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Gametrailers comparision video


What is going on around the 1:13 mark in this video?



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What is going on around the 1:13 mark in this video?



Slight texture glitch. It happens from time to time in many HD games. I've noticed it in GTA, Red Dead, CoD etc.

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Slight texture glitch. It happens from time to time in many HD games. I've noticed it in GTA, Red Dead, CoD etc.


Indeed but Gametrailers decided to put that in as a main comparison screen between the two versions. Fantastic journalism.

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I've only seen textures load like that in the older ps2 GTA games but not the more recent GTA IV / EFLC titles. More importantly not once did that happen in the the Xbox or PC versions of Arkham City for me. :wtf:

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That screen shot is lol worthy I gotta say.


It looks like an N64 game! Ha.


Fancy choosing that to compare the games haha. I'd understand if the game was plagued by this at every corner and it ruined the experience, but going on the reviews, it doesn't.


Oh and FYI - this is a fantastic game. I had the 360 version and its great!

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Indeed but Gametrailers decided to put that in as a main comparison screen between the two versions. Fantastic journalism.


Yep. It's appalling...Absolutely damages their reputation and, considering we look to gaming websites for informed, impartial information I find it embarrassing that they post such garbage. Afterall, all they are doing is throwing petrol into the fanboy fire in order to generate views. Instead of, y'know - offering something intelligent and actually worth talking about.


It's not just the games players who sometimes need to be more mature, it's those who write within the industry as well.


Also: Why were IGN complaining about all the reviews they have to get through if all they've done is attach a soundbite to their existing PS3/360 reviews?


Hardly seems like they've given these games any in-depth coverage. I 'look forward' to their BLOPS2 and AC3 reviews with 30seconds of additional content which states if the gamepad usage is good or not. (Which then doesn't say in comparison to doing the same actions on the PS3/360. Talk about rushing reviews out.

Edited by tapedeck
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This was one of the most impressive games I tried at the PlayExpo. It looked fantatstic then and I'm glad it's turned out well. Unlike IGN i loved using the gamepad as the all-purpose Bat-gadget! Kudos to Rocksteady for delivering a great port with added refinements, while others have botched it.

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Yep. It's appalling...Absolutely damages their reputation and, considering we look to gaming websites for informed, impartial information I find it embarrassing that they post such garbage. Afterall, all they are doing is throwing petrol into the fanboy fire in order to generate views. Instead of, y'know - offering something intelligent and actually worth talking about.


It's not just the games players who sometimes need to be more mature, it's those who write within the industry as well.


Also: Why were IGN complaining about all the reviews they have to get through if all they've done is attach a soundbite to their existing PS3/360 reviews?


Hardly seems like they've given these games any in-depth coverage. I 'look forward' to their BLOPS2 and AC3 reviews with 30seconds of additional content which states if the gamepad usage is good or not. (Which then doesn't say in comparison to doing the same actions on the PS3/360. Talk about rushing reviews out.

Yeah the IGN reviews are pretty lazy!


The Gametrailers video... is it really that much of an issue?

Are they not just highlighting something that appeared in the Wii U build that perhaps didn't in the 360 build? Yes it's a texture load glitch, so I guess it shouldn't have come under 'grahical comparison' really, but the rest of the video shows the Wii U version to look really nice by comparison.


Also yeah, lol at covering up Catwomans boobs on the Wii U, WFT!

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Yep. It's appalling...Absolutely damages their reputation and, considering we look to gaming websites for informed, impartial information I find it embarrassing that they post such garbage. Afterall, all they are doing is throwing petrol into the fanboy fire in order to generate views. Instead of, y'know - offering something intelligent and actually worth talking about.


It's not just the games players who sometimes need to be more mature, it's those who write within the industry as well.



I don't think its fair to say that in this case. in the video they stay there for a good 8 seconds, moving the camera about and the game still doesn't load the correct texture for the building. Like I was saying before, I never once encountered that in the PC or Xbox versions. if anything, its a good thing they showed it.

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Yeah - just watched the video. Seems like it is an issue. The way I read it from Jamba was that they were using that screenshot to draw in video views. Which is typical "controversial" tabloid journalism rather than showing other aspects where the WiiU version looks equal (and better) in some shots.


It all takes me back to videos that compared the PS2/XBox and Gamecube versions of games. And even though the GC or XBOx versions usually bested the PS2 equivalents, we all know what happened there.

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I called this! I said to people this game was going to be good. It looked hot at Play Expo and seems to have been pulled off well. This seriously eases my concerns after the ME3 debacle.

Congratulations on correctly guessing that a game that was released to rave reviews over a year ago would be good. Foam.gif

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Congratulations on correctly guessing that a game that was released to rave reviews over a year ago would be good. Foam.gif


Well actually this game recieved a rather large amount of negative press after being shown off at E3 and apparently not being up to scratch at several press screenings.


Then at Play Expo several of us saw it and it was really good. Seemed a polished game with good use of the pad and really good looking.

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Well apprantly the framerate is supposed to be borked according to people watching the Giantbomb live stream, Epic Mickey is even worse.

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Well apprantly the framerate is supposed to be borked according to people watching the Giantbomb live stream, Epic Mickey is even worse.


Yeah the frame rate got very bad in fights with street thugs.

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Well apprantly the framerate is supposed to be borked according to people watching the Giantbomb live stream, Epic Mickey is even worse.


I guess the Wii U just isn't powerful enough to run Wii games then...

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Well apprantly the framerate is supposed to be borked according to people watching the Giantbomb live stream, Epic Mickey is even worse.

Could be the stream having issues. I noticed that a lot when watching it

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With this, it was a case of I'd definitely get it so long as it wasn't fundamentally broken, but I didn't actually expect that it might be fundamentally broken, so I'm not enjoying this tense state of affairs.

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With this, it was a case of I'd definitely get it so long as it wasn't fundamentally broken, but I didn't actually expect that it might be fundamentally broken, so I'm not enjoying this tense state of affairs.


How did this game go from getting a 95% (can't remember who scored it that?.... and I've not seen other reviews of it...) to being "fundamentally broken"?

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That 9.5 IGN review is literally the year-old review of the 360/PS3 game - score and all - pasted into the Wii U section, with a paragraph at the end added in to explain the Wii U version (IGN seem to be doing that for all the Wii U ports). Admittedly, that paragraph doesn't mention any technical issues at all, but it does raise the question of where the complaints elsewhere are coming from.

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Admittedly, that paragraph doesn't mention any technical issues at all, but it does raise the question of where the complaints elsewhere are coming from.

They all seem to originate from GiantBomb's live feed. People commenting on the video with such choice phrases as "the framerate just shat itself" and "OMG THIS LOOKS F*@%ING HORRIBLE".

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They all seem to originate from GiantBomb's live feed. People commenting on the video with such choice phrases as "the framerate just shat itself" and "OMG THIS LOOKS F*@%ING HORRIBLE".

That stream was having frame rate issues anyway since it had thousands of people on it so

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How the hell people can judge a game's graphics on a stuttering live feed is beyond me.


In the world of the Internet, EVERYTHING is possible!

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