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30 Minute Gamers YOUR community podcast!


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@Dazz @dazzybee and @Aneres11 who have both provided us with questions and taken part in the show. Without this great community @Mike1988uk and myself would never have met and we would never have taken this opportunity to create a podcast so thank you N-E!


However we are always wanting more, so please support us and help contribute to the show's continuing success. So please subscribe and listen and give us feedback!


Our podcast page can be found here:




we are also part of Blueprint Review:




our RSS feed address is:




out itunes page can be found here:




and finally our twitter is @30minutegamers.


So please get subscribing and if you already listen but havn't been in touch then what better time to start!



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I like how we have become some sort of gurus lol. @Dazz I thought you had a mate you were doing it with? One man show really hard to do in my opinion. I did a news round up one for N-Europe after one E3 and god it was a struggle no chance to much fun or anything.

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I did but that didn't work really, it kind of fell flat. I've been looking into doing my own show and I've even got some segments to do but I wanted some tips on what to do properly. I wanted to know what recording program was used and things like that.

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  • 4 months later...
Welcome back fellas just downloaded latest episode!


Pleased you're doing these again. They're a great listen :)


Thank you so much! Please let us know what you think so the show can improve and evolve and spread the word via twitter and the like!

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I am very happy to get back behind you.


geeeeeeeeeez I already took one bit out saying it was great to be back behind the mic but then thought that could get twisted as it's great to be back behind mike and then I go and put that in...

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Will very much listen to it later! Fanbase should be called 30 Minute Listeners, methinks? Probably something better, haha.

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Will very much listen to it later! Fanbase should be called 30 Minute Listeners, methinks? Probably something better, haha.


lmao I actually like it.

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21 Episodes... and the 3DS finally gets some praise from you guys...


I chuckled alot at @Mike1988uk response to if he's still playing Gears 3 Multiplayer...


Adam - Still playing GOW3? Multiplayer still keeping you occupied?


Mike - Yeah....... No Not really, Mass Effect 3....



Glad you both got into Skyrim after the blasphemy you were saying about it before Christmas :p My 1st playthrough was about 120 hours, started it again now and about 20 hours in.



@flameboy - Shouldn't you be addressing your other half as your fiancée now not your girlfriend?


As for the Game Spring clean sale... picked up GRAW2, Prince of persia, brink, Hawx, Resistance 2, Ratchet & Clank, Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword & Disaster Day for £23.


Game's loss is Shopto's gain, especially now they're acquiring GAME's reward's card system.

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21 Episodes... and the 3DS finally gets some praise from you guys...


I chuckled alot at @Mike1988uk response to if he's still playing Gears 3 Multiplayer...


Adam - Still playing GOW3? Multiplayer still keeping you occupied?


Mike - Yeah....... No Not really, Mass Effect 3....



Glad you both got into Skyrim after the blasphemy you were saying about it before Christmas :p My 1st playthrough was about 120 hours, started it again now and about 20 hours in.



@flameboy - Shouldn't you be addressing your other half as your fiancée now not your girlfriend?


As for the Game Spring clean sale... picked up GRAW2, Prince of persia, brink, Hawx, Resistance 2, Ratchet & Clank, Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword & Disaster Day for £23.


Game's loss is Shopto's gain, especially now they're acquiring GAME's reward's card system.


Wow you gt some good bargains there I was looking out for Brink and Disaster Day actually. Got plenty of others though!


Anyway thanks for your response as ever awesome thank you so much. I guess yes she should be fiancee although technically the majority of Indy Jones was played as boyfriend/girlfriend.

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Good ep! Did either of you guys play Zelda Skyward Sword? Be good to hear your thoughts if so :)


YES! I did I totally forgot about it until after Mike had left. You can be sure we will answer your question in an upcoming podcast...


By the way what did people make of the little talkie bit before the music?...it's always something I've wanted to include but it's hard to think up something that feels semi natural and a bit funny.

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Good ep! Did either of you guys play Zelda Skyward Sword? Be good to hear your thoughts if so :)


Erm, will save my answer to an upcoming ep as flameboy said... Possible Ep 23 as our next is all ME3 related.


By the way what did people make of the little talkie bit before the music?...it's always something I've wanted to include but it's hard to think up something that feels semi natural and a bit funny.


I thought it was amazing. :p

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Episode 22 is up!!!




In the second of our "live" shows Adam and Mike aren't at the rodeo despite Mike seeming to think otherwise! Instead we are exploring the galaxy with the crew of the Normandy in this spoilerific look at Mass Effect 3. Back to normal next week so get sending of those questions you would like us to answer on the show, e-mail to [email protected], tweet us @30MinuteGamers or find us on facebook.


We clearly outline when we are spoiling things the first 15ish minutes are totally spoiler free followed by DLC spoilers and finally we take the ending to task.


N-E mentions this week go out to an all to brief mention of @Cookyman can't think of anyone else.


We've still got peoples questions from last week to answer in our next episode but please keep them coming in and get involved. Apologies to those not so interested in Mass Effect but please download to help out ratings! If you havn't already please review us the itunes.


Also I'd like to just ask for a bit of feedback on one section of the show. We have the klaxon to symbol the end of the show (don't worry its staying) but at the moment we have the "you've had 30 minutes now round up your thoughts in 30 seconds" but would this quick fire section be better served offering up a couple of different features? Like a question of the week or deal of the week?

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Also I'd like to just ask for a bit of feedback on one section of the show. We have the klaxon to symbol the end of the show (don't worry its staying) but at the moment we have the "you've had 30 minutes now round up your thoughts in 30 seconds" but would this quick fire section be better served offering up a couple of different features? Like a question of the week or deal of the week?


Feedback Anyone?

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