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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

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Had a quick look through the forum, so sorry if this has been addressed, but when playing cod I can't use the home button at all, always comes up with the home symbol with a cross through it, and to go back to the main Wii u menu have to switch it off then on again! Anyone else having this problem, or know how to fix it? Thanks!


As far as I'm aware you can't. Happens to everyone I believe.

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Is there a reason that I'm not aware of, why you aren't using the clan tags and also playing TDM's on your own?


Yes, I hate you all!


Not really. I've just not been in the best mood and have been struggling a little with some of the lag compensation. I've also not been really enjoying gaming as sadly I've been pretty ill over the last weekend.


I've had a throat infection which spread and I ended up with a nasty cold so haven't enjoyed the launch weekend. Once I get my headset I'll be joining everyone.


Had a quick look through the forum, so sorry if this has been addressed, but when playing cod I can't use the home button at all, always comes up with the home symbol with a cross through it, and to go back to the main Wii u menu have to switch it off then on again! Anyone else having this problem, or know how to fix it? Thanks!


Once you hit the home button it pauses the game and moves you out to OS and potentially the Miiverse. When you're online you can't do that as you're in a game and it would mean you'd be sat there getting shot.


Just picked this up, anyone fancy a game?


Wow, I genuinely never thought you would be on a Wii U COD thread asking to play with us. This is a first. However, I genuinely hope you enjoy the experience :)

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I've had a throat infection which spread and I ended up with a nasty cold so haven't enjoyed the launch weekend. Once I get my headset I'll be joining everyone.


I was very ill too!


I had a cold last Tuesday but it kept getting worse, I only started feeling better over the Weekend.


Hope you get better soon : peace:

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Wow, I genuinely never thought you would be on a Wii U COD thread asking to play with us. This is a first. However, I genuinely hope you enjoy the experience :)


Believe it or not I'm actually a huge Nintendo fan, I've owned every single console they've released since I was born apart from a Gameboy Micro and a 3DS XL.


I just really, really didn't like the Wii. If it was HD like the Dolphin emulator I probably would have, but the terrible picture quality spoilt games for me too much unfortunately. I'm loving the Wii U though.

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Go back to main menu then select "Campaign". After that it went back to the title screen and I was able to access the Wii U menu again. I only found out last night.


That's great tried it last night and worked a treat, shame you can't do it in multiplayer (as everyone is saying) but at least now I don't have to switch my console off! Thank you :)

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Woohoo! My best yet!




Man, there are some idiots on this, like really stupid people. If a guy is holding a position or camping then why do randomers feel the need to keep charging him head on? Go to the side or around the back! Crazy!


Myself and Kav were playing this afternoon, with Franklin joining us later for the pwning. I can't wait till everyone gets a headset for some lols.

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I have both as my only Wii U launch titles, both are fantastic.


It's a tricky one when they both have been received pretty well.

I haven't played a COD game for ages so thought I'd pick this up as a nice alternative to Mario and Sonic racing.


But with Zombi U also being enjoyed by those who have it I just can't decide!!

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Do you get a better and smoother connection with an epen NAT? As mine was moderate, I was having some great games but others where I was a victim of the lag compensation. I've not changed my NAT from moderate to open, I can always change it back as I know how now!


Headset still not arrived.

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Had some games this morning which gave me enough exp to reach 1st Prestige. Like Kav I decided to unlock Ghost as my permanent unlock.


I played some games with Dem0 and some bloke started calling me a scrub because of my shotgunning ways. I was tempted to put my headset in and hurl some back. Its a gun, its in the game, im good with it, im gonna use it.


*deal with it gif*

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Had some games this morning which gave me enough exp to reach 1st Prestige. Like Kav I decided to unlock Ghost as my permanent unlock.


I played some games with Dem0 and some bloke started calling me a scrub because of my shotgunning ways. I was tempted to put my headset in and hurl some back. Its a gun, its in the game, im good with it, im gonna use it.


*deal with it gif*


Shotguns are for scrubs - it's a known fact! I'd probably rage at you too. It's not that they're overpowered, it's the way the lag compensation works (which in many cases is broken) and in conjunction with a shotgun it's very frustrating.


There's been loads of complaints on all platforms about the poor lag compensation. It can see you going from 22-5 in one game to going 5-22 in the next with the same group. It's hit and miss.

