "remain free" comment, I presume she escaped from the cells in Asgard during Thor 2.


There's also a Deadpool character called


Hydra Agent Bob



However, we know that Nick Fury


Had a hand in getting/sending Coulson to the guesthouse



But then whut?!

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Interesting that the order to bring back Lorelei alive came directly from Odin - who we know to be Loki. It sounds like he has a plan for using her (and possibly her sister).


Also, the Kree were mentioned during the list of blue aliens, which is significant as people were wondering about licensing issues (they've not mentioned anything about the Kree in any GotG news so far).


Simmons was great this episode, especially demanding a better reason from Coulson to not look into the GH chemical.


As for the end, I'm pretty sure she's just reporting to SHIELD and nothing sinister.


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Interesting that the order to bring back Lorelei alive came directly from Odin - who we know to be Loki. It sounds like he has a plan for using her (and possibly her sister).


Holy crap I totally forgot bout Loki having took Odins place..... bloody hell that is awesome :D Love how there are little small things every now and then that could potentially bleed from the show to the films as well as having the films bleed into the show.



On a different note I did like how Coulson asked Sif not to tell Thor, I was wondering bout that when I heard she was gonna be in an ep, wouldn't her meeting Coulson mean she would tell Thor he is still alive? Didn't think of something so simple as how they did it as a way to get around that, hopefully saving the surprise reunion for Avengers 2 :D



As for the end, I'm pretty sure she's just reporting to SHIELD and nothing sinister.


I'm gonna say bitch be Furys mole!!!!!!!!!





ALso just double checked for the air date of the next ep..... BLOODY TWO WEEK BREAK AGAIN :mad:


I get that maybe this is all to kind of extent the season so they can get the Cap2 tie-in ep to air at a proper time (after it releases in the states) but come on just make more eps and fill in the gaps :heh:


Actually I wonder if Fury will appear in the show again? It prolly won't be till after the Cap2 tie-in or maybe during that I guess. It'll prolly be explained the reason he's "off the grid" atthe moment is cause of whatever he is dealing with/will be dealing with for the course of Cap2 and has just been kept so busy with that had been unable to keep a proper lease on Coulson from finding the Guesthouse.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question regarding this show. Big big Cap 2 spoilers.



So yeah. WTF is going to happen to this?!


Will we get a season 2?


It could just be re-done "MARVEL Agents" I guess. Or it could be the re-building of a new Shield. But yeah. Fuck. Movie pretty much fucks this show.

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I have a question regarding this show. Big big Cap 2 spoilers.



So yeah. WTF is going to happen to this?!


Will we get a season 2?


It could just be re-done "MARVEL Agents" I guess. Or it could be the re-building of a new Shield. But yeah. Fuck. Movie pretty much fucks this show.


Does Cap 2 follow any established storylines? Had no idea that was going to happen to Shield. Coulson and co have been getting more and more wary and rebellious towards Shield so maybe when the show catches up to the events of Cap 2, they'll just break away and be their own group (making the show even more like Firefly... :yay::indeed:).


So could this mean May is actually part of Hydra? Probably not... but I think that would be cool.


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Well the next ep is called "End of the Beginning" and the ep after that is the Cap2 tie-in so we won't have to wait long to find out how events in Cap2 will effect the show.


Also once it returns next week there's no breaks, 7 eps left all one week after the other :)






In previous eps we've had Coulson unable to track Fury so I assume Agents is already inside the timeline of Cap2, they are likely at a point after Fury was attacked in the car and "dead", but perhaps the "top brass" hasn't filtered that news all the way down and just keeping on a "need to know" or they are just hiding that "fact" from Coulsons team so he doesn't get in their way.


I bet part of Furys bigger plan and the reason he gave Coulson the plane to operate his own semi-independent team was to keep Couslon and co outside of Hyrdas grasp....though who May really works for after the last scene in the last ep..... could she maybe be a Hydra mole too?


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The moment I saw Sitwell, I wanted to punch his face.


Also, this confirms that Fury's vanishing was before Winter Soldier, and not related to his "death".


I also think that Hand may be another red herring, like May was, and that she's actually ordering her men to take everyone out with the night night guns, for a couple of reasons.


1. She's in The Hub, and looked like she was addressing her men directly. This is a massive SHIELD facility so a full on murder spree taking place there would certainly be noticed.


2. They've already nabbed Simmons after she rigged an unofficial encrypted line from inside The Hub.


I think that Hand thinks that something is going on on The Bus, but she doesn't want any surprised there. So it's easier to stun them all and separate them. She'll be talking to Coulson right away.


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Well damn, being the Cap2 Tie-In I was expecting something special...did not expect that much though!.



Firstly how awesome was it to see the events from Cap2 play out from a totally different perspective :D I remember watching Cap2 thinking "Wonder what Coulson and crew are doing when all this is going down" and now I know :D


Even though we've had hints owards other films before, constant mentions of "battle of New York" in early part of the show, Coulsons team cleaning up London after events of Thor2 and such but those were all after the events and here we actually get to see a proper crossing over from TV to Film in terms of events taking place and storylines happening :D


So many twists and turns, Agent Hand, she's the Clairvoyant,... no she's working with Hydra..... no wait she's just pretending and is really SHIELD...but then she's accusing Coulson of working with Hydra (makes a good case for it too)..... then Garrett turns out to be both the Clairvoyant,and working with Hydra WTF....damnit I liked his character :(


Once he was getting onto Coulson bout killing Hand no questions asked I knew he was the Clairvoyant though, was waiting for Coulson to cop on.


Was expecting maybe Triplet would then also be working with Hydra......



but as soon as Ward volunteered to "Turn the key" on Garrett I got suspicious of Ward but didn't want to believe it. But once Hand offered to let him kill Garrett and the slowness he loaded his gun I was just going ...






Guess this means Agent Triplet will be taking Wards seat on The Bus then.

Wonder will the rest of the team find out soon? Though part of me is hoping maybe he's playing a double agent and is just pretending to be with Hydra but is really a plan Ward and Coulson have put together.



Gods damnit can't wait for the enext ep to see where this all goes and the hwo the whole rebuilding of SHIELD will go.... still hoping Fury might make a cameo again before the season ends.




Oh and for anyone watching the show but who hasn't seen Cap2 yet....DO NOT watch ep17 until you watch Cap2 FIRST!

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