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Weight Loss & Fitness 2012


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That's very akin to couch to 5k and possibly the best kind of running training you can do. :-)


It is and it works very well for whatever you want to achieve whether it be weightless or increasing your VO2. The only kind of catch is you need a decent level of fitness to be able to doing it effectively.

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I gained 1lb but it's okay, I kind of expected it. I couldn't do a lot of exercise this week because of my illness and I ate some chocolate cake since it was my birthday. No matter, I'll soon shift it! Right people, new target, before my next birthday, I want to get to the 14st region. It's doable! I just really need to get better because I miss running and weightlifting! :(

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I would like to get more explosive strength in my arms. I'm doing explosive pull-ups, heavy cleans (mainly with kettlebells but sometimes with barbells) and lots of push-ups, but do any of you have some other exercises to build explosive strength?

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I would like to get more explosive strength in my arms. I'm doing explosive pull-ups, heavy cleans (mainly with kettlebells but sometimes with barbells) and lots of push-ups, but do any of you have some other exercises to build explosive strength?


I think this is the workout you need.


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I've been doing the internal training for a little bit now and unlike solid state cardio, you don't necessarily notice such a quick improvement. It still requires a decent level of willpower to get through each session. That said, on Sunday night I went for a 10k run and really noticed the difference. it literally felt like I was walking round it. Glad the effort is beginning to pay off.

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I've lost another two pound so now I am 16st 6lb. WOO! My new target is to get to 14st and I really do think I can do it. I went to the gym the other day and did a bit of a workout. Not too much so that it would hurt me but I did a little and felt so much better. I went on the cross-trainer (which is one of my favourite things) for 20 minutes and then blasted some weights. I had to take a few breaks though because my stomach hurt me (due to that problem I have) but it felt so good. I've got very weak though, which is a sad thing. I really need to get better fast so I can start working out again!

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I would like to get more explosive strength in my arms. I'm doing explosive pull-ups, heavy cleans (mainly with kettlebells but sometimes with barbells) and lots of push-ups, but do any of you have some other exercises to build explosive strength?


Push press maybe?


I would have thought it would be good to compliment your cleans. You could even combine them but your press might limit the weight you can clean, so you might still want to keep them seperate.


Clapping push ups too, were push up quickly and clap between reps.


You could also try floor pressing with resting your elbows on the floor before each rep. This works along the same lines as the principle of a box squat, where you take out the stretch reflex by squatting onto a box, then standing up from a dead stop. So lower the weight so the back of your upperarm rests on the floor for a second or two, then explode up.


They won't hit the chest as well as a bench press because of the reduced range of motion but it should hit your triceps pretty good and you did say you wanted explosive strength in your arms. (Just remember to balance your pushes with pulls.)


Hope that gives you some ideas.

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Push press maybe?


I would have thought it would be good to compliment your cleans. You could even combine them but your press might limit the weight you can clean, so you might still want to keep them seperate.


Clapping push ups too, were push up quickly and clap between reps.


You could also try floor pressing with resting your elbows on the floor before each rep. This works along the same lines as the principle of a box squat, where you take out the stretch reflex by squatting onto a box, then standing up from a dead stop. So lower the weight so the back of your upperarm rests on the floor for a second or two, then explode up.


They won't hit the chest as well as a bench press because of the reduced range of motion but it should hit your triceps pretty good and you did say you wanted explosive strength in your arms. (Just remember to balance your pushes with pulls.)


Hope that gives you some ideas.


Funny that you mention it, but clapping push-ups are actually the reason for my inquiry as I had to do five sets of 10 the other day but were only able to do two sets before reverting back to ordinary push-ups. I've been considering some plyo push-ups to go along some clappings.


I don't like push press much because it strains my wrists rather much so I tend to just doing presses to build up some overhead strength, which I severely lack (my press max is only 40 kg, even though I can do a couple of hand stand push ups).


Could consider some floor presses - are you able to do them with kettlebells? (My local gym has a floor for crossfit training with lots of kettlebells but no barbells or dumbells.)


Thanks for the input.

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Funny that you mention it, but clapping push-ups are actually the reason for my inquiry as I had to do five sets of 10 the other day but were only able to do two sets before reverting back to ordinary push-ups. I've been considering some plyo push-ups to go along some clappings.


