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Weight Loss & Fitness 2012


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Well I got Just Dance 4 and I was on it for hours. It used to always be Just Dance 2 since that was better for exercises (and better song choice than 3) but this has overtaken it with it's kick-ass workout mode. Made me sweat like a motherfucker! I will admit, I haven't really been on my best behaviour for the past month or so (I'm almost the same weight, put a couple of pound on so it's okay).


I'm going to find some other dance mat/dancing/weight loss Wii games and get them. I have a massive collection already but I want some more.

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I'm going to try to stick to what I'm eating on regular days. The only extra I'll intend to consume is a 100ish calorie protein shake. I don't intend to be gymming a lot, possibly 2-3 days a week :) and my fasting days/times wont be changing at all. I joined up today and my membership is only 25.99, I paid a tenner a month more the last time I was at the same gym, for the exact same thing... They must be desperate for members!


Coming up for the end of the year and they must need to get their numbers up!


Got myself up to swimming 1500 metres today. Made it one month now and I'm proud of getting this far.


Well done, that's 60 lengths which is a long way to be swimming! I actually went for a swim last night, forgot my goggles, and did around 30 or so, a mixture of full stroke FC, FC legs and FC arms.

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Aye that's very likely, and I think the leisure industry has taken a massive hit over here, not many can really afford to fork out for even a 26 pound membership.



I'm looking some advice from all you gym peeps out there. Wanting to get some sort of ready made protein shake and not sure what to buy, or even where to get it. My gym does some but it's like 400 odd cals, really designed for body building which isn't what I'm after. 200 would be more appropriate for me, as I still need to lose weight, 400 calories would nearly defeat the point of going to the gym for me!


I'm also thinking of splitting my workouts a bit more, like doing leg days and shoulders etc. trying to collate lists of exercises to do and wondering if any of you can suggest good websites for stuff like this?

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I'm looking some advice from all you gym peeps out there. Wanting to get some sort of ready made protein shake and not sure what to buy, or even where to get it. My gym does some but it's like 400 odd cals, really designed for body building which isn't what I'm after. 200 would be more appropriate for me, as I still need to lose weight, 400 calories would nearly defeat the point of going to the gym for me! QUOTE]


I have only ever used Garnell Whey Protein.


Total Calories: 128

Protein: 25g

Total Carbohydrates: 2.9g

Sugars: 2.2

Fibre: 0.45g

Fat: 1.9g

Saturates: 1.2g


Comes in several different flavours and I taste is pretty good with water, nicest out of others when I have tried a friends. But I don't pretend to be an expert on protein stuff. You can mix with milk as well but obviously you would add what ever calories are in the milk to the above and tastes nicer with milk...


All the prices have gone up though coz of some VAT increase. For example the website I normally use has upped the price by £8!!


EDIT: I just realised you were asking about ready made shakes sorry! I have never tried one but the Garnell one I use with a shaker doesn't take many shakes. I would assume buying the powder would be more cost effective as well.

Edited by Mike1988uk
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I'm looking some advice from all you gym peeps out there. Wanting to get some sort of ready made protein shake and not sure what to buy, or even where to get it. My gym does some but it's like 400 odd cals, really designed for body building which isn't what I'm after. 200 would be more appropriate for me, as I still need to lose weight, 400 calories would nearly defeat the point of going to the gym for me!




I've used that stuff before and it's good. It doesn't mix, or taste as nice, as the stuff below which I now swear by.




Shop around and you'll get it at a cheaper price. Mine was on special offer in the shop I got to (GNC) and was BOGOF for any 2 products.


That PHD stuff tastes really nice even with water.

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I'm also thinking of splitting my workouts a bit more, like doing leg days and shoulders etc. trying to collate lists of exercises to do and wondering if any of you can suggest good websites for stuff like this?


Try this, it's a guide that suggests excerises for 2, 3 and 4 day splits. You pick what split you want, and it gives you a list of muscles to work (it looks like a lot but the stuff in italics is just optional), then you click on the muscle and pick an exercise.


If you stick to compound exercises for the most part that should help burn more calories.



Edited by pratty
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Try this, it's a guide that suggests excerises for 2, 3 and 4 day splits. You pick what split you want, and it gives you a list of muscles to work (it looks like a lot but the stuff in italics is just optional), then you click on the muscle and pick an exercise.


If you stick to compound exercises for the most part that should help burn more calories.




Thanks I'll take a look!


I had my first meeting with my personal trainer today :)


Had my induction with another one of the fellas, he's a level 2 so able to do basic instruction and showing you the ropes, but he's not qualified to do full personal training. Pity cause he is lovely. And pity that I slammed myself so hard that I vomited in front of him. How attractive... Lol


But he recommended another guy and that's who I was chatting to today. He gives me props for my fasting. Said he tried it but could only do 16 hours max at once (but he's a lot more active than me as a trainer!) he usually advises his clients to start a carb cycle, as in going 2/3 days a week with minimal carbs. Because I'm fasting he said that is pretty much the same thing. He took a look at my typical eating and advised to take down the carbs and up the protein a bit, which I have to agree with. Gonna gradually start working on my eating days. I've just got into the fasting thing so I don't want to go guns blazing and change too much to rock the boat.


