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Six things rich people say

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Woah what? o_O Care to elaborate?


There's not really much more to say, tbh. It was disgusting. But my point is that that's an anecdote. It isn't relevant.




You're acting like a child who doesn't know how to debate or even have a simple discussion so I'm not going to entertain you.


You haven't even responded to Danny's Monboit point or The Bard. I don't want to argue with you because you have no argument, nor are you engaging with anyone else points (ignore my posts, as you should - I've barely raised any points because I cannot be bothered - I don't think you'll change your mind).


You know what, I'm going to apologize. I am angry. Your view makes me angry. I went to school with wanna be accountants and bankers. People who's parents actually owned skyscrapers in Hong Kong, got chauffeured to school in Bentleys. They blew through money like nothing and they felt they were better than most people because of it. And you knew, as has proved in recent years, that they'd 'succeed' in life because they were born into success.


You're views are simplistic and completely ignore basic socio-economic reasoning. Compounded by the fact that the UK has an abysmal record of social mobility.


Not to mention the article is clearly talking about these hyper rich people and is in jest.


I do apologise for my foaming-at-the-mouth-esque response. It's usually reserved for Tories and old friends.

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You know what, I'm going to apologize. I am angry. Your view makes me angry. I went to school with wanna be accountants and bankers. People who's parents actually owned skyscrapers in Hong Kong, got chauffeured to school in Bentleys. They blew through money like nothing and they felt they were better than most people because of it. And you knew, as has proved in recent years, that they'd 'succeed' in life because they were born into success.


Aside, did you go to school with a Ruari C-W? (He saw you on my Facebook.)

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What I hate are generalisations. Lumping all rich people together like that is not on at all.


These sorts of generalisations are what ruin lives


Again, please note that he does not lump all rich people together. At all. One of the six points specifically explains why it isn't about jealousy of the rich and how it's not an attack on rich people in general - but I quite frankly think that's obvious from the entire article, so I'm a bit mystified when people claim that's what he's doing.

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Again, please note that he does not lump all rich people together. At all. One of the six points specifically explains why it isn't about jealousy of the rich and how it's not an attack on rich people in general - but I quite frankly think that's obvious from the entire article, so I'm a bit mystified when people claim that's what he's doing.

With sensationalist titles such as the article, and constantly saying that rich people should stop saying this or that, that's lumping them together

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Is it too much to ask that the entire article first be read before judgement is made? Cracked is a humour site, first and foremost, and their writing will reflect that, but the points he makes are very clearly non-generalising. This brings my mind back to the debate about humour, about how it's important to focus on the actual opinion behind it and not the joke/humourous wrapping itself. It's content vs form again.

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First of all, do Cracked authors choose their titles? I've read a few where the actual article, including opening statement, directly contradict the wording in the title.


Second, don't judge a column for their title alone. If someone is arguing that "this is what the article says", you don't counter with "but this is what the title says"


Third, he's criticising arguments that are only made by people who are rich. That's the one thing they all have in common. Once he starts getting specific, you realise he also mentions personalities such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet in a better light.


It's only a generalization if you don't bother to read the article. In which case you are, ironically, generalizing anyone who criticises rich people.

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First of all, do Cracked authors choose their titles? I've read a few where the actual article, including opening statement, directly contradict the wording in the title.


I was thinking similar earlier today, but a different article. The article was called "6 Ridiculous First Drafts of Famous Movie Monsters" while the article was all about ones that had entered production and had been filmed, etc (one of them was even fully produced, then altered digitally near the end).

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