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You don't see me raging at campers or people who drop shot. If 4 people who are huddled together can't hit me, its not my fault. Get them to sort their connections out. Also with me moving from place to place its easy to get behind where people are camping. Again, deal with it. :D


I've used the same shotty on the 360 and I never do as well, not even close. Ask my nephew who always mocks me for using it. :P

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I remember on xbox being a sniper fiend, and being berated for using, and I quote "a gun with as much use as a feather duster" The whole game room laughed at me when some chap came out with that, no one laughed when I got 15 kills with it next time around (high for me!). I admit I am a camper, as you may have noticed when playing with/against me, but surely its all part of the game, people play in different ways! And frankly if @Hero\-of\-Time wants to blow my face off with his shotgun, then I need to get better at camping and sneaking up to him ;) one of the things I love about COD, so many different ways to play it :)

Any one likely to be online later tonight, from about 11pm? Working from 2pm tomorrow so up for a late one if anyone else is :)


Edit: Also @Zechs_Merquise my NAT is actually set to Strict, at the start I couldn't join a single game on MW3 Xbox 360 unless a friend was already in it and I joined them, however it got better and now works absolutely fine on BOP2, and, touch wood, haven't had lag problems or anything so far. But then my tech knowledge isn't great, so strict may be a good thing for those sort of things!! :)

Edited by Kaepora_Gaebora
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I enjoy the game, don't get me wrong but this happens to me WAY too much...



On my screen, I've strafed and shot the guy, on his I'm stood still like a lemon, just like in this video! It's not right!

Other than this happening way too often (and people spewing directly behind me) I do really enjoy the game and can't wait to start getting the clan together once we've all got our headsets!

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You don't see me raging at campers or people who drop shot. If 4 people who are huddled together can't hit me, its not my fault. Get them to sort their connections out. Also with me moving from place to place its easy to get behind where people are camping. Again, deal with it. :D


I've used the same shotty on the 360 and I never do as well, not even close. Ask my nephew who always mocks me for using it. :P


It's most likely not their fault though - or their connections. It's the lag compensation which means that one shot weapons like shotguns can be infuriating.


I'm not saying it's your fault - it's not. But I would get mad too and probably pull the plug if someone was running around and always getting the better of me with a shotgun when I'd drilled them with half a mag only to find...


I enjoy the game, don't get me wrong but this happens to me WAY too much...



On my screen, I've strafed and shot the guy, on his I'm stood still like a lemon, just like in this video! It's not right!

Other than this happening way too often (and people spewing directly behind me) I do really enjoy the game and can't wait to start getting the clan together once we've all got our headsets!


This happens to sometimes several times a match. I literally had one guy that I put over half a PDW mag into for him to turn around, shoot me and on the killcam I hadn't hit him once! Yet on my screen I'd had THREE hit markers.


This is the only thing that's ruining this game for me.


The fact that Treyarch have made such a balanced and fun game is great. But the lag issues are something that is the foundation of a game like this - and the fact they're not perfect after such a large number of yearly releases is pretty unforgivable.


Please note though this problem is an all platform issue - including PCs which use servers. So it's not the Wii U, is the core of the net code. It can however be patched out just like lag shooting was eradicated on MW3 on the Wii.

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Here's another video where he's talking about the lag compensation...



He mentions how MW3 was different to Black Ops 2 in how it dealt with lag compensation which sounds about right given @lostmario's experience with both games (MW3 nearly unplayable yet this runs no problem for him).


I find myself in the same boat as this video, sometimes I'll have great games and everything will be fine and then in others I simply cannot kill anyone.

I'm going to have to open my NAT type aren't I? No idea how that's done though and it may be difficult given I don't have a PC or laptop! Haha

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He mentions how MW3 was different to Black Ops 2 in how it dealt with lag compensation which sounds about right given @lostmario's experience with both games (MW3 nearly unplayable yet this runs no problem for him).


Its not perfect for me, there have been a number of games where I can't win a single gunfight but its nothing like MW3 where every game was like that.


Treyarch are usually on the ball in terms of patching their games so fingers crossed they are working on a patch.

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I think the phrase 'Don't hate the player, hate the game!' is very fitting here then. :D


Plus if people wanna sit back and camp while I sneak up from behind then more fool them.


One match I had four guys standing in the same spot firing from a distance. With a shotty its easy pickings when you get the jump on them.

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