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LEGO Mafia #1: City


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I did. It's a long post, and you're wrong from the start. I know you think you're right, but think about it from my point of view: I know you're wrong, so as soon as you start a massive post based upon a theory that I know is incorrect, I stopped reading. I'll read it if I have time tonight.


If we're both being honest, neither of us expected you to admit to it. :p



You're stating all these things as if they are facts

Not at all. My second sentence explicitly states it is a theory so the rest from there should be read as a speculative post which I have a lot of confidence in.


but let's be honest here: it is just a theory. You think I can kill people with a name? Well, at least one character has already revealed a name - Pepper Roni. Why isn't HE dead? And why have there been no deaths so far?


Probably because you would rather appear town for longer and want to gain trust by first eliminating who you believe to be Mafia.



A large part of this game is keeping things quiet.

Yup. But from what I can tell, as soon as you start either lying or misleading people you need to go out and buy a coffin.


I made sure in my posts that I never said my name because then I would never have lied.


To the town lie detector, FYI he's been trying to deceive you.


All I said was that people had said claimed my character in a post.

Actually you said your character had been mentioned back in the topic. Which it hadn't. But then you were being shifty by putting 'character' in inverted commas.


I was hoping you'd look for it and just assume it was my name, then give up yours.


A confession that you try to deceive people. You wonder why I don't trust you? Moreover, why would I give you my name when you have confessed to lying to me?


I could've just come out with it, but I thought I could get some info on you while not revealing anything myself. Information is a valuable currency in these games, and I'm not ashamed to say that I try to get the best 'deals' when it comes to getting information on others and revealing information on myself.


Well looks like you got short changed this time then, because I've got you to reveal a name while not doing so myself.


I am not the truck, I just wanted you to believe that I was so you would reveal your name. I am Mama Brickolini. Are you disputing that fact? Or are you saying that I'm telling the truth about my character but lying about my power?


I am saying that a Yagami Light-esque ability set has been transposed onto your lego character.



I'm not desperate to obtain names.

Six times you asked for mine and used play-it-down and persuasion methods to try get it.


I'm just incredibly intrigued as to why you won't reveal yours. You've come forward with your power, which is what will get you killed if the mafia are picking targets. Revealing your name will do nothing negative unless you are a suspicious character. I'll break it down:


- If you're good, you can say your character (as I have) without worrying about who they are. They will clearly be good.

- If your character isn't at all suspicious, you would be happy to say their name so that people can look them up.


I will obviously not give you my name for the reasons I have given above. You have an ability that probably requires a name, hence you are so eager and belligerent trying to get hold of it. Considering you have only just given a name yourself you had no right demanding a name from me.


- The only reason a person would hold onto a character name is if they sound very suspicious, like Diageo's (Darth Vader). If the character is clearly an evil one, for example, then it would make you look guilty. The fact you aren't revealing your character name made me immediately think you're holding it back because you know how suspicious it will make you look. Which is why I want to hear it.


Bullshit. Diageo is Darth Vader for Christ's sake, and you were 5 minutes ago claiming you are almost sure he is town. So being a shady character doesn't affect your judgement on ultimately whether you think they're mafia or not.



Are you saying that both me and Diageo are in the mafia together? Or are you saying I'm a neutral? If you think I'm a neutral then 'anti-town' is obviously wrong - neutrals are 'anti-everyone', including the mafia.


Anti-town is not wrong. I think you are both anti-town, but you are also anti-mafia. Anti-town and neutral are not mutually exclusive terms. It just makes more sense for you to portray as town for now since you'll otherwise by lynched.


If you're saying that I'm in the mafia with Diageo, why didn't I kill with this made up power that you think I have last night? Or are you still saying that I was role blocked by Diageo - my team mate in this situation?


I'm happy to post the following as a single post for Animal, or whoever the lie-detector is, to analyse:


I'd be happy to see that come to fruition also.



Would you be okay with that, Sheikah? Would you then share you name?


Again, desperation for a name. So very suspicious. I have revealed a role and you have not. I am more open than you and I clearly have a good reason for not wanting to give you my name.


OH! One final, pretty important point:


If I was this Light character from Death Note, I wouldn't come out and practically beg for someone to give me their name. When that person died in Death Note- related circumstances it would lead everyone straight back to me. I like to think I'm okay at these games, and for me to get a character like that and then just openly say "I WANT YOUR NAME" before killing them would be so ridiculously stupid I can't even understand it.


