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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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This game is a massive disappointment so far.


Three times now I've played games and the Wii Remote has just had one big red cross on the screen forcing me to restart the WHOLE conole.


This morning I quit out all but one of the games I was playing as the lag is worse than anything I saw on the Wii!


You come round a corner and see someone, you raise your gun and start firing only to drop dead. When you watch the killcam you never got a shot off. It's a farce.


The whole thing is made even worse by the idiotic spawns. In TDM players spawn on their team mates. This is a terrible idea. Every time you get into a conflict you're usually up against 2 or 3 people, and if you're not you can bet the other two are just around the corner because they've just spawned in.


This also has the knock on effect of the maps feeling very sparsely populated as the players are all bunched together.


On the positive side, the single player and playing against bots is fun. It's the multi-player at the moment seems to have the worst lag issues of any COD I've played.

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Ive had zero issues with connection and lag. Everything has ran fine for me. Im using an ethernet cable rather than wireless if that makes any difference.


Unlocked all the skins for my shotty this morning, so its now gold. Just need to level it up a few more times before it's fully done as ive already maxed it out twice already.

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Also, I've ordered the Turtle Beach NLa headset from amazon so hopefully I'll have that week so the game chat will work properly!


Ordered mine yesterday as well and its been despatched this morning, like yours.


Its just not the same gaming experience without headsets.


Regarding the game so far, I love it. Its so smooth, not come across any lag at all and I think I was hosting a few games.


Regarding spawns, yes, there does seem to be a problem with players spawning next to their teammates. Hopefully this will be fixed in a future patch.

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Ive had zero issues with connection and lag. Everything has ran fine for me. Im using an ethernet cable rather than wireless if that makes any difference.


Unlocked all the skins for my shotty this morning, so its now gold. Just need to level it up a few more times before it's fully done as ive already maxed it out twice already.


Clearly I spoke too soon as it just booted me from the match. :(

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Just something to take note of guys if you don't already know... when you look for a match online, when you click "Find Match", before choosing the game type there is the option to choose your search preferences, ie: search for best connection. The option is just at the bottom right.

I'd recommend setting it to "Best" to get the most out of the game.

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I had much better connections this afternoon. I had good connections yesterday, but this morning they were just appalling and it ruined it for me!


I still find though I watch the odd killcam only to see from someone else's perspective I barely got a shot off where as I clearly remember pumping out half a clip before I perished!


The spawns do make for a frustrating game though, when I clear out an area I like to know it's safe to move on, but because of the spawns I find myself clearing out an area only to die due to someone spawning in behind me just before I killed the last enemy!

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after skipping the last two COD's I got back on board with Blops 2. did bit of single player first of all, for me it still tedious and very doubtful i will bother with it. The frame-rate towards the end of the first mission in Angola gets so bad!!


played some multi and yeah it enjoyable but still just a okay @ the moment. Kinda wish I picked up Halo 4 instead if I being honest.


Taken me a while to get use to COD again plus using the gamepad is so different coming from 360 pad.

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Have you changed the button layout to classic?

Btw, you guys got Pro Controller? I found that to be my preferred controller, just ahead of the GamePad. They're both very comfortable to play with and you get use to it pretty quickly.


I keep meaning to change the button layout as they are different to the 360 version. I keep reloading when I want to jump and crouching when I want to do something else. :D

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Have you changed the button layout to classic?

Btw, you guys got Pro Controller? I found that to be my preferred controller, just ahead of the GamePad. They're both very comfortable to play with and you get use to it pretty quickly.


thanks! didnt know i could change the buttons.

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Tried a bit of the campaigne last night before I went to bed. Mainly to test gamepad play. Brought the gamepad to bed with me and played the campaigne on it in bed :D

Gotta say the gamepad produces one hell of a picture!


Didn't play much though.... up to finding Woods in the container. (I can't even remember much of what happened in BO 1 so can't even remember who the characters are or what happened to them :heh:)


Also didn't bring the Wiimote with me so had to use the dual sticks on pad which was annoying :heh:

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Had some good games with Lost this afternoon. We had a yank in with us and it was like I was stalking him because I was constantly killing him. He wasnt best pleased.


Why are people on here playing this alone when others are online? I bought this to get involved with the N-E community, not play with one or two of you. :(

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Why are people on here playing this alone when others are online? I bought this to get involved with the N-E community, not play with one or two of you. :(


This is starting to annoy me as well. Zechs and Dazzybee were both on playing TDM and ignored my game invites and messages.

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Had some good games with Lost this afternoon. We had a yank in with us and it was like I was stalking him because I was constantly killing him. He wasnt best pleased.


Why are people on here playing this alone when others are online? I bought this to get involved with the N-E community, not play with one or two of you. :(


Guilty as charged on this, in my defence have been trying to get to grips with COD again and the controls etc, however apart from that time you joined me H-o-T I haven't with anyone else. So apologies about that, however feeling confident with my load out and weapons, and clan tags enabled too so going to [N-E] myself tonight, any one likely to be on around 10pm or later for a session this eve? Tho I still don't have a headset :(

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This is starting to annoy me as well. Zechs and Dazzybee were both on playing TDM and ignored my game invites and messages.


I never got any game invites or messages ( as far as im aware). I tried joining you guys though and it always says server full. Would love to play with you guys.

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Had some good games with Lost this afternoon. We had a yank in with us and it was like I was stalking him because I was constantly killing him. He wasnt best pleased.


Why are people on here playing this alone when others are online? I bought this to get involved with the N-E community, not play with one or two of you. :(


I had 2 or 3 games with you and lost, but after that I left and my brothers were playing co-op together online.

But there were times that we were unable to join your games, something like "Server full"

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I had 2 or 3 games with you and lost, but after that I left and my brothers were playing co-op together online.

But there were times that we were unable to join your games, something like "Server full"


Yeah they need to get that sorted. It seems like no matter if the game is full or not the icon still appears as if there is game is still joinable.

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Had a quick look through the forum, so sorry if this has been addressed, but when playing cod I can't use the home button at all, always comes up with the home symbol with a cross through it, and to go back to the main Wii u menu have to switch it off then on again! Anyone else having this problem, or know how to fix it? Thanks!

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