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So, back to college tomorrow..


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At the beginning of the holidays I promised myself I'd do plenty of revision and be prepared for my exams at the end of the month. 5 days ago the situation was bad, I hadn't considered revision. Every day since I'd passed it off. Here I sit now, feeling guilty that I haven't done revision. So I still have 18 days at least to do some, but why the hell do I feel guilty.


Anyone else in a similar situation.


Lets hope I don't have any mock exams tomorrow, or I am screwed.

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I go back on Thursday to college, and I did plan to finish two assignments and do a few pieces for my portfolio. Only managed to do one piece for the portfolio........and damn, this Christmas break has gone by far too quickly.


Good luck with your mocks aswell you lot. :smile:

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Only ever once had a January exam and I think I was in the same sitch. On a year's break now but when I go to uni its all coursework so in other words....haha :P


Good luck though. Im sure you're not alone. I bet 90% of people wouldn't have revised.

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I have an ICT exam on the 13th, and a psychology exam around the same time. Totally screwed. Still, our teacher never bothered to email us the extra notes, mine are kinda not so good. Not back until wednesday though, which means I miss the history lesson I don't like, and instead have the new history teacher, and the legendary history teacher.

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Physics A Level 20th. I'll probably scrape an E.

Electronics and Computing on the 24th, I should be able to do enough revision for them. And get good grades.


Just looked at my planner thing, and it says on one page term bgeins tomorrow on a different one it says wednesday, now I'm royalling confused.


Thanks for making me feel less guilty guys.

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Wednesday for me. I have two AS module exams this month; Maths on the 10th and Politics on the 11th. I've done some revision, but not nearly enough. This next ten days is going to be heavy. And then to add to my woes, I have the first draft of a piece of English Lit coursework due for the 18th, and I've yet to start it. What a nice, relaxing start to the year.

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I just finished school a couple of months ago and managed to stumble through the exams and come out ok. I had the best of intentions and was going to 'start tomorrow' all through the holidays. I, of course, never did start and went into the exams completely unprepared, but, as always, they were over-hyped and fairly easy.


But that's Australia.


You European guys are probably all screwed.

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hehe! i got 4 a-level modules to revise for-1 AS retake and 3 A2 modules as well-havent so much as leafed through a revision guide in the past ooooooooh 6 months! whoops! gotta start chem AS and physics revision tomorrow-A2 exams in like 20 days! scary!!!


good luck everyone in a similar situation!

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