I don't like push press much because it strains my wrists rather much so I tend to just doing presses to build up some overhead strength, which I severely lack (my press max is only 40 kg, even though I can do a couple of hand stand push ups).


Could consider some floor presses - are you able to do them with kettlebells? (My local gym has a floor for crossfit training with lots of kettlebells but no barbells or dumbells.)


Thanks for the input.


No worries.


Yeah I don't see why you couldn't use kettle bells for floor press. You're best off doing one arm at a time as you'll probably need both arms to get in position.


To build explosive strength though you can probably do pretty much any exercise explosively, so long as you don't compromise form too much and more importantly safety.


The idea with the floor press though is to pause at the bottom resting your arm on the floor to eliminate "bounce", so each rep starts from a complete dead stop, just like the deadlift. You could play around with the same principle on other excerises such as rows and squats.


Job job on including cleans, explosive power starts from the hips and legs (why I suggested push press). I'd do cleans myself but I don't trust my form.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've decided that my goal now should be to lose some of this body fat. I'm pretty satisfied with how I've managed with my training this far, but now it's time to do something different. The ultimate goal would be to have visible abs.


I've looked at my diet and have made cuts where I think it's relevant. Being a teacher means that you are always being offered cups of tea, chocolates, biscuits, cakes, etc. It will definitely test my willpower.


Another thing is that I'm looking into this idea of supersets, to understand the benefits and hopefully shorten my working out time, but increasing the intensity. I've done some reading up on it and have just done some bicep/tricep work, where you do a bicep exercise and then a tricep one straight after it. So, barbell curls followed by skull crushers, for example. Arms feel like they want to die at the minute. :p

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I've decided that my goal now should be to lose some of this body fat. I'm pretty satisfied with how I've managed with my training this far, but now it's time to do something different. The ultimate goal would be to have visible abs.


I've looked at my diet and have made cuts where I think it's relevant. Being a teacher means that you are always being offered cups of tea, chocolates, biscuits, cakes, etc. It will definitely test my willpower.


Another thing is that I'm looking into this idea of supersets, to understand the benefits and hopefully shorten my working out time, but increasing the intensity. I've done some reading up on it and have just done some bicep/tricep work, where you do a bicep exercise and then a tricep one straight after it. So, barbell curls followed by skull crushers, for example. Arms feel like they want to die at the minute. :p


If you're looking at quick fat loss routines give the "Tabata" protocol a look.


You do 20 seconds high intensity work, then rest 10 seconds, you do this 8 times so it only lasts about 4 minutes.


It sounds easy but the idea is to really bust your butt during those sets of 20 seconds, if you do that 10 second rest seems to last even shorter.


You don't want to pick complex and techinical excercises though, because your form will be compromised by fatigue and the intensity. You could even vary the exercises you do from set to set.


You want excercises that use a lot of your body but can be done repeatedly without sloppy form. Good exercises would be:


Bodyweight Squats

Goblet Squats (light weight)

Thrusters (squat and press combo, with light weights)

Squats Jumps

Mountain Climbers


Sprinting (even sprinting on the spot)


The idea is it raises your heart rate and stokes your metabolism so you cointinue to burn fat/calories long after your workout. If you do a Tabata it's probably best you do it at the end of your workout because it will wipe you out, and you probably won't want to do anything afterwards.


You could ease into by changing the work and rest times, say starting at 10 seconds work and 20 seconds rest, and gradually change them by a second or two.

Edited by pratty
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Tabatas are great, albeit evil. Try also a push-up Tabata. That will surely test your arms! And sit-ups, planks, and.. well.. any simple exercise works.


Or you could also convert completely and just go to a crossfit gym if there is one nearby. Crossfit has really changed my view on fitness.

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I've gained 1lb which I'm not upset about but I'm a little frustrated. I really need to get my act together and start to lose!


I've been watching The Biggest Loser USA everyday and it's actually motivating to go out there and push so much harder after seeing people bigger than yourself doing the same thing with fantastic results. I always thought I did enough but after seeing that, I push more harder.


