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Guest Stefkov

i want to get something but tehre isnt really anythigng to get . however we did get Sky captain and the world of tomorow(what a mouthful) from Asda for a fiver. we wanted to get war of the worlds but it was sold out

i want to get something but tehre isnt really anythigng to get . however we did get Sky captain and the world of tomorow(what a mouthful) from Asda for a fiver.


i wouldnt even pay 5p for that movie its just so so bad :heh:


I got Prince of persia: two thrones, XIII and second sight all 3 for £29:20 which i thought was good.


I have a £10 HMV voucher but i couldnt find anything i wanted mainly because i need to get out that shop as quick as possible...that shop suffocates you.


Ill buy War of the worlds tomorrow - and have a nip into game for a gander on monday.

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