With the Death Note you get to state the cause of death so the circumstances are up to you. And unless other people had pieced together you requesting names with a potential Death Note, I doubt anyone would have batted an eyelid. Loads of people are asking for stuff from people, so you asking for a name here and there is hardly going to arouse suspicion.


Vote: Diageo


What do you call a double U turn? Obviously, a W turn. You stated you were almost certain I was Mafia and that Diageo was innocent. So now you're speed lynching too it seems. Either way, your days are numbered.

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For the love of god just lynch me already. This back and forth between you two is getting ridiculous.


I'm guessing I appear evil under investigation and probably lie detection too. So don't be too hasty lynching Rummy or Animal tomorrow. Lynch Sheikah or Nintendohnut so they can't keep making preposterous accusations any more.


PS. Nintendohnut is definitely mafia. Trust me on this one. Lynch him tomorrow.

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Christ fine. No one else has joined me on lynching Dohnut yet even though he is lying through his back teeth. Then again half of the people in this topic seem non-existent. Just remember Dohnut's actions and lies come tomorrow.


Change Vote: Diageo


Far too much evidence and too many 'coincidences' working against you. Either the Mafia got lucky setting you up in an almost perfect way or more likely you are scum.

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At the end of this game, or when I'm lynched, Sheikah is going to be proved wrong. I will revel in that moment :) You are so convinced that it's almost funny.


Just to see if I can sum this up, Sheikah thinks:


- That I'm Mama Brickolini, as I said, BUT...

- That I have a power that is similar to Light from Death Note

- That I have been begging for his name in this thread for many, many hours so that I can kill him tonight.


Is this all correct, if a little succinct?


You also didn't answer the question about not killing Peppa Roni very well. You said that I wanted to appear town for as long as possible, but you later said I was anti-town. Which is it?


I'm still not sure you're getting my points, tbh. Do you think I would be so stupid to ask someone for their character name 100 times if I was Light from Death Note? That would be absolutely idiotic!


Annoying that Dannyboy isn't here. I'm pretty confident he could confirm I targeted him night 1 and had no negative effects. Where the hell is he? @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane

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At the end of this game, or when I'm lynched, Sheikah is going to be proved wrong. I will revel in that moment :) You are so convinced that it's almost funny.


This bit, by the way, is only the case if Sheikah isn't mafia. Which he probably is. In that situation they had several hours to cook up this whole scheme on their forum, along with a looooong theory about my being from Death Note, and then try to distract everyone for the day.


Just a theory :p


gmac didn't post, BTW. Sadface.

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You also didn't answer the question about not killing Peppa Roni very well. You said that I wanted to appear town for as long as possible, but you later said I was anti-town. Which is it?

I don't see any confusion here other than what you're creating. I think you are are a serial killer ie. anti town and therefore someone who needs to be lynched. But in order to not be lynched by town you are trying to blend in as town.


I'm still not sure you're getting my points, tbh. Do you think I would be so stupid to ask someone for their character name 100 times if I was Light from Death Note? That would be absolutely idiotic!


Oh yes, because everyone would know you had the powers of Light as a possibility before I picked up on it. Fact is, if I hadn't mentioned the possibilty people probably wouldn't have registered it. Everyone is asking questions about everyone else so I don't see a reason why you would have been picked up on. Light gets to describe how people are killed so there's also the possibility you could have made it the kill less obviously you somehow.

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Yeah, think we reached it. Think Sheikah's vote did it. Might have a quick count just in case Diageo is doing that mafia thing where they say 'oh damn you reached majority' when actually we haven't.


Do you read Death Note, Sheikah?


Also, if you were right and I was a neutral serial killer (which I'm not), I'm now out in the open. If I do kill, I immediately lose as there would be two kills during a night phase and people would know. So yeah, even if you were right (again, you're SO wrong) there's no point lynching me over Diageo.


Anyway, this is all a very clever way of distracting us from you. Who have your targets been again, Sheikah? I'd go back and look for them but I know you think it's easier to just post them again :p And you're claiming role blocker, right? And you're saying you're town? Just making sure I have everything together.


Can I also just ask a theoretical question (don't stay saying 'yeah but that won't happen' - it's just theoretical):


If I make that post tomorrow that I listed above (I am town, I am Mama Brickolini etc) and am found to be telling the whole truth, OR if I'm investigated tonight and found to be good, or am proved good in some other way, would you then share more about your character? Or would you still insist that someone is going to kill you if they know it?


