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Its been a long time, i shouldnt have left you...


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Welcome back Esequiel, glad you're back now! :)


Also, that is one of the best tattoos I've seen. I love black and white text tattoos and that is awesome. I think it'd be even more awesome if you had the boat and the hoes that are in your avatar added on too! haha.


You're 27 and you're having a party with a bouncy castle? Seriously? This dude is on my level, I love it! :D I also love those Gladiator earbud fighting thingys too, they're wicked!


Well, I'm glad you're happy and you're making the most of life. Good for you! :D

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If you've been told you're having a mid-life crisis, you probably look older than you really are (I have a feeling that I made this sound like an insult...)


Anyway, it's good that you are doing what you want now. Carpe Diem, and so on.


Don't you mean YOLO? YOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!111!!!!1!!1!!111one!1!11




I'm afraid to say i don't remember you (did you change your name?) but welcome back anyway. All mid-life crisises are awesome regardless of when they happen. My dad had one and bought a sportscar. Then he moved to Kenya and had to sell it....

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I'm afraid to say i don't remember you (did you change your name?) but welcome back anyway. All mid-life crisises are awesome regardless of when they happen. My dad had one and bought a sportscar. Then he moved to Kenya and had to sell it....


He has only been gone 2 months! :P


His avatar pic used to be a gold coloured fish if I remember correctly.

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