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Eshop only?! But it comes with a book that you can use as part of the game?!


In Europe, yes. I suppose we'll get a digital version of the manual. But still, no CD, no manual - I'm grateful we're getting this but I definitely think it should be £20.

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  • 3 weeks later...
So did anyone other than me buy this? its a nice classic beat em up style game like streets of rage etc and i'm loving it

the dialogue has lots of jokey references i noticed and ti really doesn't take its self too seriously.


Bought it. Too busy playing Monster Hunter and Luigi's Mansion to try this out yet.

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So I finally got it! It's awesome! It really is the spiritual successor to Guardian Heroes! :D


I've played through about 8 chapters and I'm loving it. I love how each character feels really distinct and the writing/characters is really funny so far (Love the Ensemble bros :laughing: )


The online feature set is also really quite robust and impressive, shame nobody is online though :( (speaking of which, does anyone know if the online servers are worldwide, or if they're separated by region? I know it's a niche game that didn't sell a lot, but the online seems to be completely barren which is a real shame)


Wish this supported local Download Play, gonna be tough to convince my friends to also buy a copy :(

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You can play online co op?!


Online co-op and versus. Full lobby support with more or less every game option you could ask for (you can even have password protected lobbies - they put some real effort in here! :D)


Local multiplayer sadly requires multiple copies of the game though.

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Working on this for the review. Rather enjoying it. I didn't like some of the characters once I started playing with them but as soon as you get used to their fighting style it's much better. It's actually making me dislike Solange more since her attacks aren't as versatile.


Awesome way to cheat by rewatching the tutorials over and over and get EXP.

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did anyone else think Ali was a bloke until a later chapter where it was specifically said she was a girl......


currently playing through as Solange, she's a little difficult to get used to given her limited fighting, but spend the stat points on the right stats and she can be a bit of a tank

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The padlock on her chest was the giveaway ;)

It's true. If someone doesn't have a padlock on their chest - they're a dude.


C'maahn. Don't bullshit me. I had a vague hunch Ali was a lass but since the voice wasn't feminine enough and there was no rack - dude assumption.


Solange has a nice enough rack to compensate for it. I love Zozo though. She really sounds bothered about things... Here's a curse...

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  • 3 weeks later...
NA & Canada got a price drop. $39.99 to $29.99


Maybe we might see one soon.




I doubt it. The game was already released at a discounted price over here to begin with, while it was released at full price in the US.


They're just bringing parity between the two different prices here with this US discount.

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  • 8 months later...

Good news and bad news. The good news is that I've just paid full price for this, so I can guarantee it'll be reduced soon!


The "bad" news is that I'm really not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. I just feel that the 3DS is too low-res for the art style and it really needs to be seen in HD (which it was designed in, perhaps?) It just has that feel that it was conceived as high-res, but shrunk down (as opposed to the spritework in, say, Mighty Switch Force 2, which is sharp and colourful).


Gameplay is bash-bash-bash at the moment, but maybe it'll get better.


Massive file size, by the way. Overall, I think this is something that I'm going to regret having as a download, but would have been happy to have on cartridge. They really should have done a physical release in Europe.

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