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Formula 1 2012


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smileyWaving%2025.gif Sebastian. That'll do nicely!


Enjoyed that race! Plenty of good racing and overtakes. Glad it was a dry one.


Really looking forward to the Hungaroring next weekend! Think we're in for a hot race there.



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Fantastic race! Absolutely delighted with that result, particularly with Vettel being pushed back to 5th! I'm amazed he didn't let button back through before taking him on the next lap, his tyres were completely gone.


Just a quick one on Alonso, what an incredible driver. The Ferrari was so much slower than both the Mclaren and the Red Bull in sectors 2 and 3 throughout the whole race but he just kept getting that extra tenth or 2 he needed going into the DRS zone, brilliant stuff. If he finishes ahead of Vettel/Webber at Hungary you'd have to put him down as a massive favourite for the title.


Looks like Red Bull could find themselves losing some pace after the whole off throttle row (again) lol.

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Sauber with some very nice points this weekend :D


As @Goran_3 said, if Alonso gets a good race next time round, and the closest contenders all drop again, then yeah Alonso would be going into the rest of the season as favourite.


Can't say he doesn't deserve it with the driving he's been doing this year so far either.


Lotus have to win one race don't they?

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Cracking race, absolutely gutted by Lewis' bad luck though, would easily have been competing for anywhere on the podium without the puncture. Another outrageously excellent performance from Alonso, if this year is his 3rd championship he's already earned it.

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“Kimi was rushing,” said an observer, “as he took a shortcut to the carpark. His right foot got caught on the fence and he fell onto a car. He cried out ‘f**k’ and quickly got up and going again.”

















In other news:









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Looking forward to the race today but it really is a case of damage limitation as far as Alonso goes. The ferrari is clearly the 4th fastest car and he'll be lucky to get into the top 5.


Chances of rain have receded so expect Lewis, Romain and Vettel to fight it out.

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Pretty good race, not a whole lot of action though.


Actually found myself biting my nail when Kimi came out side-by-side with Grosjean! Great stuff!! :D

Kimi's 2nd stint was absolutely incredible to close in on Grosjean and Lewis like that!


Great drive and win from Lewis today also!


2nd place in the Constructors is so close! McL 193, Lotus 192, Ferrari 189!


As is 2nd place in the Drivers actually! MW 124, SV 122, LH 117, KR 116!


What a brilliant first half of the season!! :D

This 5 week Summer break is always a tough one, but at least we have Spa to start things off again! :)



EDIT: :)



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I'm loving Kimi's return.


Hamilton drove a solid race today and he deserved it. I thought it was a shame Button was failed by tactics today, he questioned their decision to go to "plan B" the first time and they said scrap that, then they did go to "plan B" and he ended up behind Senna and everyone else as a result.


Hungary isn't very good for overtaking but the pit stops today really made the difference and it was exciting to see that, especially as H-o-T said above Kimi's and Grosjean's close call.

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Guys! Goron_3 needs YOU to help him win a trip to Spa! So basically James Allen (ex-F1 commentator for ITV) is holding a competition on his blog for people to win a trip to Spa. All it involves is posting a story about your favourite road trip and getting as many friends as possible to comment on it as possible. Those with the top 10 amount of comments get put through to the next round.


Anyway, I've literally just uploaded my story and I've started to put a campaign of sorts together to get roughly 100 comments on my story by next Monday. I would REALLY appreciate it if you could take just 30 seconds to leave a comment under my name on the following link (comments along the lines of 'Good luck mate' are literally ALL you have to put).


Anyways, here's the link: http://www.jamesallenonf1.com/2012/07/best-ever-ja-on-f1-competition-win-spa-gp-seats-plus-the-ultimate-f1-road-trip/


Scroll down to post 119 (or just search Anil), click reply and put a quick comment :) If you could get a friend to do so too that'd be amazing. it's very important you click reply before you start typing a message, or else it might not get posted as a reply and as a result just looks like a random post.


@Will @Retro_Link @Ellmeister @gaggle64 @Murr



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What's up everybody!


Thanks to everyone who voted in the competition :) I have an interview with James Allen at 4:20 to determine whether I'm one of the winners, looking forward to it!


(nervous wreck though)


An actual in person interview?... or Skype/phone?


Best of luck man, hope you win [so I can go]!





And in August Break news...














And keeping form even in through the summer break... Maldonado crashes during a demonstration event! :p



He probably blamed it on the kerb not recognising he was ahead around the corner.

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Oh I thought it was for this year!


That's great man!

Might have to get tickets next year too and join you.


Are you getting any VIP treatment?


Shit my bad, I meant this year!


Yeah we are being driven all the way there from London and back too :) Can't wait! We've got Eau Rouge VIP Hospitality tickets so hopefully much better than the grandstands at Silverstone lol. Yeah you should get tickets!

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Shit my bad, I meant this year!


Yeah we are being driven all the way there from London and back too :) Can't wait! We've got Eau Rouge VIP Hospitality tickets so hopefully much better than the grandstands at Silverstone lol. Yeah you should get tickets!


Wow that's great man! Well done for stepping up and entering the competition, I know I'm the kind of guy who never enters these sorts of things because I can never see myself winning them, so congrats.


Can I come too?


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Shit my bad, I meant this year!


Yeah we are being driven all the way there from London and back too :) Can't wait! We've got Eau Rouge VIP Hospitality tickets so hopefully much better than the grandstands at Silverstone lol. Yeah you should get tickets!

Think I might know where they're gonna put you; there's this awesome little cabin/lodge up on Eau Rouge that I've seen youtube videos from... really great view... you might be in there.


Either way, you're gonna have such an awesome time!

Take loads of pics/videos yeah!


Is it for all 3 days or for race day, are you getting put up in a hotel?

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Wow that's great man! Well done for stepping up and entering the competition, I know I'm the kind of guy who never enters these sorts of things because I can never see myself winning them, so congrats.


Can I come too?



Brilliant! Thanks man :) Tbh I would've asked you but I'm having to take the girlfriend as she did loads of campaigning for me.


Think I might know where they're gonna put you; there's this awesome little cabin/lodge up on Eau Rouge that I've seen youtube videos from... really great view... you might be in there.


Either way, you're gonna have such an awesome time!

Take loads of pics/videos yeah!


Is it for all 3 days or for race day, are you getting put up in a hotel?


Yeah don't worry about videos and pictures, we're being given cameras to record vlogs of the journey and it'll all be on James Allen's blog :)


Tickets are just for race day..we're staying at a hotel in London on Thursday before being driven to Spa for friday night...do a day in Belgian (gonna have to watch qualy somewhere) before hitting the race on Sunday.


I'm having dinner with James Allen on Saturday :D

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