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Vote Jonnas - 6 ; Yvonne, Diageo, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Cube.


Vote Yvonne - 3 ; Jonnas, heroicjanitor, DuD.


Majority has been reached.


The remaining players gathered around Jonnas and a full on attack ensued. Feraligator was lightning quick...he almost seemed to anticipate every attack. However, one Pokemon was succesful and came crashing down on top of....a hologram? A small golden box on the floor had been smashed and started to spark.




The hologram faded, and the true enemy was revealed.




Jonnas is Cybernetic Mewtwo. With his cannon he can kill players and roleblock anyone targeting them. He can also only be lynched if all other remaining mafia members are dead.



The game will continue until a succesful lynch takes place.


Wait...is Jonnas still in the game or is he a joker with killing powers?


Anyway, I'll Vote: Diageo. His power sounds like an evil version of Yvonne's.


My power isn't, protect people from positive effects. That's just a side effect of my power.


A joker with killing powers? That is the most ridiculous deduction I've ever seen. He's the mafia leader and can't be lynched until the rest of them are.


Haha that's awesome :D


Ok well that should clear me once and for all I would think. I got a lot on tonight, but I think I owe this game some time, I will do my best to get some conclusions

A joker with killing powers? That is the most ridiculous deduction I've ever seen. He's the mafia leader and can't be lynched until the rest of them are.


A mafia leader who can't be lynched until the rest are is just as ridiculous.


Cube - Tracker

Dannyboy-the-Dane - Unknown

Diageo - Unknown, side effect of messing up other people's powers.

DuD - Unknown

EddieColeslaw - Some kind of investigator or something...not really known.

heroicjanitor - Unknown

Jonnas - Mafia leader

mr-paul - redirector

Nintendohnut - Unknown

Yvonne - Protects from negative powers.


It's not, it says "all other mafia members". Anyway, we know Dannyboy can find out other people's pokemon, and Heroicjanitor can look at other people's PMs.


I'm not saying you're not correct - I'm saying that both are ridiculous.


Cube - Tracker

Dannyboy-the-Dane - Pokédex

Diageo - Unknown, side effect of messing up other people's powers.

DuD - Unknown

EddieColeslaw - Some kind of investigator or something...not really known.

heroicjanitor - Can read PMs.

Jonnas - Mafia leader

mr-paul - redirector

Nintendohnut - Unknown

Yvonne - Protects from negative powers.


@Dannyboy\-the\-Dane, can you give us your results?

EddieColeslaw - Some kind of investigator or something...not really known.


I'm a protector who sometimes intercepts (not steals) PMs.


Think she was first to reveal her power, after Sméagol.


Already have, but I'll repeat them for the sake of convenience:


Night 1 - Nintendohnut - Golduck

Night 2 - Sméagol - Litwick

Night 3 - Jonnas - Feraligatr

Night 4 - mr-paul - Mr. Mime

Night 5 - EddieColeslaw - Wailmer (interference from underground Pokémon)

Night 6 - Diageo - Umbreon

Night 7 - heroicjanitor - Jolteon (Rummy placed fake PM of him being Sandile)

Night 8 - Yvonne - Pikachu


Cube and DuD are the only unknown Pokémon left.


It just hit me: Who is the underground Pokémon who pulled people under?


You cannot lynch me puny pokemons.


Ha Ha Ha Haaa




You shall vote ... D I A G E O


Or feel my wrath




Haha, this is great, we keep accusing people and they keep coming out as mafia...


Also this is the loudest most obvious bluff. Keep voting for DuD

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