By the way, please don't split this post up to reply to it, just do it in order please. I'll still see what you're replying to (you can colour/number etc if you think it is getting confusing) and it keeps posts shorter and pages less epic etc. I'll do the same! Thanks :)

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well I've just caught up with the thread there (was just before dinner when I was looking before!)


seems we've reached majority if my count is right? Are we still supposed to talk?


the evidence does seem to be against Diageo, with Rummy's statement plus admitting to be Darth Vader (Black Armoured toon mentioned in night 2 writeup?)


Sheikah seems to be off on a crazy tangent with a theory regarding Dohnut being a character who hasn't appeared in Lego that I don't buy into

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Yeah, think we reached it. Think Sheikah's vote did it. Might have a quick count just in case Diageo is doing that mafia thing where they say 'oh damn you reached majority' when actually we haven't.


Do you read Death Note, Sheikah?


Also, if you were right and I was a neutral serial killer (which I'm not), I'm now out in the open.


Yes you are. If you are indeed the serial killer, what would you do in this situation having been exposed? Probably exactly what you are doing now.


If I do kill, I immediately lose as there would be two kills during a night phase and people would know.

Yes, now you would. Which is why I think your role is now effectively nerfed. By all means, prove me wrong tonight.


So yeah, even if you were right (again, you're SO wrong) there's no point lynching me over Diageo.


Actually there is a very good reason and you know it. If you are a serial killer, you alone carry a night kill which can be extinguished in just one lynch. Several lynches are required to terminate the Mafia and therefore their night kill.


Anyway, this is all a very clever way of distracting us from you. Who have your targets been again, Sheikah? I'd go back and look for them but I know you think it's easier to just post them again :p


See, the difference is I'm not lying my arse off 'hinting' at information here and there. If you went back through the topic, you would find I have revealed my D1 target enough times (Rummy). On D2 I roleblocked Tales. Ask either, I'm sure they'll confirm. My character is not evil. I am town.


Can I also just ask a theoretical question (don't stay saying 'yeah but that won't happen' - it's just theoretical):


If I make that post tomorrow that I listed above (I am town, I am Mama Brickolini etc) and am found to be telling the whole truth, OR if I'm investigated tonight and found to be good, or am proved good in some other way, would you then share more about your character? Or would you still insist that someone is going to kill you if they know it?


I don't see what else I need to reveal. Plus you refuse to reveal your role, which is far more suspicious than me not revealing a name. I have revealed my role and targets and the fact that nothing so far has happened to me. The only thing I will not reveal is my name, because even IF you were town the fact that you suspect me means that you may be willing to screw with me, using an ability I believe is strongly linked to you requiring my name. You found out Diageo was Darth Vader but you were convinced he was good, in doing so validating 'evil' characters as being potentially good, so I don't see it being an issue even if my character was evil (which they aren't).


By the way, please don't split this post up to reply to it, just do it in order please. I'll still see what you're replying to (you can colour/number etc if you think it is getting confusing) and it keeps posts shorter and pages less epic etc. I'll do the same! Thanks :)

I will keep to the way that I find is most coherent and requires no skimming back to the original quoted segment in question.

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Diageo (7) Animal, DuD, Rummy, Tales, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Sheikah


Sheikah (1) Diageo


Majority is 7


The town gathered around the outsider, he was causing trouble and was not welcome in this city. He also could perform witchcraft - the only solution was to melt him at the stake.




Diageo is dead. He was LEGO Darth Vader, a roleblocker. He was town.


Night 3 Starts Now












The Peeps


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The kind lady didn't trust doctors at all. She had cooked an especially strong pizza in preparation for tonight.


She signalled the ambulance as it drove past, when it stopped she killed the remaining doctor.




Dannyboy-the-Dane is dead. He was Enter & Return and could protect others. He was town.


All of a sudden, a futuristic looking tanked swerved round the corner. The gun was aimed straight at the lady and fired.




mr-paul is dead. He was a LEGOland Minifigure. He could disguise himself as others. He was mafia.


Day 4 starts now.




10 players remain. Majority is 6.

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Well at least that's one scum down. Mixed feelings on this...if it's a serial killer then we are going to lose pretty damn quickly. I called the possibility of a neutral back in my epic post and was politely put down by Dohnut as 'there would have been a kill by now'. Clearly not.

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