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Cloak and Dagger Mafia

The Peeps

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I don't think I got redirected because ReZ already got redirected. And there was no target two people and whoever targets them gets swapped because no one targeted you Jonnas, except me of course.


So I think that Jonnas is lying about his target, and even if he didn't kill Zell, he should have said something about the two targets.


If however, someone did sucessfully target Jonnas, it would disprove my theory. So if someone was successful, please tell me now.


Vote Jonnas


The only problem is that he confirmed my target. He could have just taken a gamble, but that seems way too risky at this stage. I don't believe (yet) that he's lying.

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Right, I just reread his post :heh:


Anyway, Jay, what is written in the note you got, then? Like Yvonne said, it's probably untrustworthy, but it could help.

Surely you know whether its trustworthy or not because you know what your own power is??

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I'm not a tracker. I was trying to avoid this, but it's going to cause more confusion if I keep this a secret, so...


I'm a redirector. I redirected Dannyboy to Yvonne last night, only to be told my help wasn't needed because Danny was already targeting Yvonne, anyway. I even appear in the write-up doing this.


One agent was on his way to his target. He was encouraged to do so by another agent though it was not necessary.


This is also why I think that whoever forced ReZ to use a specific power is not a redirector. I'm already one, I'm the one who redirected someone else to the same target. The one who targeted ReZ must do something different.

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I thought that line applied to ReZ being redirected to Cube when he had already targeted him.


Your explanation does fit it better though, as theres no mention or a power swap.


Still.. either Jay or Jonnas is lying, or someone else is involved to give Jay false information. Or maybe from The Peeps info on the night maybe 2 people were involved in Jay ending up with false information??

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Im still quite confused, at the moment mostly by jay's previous posts, then his change in tone, yet I don't actually understand what changed after his post about 'I THINK THERE MAY BE A PLAYER HERE WHO IS ABLE TO MAKE OTHER PEOPLE POST SPECIFIC THINGS.' or rather how. I understand if it was an misinterpretation on his part, but I didn't quite see how he came to the wrong conclusion?


My post doesn't quite make my point. My point is, jay said I THINK THERE MAY BE A PLAYER HERE WHO IS ABLE TO MAKE OTHER PEOPLE POST SPECIFIC THINGS, but then said there isn't, but has explained why there either isn't, or why he thought it in the first place. Which makes me wonder as to whether or not, there really still is!

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I got a note saying that someone can manipulate posts, but I thought I was going to be manipulated, so I tried to warn you before the manipulator struck, but I totally manipulisinterpreted.


Like, my bad. I'm dumb. Eh, back to the game, the info on Jonnas is my investigation, the other thingy is the note I received.

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I think for now, I am willing to give Jonnas the benefit of the doubt - his claim does fit with the write up more closely than ReZ's incident.


And jay, you crazy. Did your note say there was someone who could manipulate?


DOUBLE: My bad, would have helped if I read the post above mine.

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Still.. either Jay or Jonnas is lying, or someone else is involved to give Jay false information. Or maybe from The Peeps info on the night maybe 2 people were involved in Jay ending up with false information??


But why would Jonnas lie about not having the "enforcer" role. It sounds like a townie role to me.


But I am called "Enforcer" in my role PM. It's just that my power involves redirecting people. It's just flavour, I think.


Personally, I don't think there's any solid lead for now, though we really need to find out more about what sort of powers exist in this game.

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But I am called "Enforcer" in my role PM. It's just that my power involves redirecting people. It's just flavour, I think.


Then what's the contradicting information? Jay got


- You are an Enforcer

- A random PM saying that someone can make another player say certain things.


We have no way to confirm the second point yet, and the first one is correct.

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Still.. either Jay or Jonnas is lying, or someone else is involved to give Jay false information. Or maybe from The Peeps info on the night maybe 2 people were involved in Jay ending up with false information??


There's no conflicting information as it is right now.


But why would Jonnas lie about not having the "enforcer" role. It sounds like a townie role to me.


First of all he never actually lied about it, he just didn't reveal any specifics, and he even confirmed the "Enforcer" description. Keeping powers secret is wise in the beginning, especially since we've had people eager to jump on any player with a power that could potentially be used against the town, even roleblockers.


The only problem remaining is that Diageo's info says Jonnas targetted both me and Zell.


Then what's the contradicting information? Jay got


- You are an Enforcer

- A random PM saying that someone can make another player say certain things.


We have no way to confirm the second point yet, and the first one is correct.


Like I said, no conflicting info. You people seem to have a habit of reading things through too quickly and getting them mixed up in your heads. :heh:

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