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Is Nintendo About to go a Generation Down Already?

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I wonder to myself if Nintendo could have stuck with the Wii longer, maybe for a year or two. Then, they could have had a machine that would be closer in line with the next versions of the Xbox and Playstation.


I thought I was ready for the next Nintendo machine, but after seeing what is likely to be available at launch, I could easily see myself sticking with the Wii for a while longer yet.

You are right, but the Wii U launch line-up is gradually going to get stronger I feel.


Shooters may not interest everyone (they don't really me), but if Nintendo can secure COD and maybe the new 007 Legends game and Medal of Honor the line-up would instantly seem a lot stronger.


I still think there's a strong chance the Retro game will be out before Christmas aswell, and that title alone has the potential to singlehandedly shift the console depending on what it is.

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Aye, sounds brilliant, I'm sure the Nintendo staff will be leaening as much as they can and reporting back to HQ. Now, imagine they somehow squeeze some AA out of it as well, it would put all the tech speak to rest... for a while, anyway.


Funny how quickly Gearbox's comments are forgotten too after the arse E3. I think the U will be sound as a pound this gen; my spider sense is tingling.. It's just that it needs to show it with something quickly, lure ps3/xbox fans itching for new hardware over and bring 3rd party development over with them.


That wont happen, the eDRAM size is too small for 1080p with AA. I suppose it's always possible that they could use post processing AA though (MLAA or FXAA)

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Very good posts there from GAF


I think people expected the launch games to look noticeably better than current ps360 games and were very disappointed when they looked on par, without considering the constant changing dev kits so devs had to down grade their games to keep them inline with the flux. Not to mention Launch ps3 and 360 games look terrible compared to current ps3 and 360 games, as developers have become familiar with console - if launch games look as good as current games in 5 years time they should look spectacular, i can only imagine fist party games launched in 2013/14


The more i consider the WiiU with a level head, the more i want one ASAP

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I wonder to myself if Nintendo could have stuck with the Wii longer, maybe for a year or two. Then, they could have had a machine that would be closer in line with the next versions of the Xbox and Playstation.


I thought I was ready for the next Nintendo machine, but after seeing what is likely to be available at launch, I could easily see myself sticking with the Wii for a while longer yet.


But it wouldn't work like that. If nintendo released next year with ps4 and 720 it would still be as powerful. I lost think Nintendo NEED this year head start. Then next year developers know the system well and can produce better results, and it has an install base that can't be ignored...

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I think it's a bit of a shame there was not a "tech demo" sort of game like Pilotwings (although I can understand why there wasn't). To me, Pilotwings Resort is still the best best showcase of what the 3DS can do. Nothing else I've played has that sort of draw-distance or that sort of overworld. The volcano alone must have thousands of polygons to it, not to mention all the tunnels and such.


So like I say, I can understand that Pilotwings, F-Zero, WaveRace and 1080 are fairly niche, but they're exactly the sort of thing that can show off a console, and presumably don't take as long as a 3D Mario or Zelda to make either.

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Haven't Factor 5 still got a studio in Germany? No idea what they're upto if they still have.


There's some sort of holding company (that exists to hold the rights to their IP like Turrican - which I guess is also why it's still available on the VC!), but the actual software development arm is seemingly dead.

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