Anyway, on Sunday, I went jogging with one of my mates who goes to the gym four times a week and works out for an hour or two at a time. I don't go to the gym and use everything outside it and found that I could jog longer than he could. I was happy about that and we both made a little deal. He'd train me on weights when I reach my weight target and I'd help him run for longer. Good deal there but don't know if it's going to keep but still, nice thought! :D

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I've just had the best workout of my life. I went into GNC to buy some new protein and they were doing a special offer where you can buy any 2 things in store and get the cheapest for £1. Ended up with a big tub of protein and a preworkout drink called 'Grenade .50 calibre'.


This preworkout drink was incredible. I got up to the gym and was so pumped up for it! I did my normal back/bi routine with ease and upped the weights a bit too! The drink has a hell of a lot of caffeine in it (roughly the amount of a large Starbucks latte) so a lot can be put down to that, the creatine in it and the fact I hardly have any caffeine throughout the day so it gave me a huge buzz.


Can't wait to get back into it tomorrow!

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Jim and I have been eating healthy over the last two weeks. I am trying to shift quite a bit of weight at the moment as I gained a lot over the last two years... Finishing school, not having a job and moving out didn't help my eating habits. =P


But the last two weeks we cut out all bread, pasta, rice and potatoes from our diet (apart from one Subway before a film as we had no time for anything else =P ).


I have managed to lose 2.4 kg in this time, whoo!

Not done too much exercise though because I've been tired from work. But I've done some hooping and rope skipping. My entire body was hurting from the skipping!


Still have about 9 kg left to lose... And I got a wedding this weekend and visiting home next week, so I am sure that bit of weight I lost will be added on again quickly. =P

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Jim and I have been eating healthy over the last two weeks. I am trying to shift quite a bit of weight at the moment as I gained a lot over the last two years... Finishing school, not having a job and moving out didn't help my eating habits. =P


But the last two weeks we cut out all bread, pasta, rice and potatoes from our diet (apart from one Subway before a film as we had no time for anything else =P ).


I have managed to lose 2.4 kg in this time, whoo!

Not done too much exercise though because I've been tired from work. But I've done some hooping and rope skipping. My entire body was hurting from the skipping!


Still have about 9 kg left to lose... And I got a wedding this weekend and visiting home next week, so I am sure that bit of weight I lost will be added on again quickly. =P


Good stuff, it's amazing how much weight you can lose in a carbs-free diet in such a short space of time. I can just never do it as a I love bread too much! Pasta/rice/potatoes are easy but bread, no chance.

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Good stuff, it's amazing how much weight you can lose in a carbs-free diet in such a short space of time. I can just never do it as a I love bread too much! Pasta/rice/potatoes are easy but bread, no chance.


I actually lost most in the first few days, after that it has slowed down quite a bit. I am trying to not go over 1200 calories per day either, but that doesn't always work. Though so far it's going good and I never really feel hungry (apart from when I have to wait for dinner!).


Also bread... I freaking miss it. It is one of my favourite things ever and going through the bakery department in the supermarket is torture. =P

Going home will mean I'll be eating bread again as I just can't resist freshly made bread that my parents bake, mmmm.

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I could never do a carb free diet, I do and enjoy doing too much exercise that just wouldn't be possible without a decent amount of carbs. Carbs are fine as long as you're getting the right stuff, whole grain and all that jazz.

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I always eat whole grain, pretty much always have. Same with pasta and rice, we don't really buy the white version.


And I can't say our diet is completely carb free... I had a muffin today that someone made at work (mmm) and tonight we have to grab a Subway (whole wheat too) because we're travelling.


Though I imagine next week will be a carb fest as my parents love making pasta and stuff with rice and potatoes. And I'm gonna have to get Belgian chips! Mmmm.

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Have to grab a Subway? :p


Just finished my 6th consecutive day of exercise.

Tennis, Football, tennis, weights, weights, tennis and will make it 7 tomorrow with more weights.


Weight has increased to 74.4kg but bodyfat decreased from 13.5% to 12.5%. :)

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I find it easier to live on a ketogenic meal replacement diet than eat totally carb free on food. You're basically living on meat, eggs nuts, milk, cheese, fats, a limited amount of salad, and those weird carb free shiritaki noodles...yum.... I did atkins for about 3 days and the thought of full fat cream/fatty meat was making me feel physically sick >_<

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