I'm very happy with the chat we had, I was pleased that he was not going to tell me to stop fasting and was useful rather than critical with my food choices. I know I've got work to do on my diet, and it'll get there in time. He was pretty happy with me because I knew all of the theory behind the different gym equipment and I'm happy to do anything besides a lot of running and I said I'd like to keep that demon stairmaster until I'm a bit lighter, which is really common sense. Gonna do some c25k style training to get my cardiovascular health up a bit. And it's easier on my joints than solid running. In with him for a proper session next weekend and I'll be going to him every 4 weeks or so.


And spinnnnnnnnnnnn I can't wait to do spin again :D the cute induction guy does spin on Saturdays so I think I'll start on the Saturday after my pt session.

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Aye that's very likely, and I think the leisure industry has taken a massive hit over here, not many can really afford to fork out for even a 26 pound membership.



I'm looking some advice from all you gym peeps out there. Wanting to get some sort of ready made protein shake and not sure what to buy, or even where to get it. My gym does some but it's like 400 odd cals, really designed for body building which isn't what I'm after. 200 would be more appropriate for me, as I still need to lose weight, 400 calories would nearly defeat the point of going to the gym for me!


I'm also thinking of splitting my workouts a bit more, like doing leg days and shoulders etc. trying to collate lists of exercises to do and wondering if any of you can suggest good websites for stuff like this?


Buy whey Protein from Holland & Barrett. It does be on sale from time to time. I buy it when it's half price which here in Ireland is €19 if I remember correctly. I don't weight lift, I just use it before I go running. It's good stuff.



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Good stuff, Diageo. :)


I'm completely wiped out. Did some tricep work yesterday, then back today (deadlifts). Sweaty me is not attractive.


I have a load of school work to do. So far, I have mustered up the energy to do all of the washing up, taking out the bins, making a cuppa, putting some music on...time for a bit of work.

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First run of any great distance today in a month and it went well. Little niggles with my knee and achilies have stopped me from doing my usual fitness work and it's funny how depressed and moody I became as a consequence. Went for just over an hour with no setbacks, will attempt the same tomorrow.

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My back is feeling pretty good now which is a start.


My eating has been pretty shit for awhile though, probably put a little bit of weight back on.


I have been hitting the gym though, weight lifting.


Will try and kick start some fat burning again soon, want to get leaner man.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, between 11 and 13 is considered normal for someone at 6'1, BMI wise.


My healthy range is between 9'13 and 12'6, think I'd be very happy at 12 stone. Considering I'm 18 stone currently it's a long way off but I'll get there eventually :)


at the moment I'm just focusing on getting my BMI down by one each time, which is about 7lbs a time. Nice small manageable steps :) I started with a BMI of 40, and I think I'm 35/36 at the moment, yay. (edit:35.9 as of yesterday)


Long term target is to get under 30.

Edited by Raining_again
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I have 86 days until I jet off to Singapore, Bali and Jakarta for 3 weeks.


That is 86 days to get absolutely ripped. Completely changing my lifestyle as of today (I would have started yesterday but I had already arranged to order pizzas with a friend :heh: ).


New lifting regime.

New cardio plan.

New diet plan.


Current Stats:

Height - 179cm

Weight - 74.5kg

BMI - 23.3

Bodyfat - Unknown, too high



  • Reduce bodyfat to 10-12% range
  • Increase muscle size


I will be posting weekly updates here on my weight and bodyfat so I can keep a record of it. I'm not expecting weight to change all that much as muscle size will be increasing at the same time if all goes to plan.


Week 1:


Monday: Back and biceps + abs, 42 minute cycle (one episode of The Walking Dead) - 20km+

Tuesday: Chest and triceps + abs

Wednesday: Spin

Thursday: Shoulders and legs

Friday: Swim (front crawl), various drills, ~1.5km


Sunday: Whole body workout, sweating out booze, one set of each major muscle group. If there is energy, do another set of each.

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Been having a bad week weight wise this week. I weigh myself daily but record losses on a weekly basis. I'm currently up by 1.7lbs as of this morning!!! I've not done anything different either. :( but yeah think I'm having tummy troubles, and got my women thingy too, double retention whammy!! Official weigh in is tomorrow, need the whooshie fairy to come overnight lol


Was very close to throwing my fancy pants wifi scales out of the window this morning... But I do feel slimmer so they can go to pot. :) as we Brits say, keep calm and carry on :)


Also I started my fast at5 today, have a whole heap of sweets in front of me and it isn't bothering me in the slightest. Normally I'd have eaten them and more (4x nerds, 3x polos, 6 x milky bars, crunchie) that's a fucking spectacular thing for me. I used to be such a demon to chocolate and crap, couldn't have even looked at it on a diet. My insulin levels are normal, so much so that I nearly never crave crap, even on my woman thing ;) my blood pressure has gone down 30 units both ways, was 130/85, now around the 100/65 mark! They don't think the drop in bp is from my meds after all, just the loss in weight!!!

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