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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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You keep trying to pull attention away from Zell and Diageo and onto heroicjanitor, Eddie. Call me paranoid, but if they turn out to be mafia, I'll be very suspicious of you.


And if I'm right...? :p


I'm serious about Zell but going by instinct on Diageo and heroic. I'm really not confident enough that Diageo is mafia to vote on him and possibly lynch the last innocent needed for us to lose majority.

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And if I'm right...? :p


I'm serious about Zell but going by instinct on Diageo and heroic. I'm really not confident enough that Diageo is mafia to vote on him and possibly lynch the last innocent needed for us to lose majority.


If you're right then everything I know goes out the window. :heh: I'm honestly banking on this theory of Sprout's so be true.

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Vote Standings


Diageo (7): Tales, The Peeps, Eenuh, Sprout, Dannyboy, Eddiecoleslaw, Heroicjanitor (+Cube)


Majority has been reached




October 14, 2:40 PM

District Court

Courtroom No.2


Broadcast Yourself


"It was Diageo! He must've been whipped in the night tha-*whip*AAAAAGH"


"That's MY theory, scruffy! Do not dare foil my perfect prosecution!"




"Irrelevant! I was not whipped during that break!"


"I'm believing you less and less, Apollo."


"Phoenix, are you sure? I'm not too confident, not to mention that Herojan..."


"Busty Fräulein, worry not! Unless someone bombs the courtroom we shouldn't lose majority."


"Ms.Fey, will you honestly listen to this...this...




...this air-headed fop?"


"...His gorgeous blond locks win over your adorable antennae, Mr.Justice. Vote: Diageo"


"Oh, come on!"


"Well, well... It seems we have reached a verdict!


This case is extremely clear. I see no reason for misinterpretation of the facts."


"Why do you always say the sam-"


"The court finds Diageo...








Pff...Yeah, right!"


Broadcast Yourself




"Guilty? What a joke.


You got nothing on me. I was involved in only one of the 'Mafia cases', and I was a lowly intern back then. I guarantee that you will not find a single shred of evidence linking me to the mafia."


Diageo had shown his true colors...besides purple, that is.


"I wouldn't be so sure, Mr.Justice. Perhaps one of your buddies will talk. Mr.Payne seems weak-willed enough..."


"Buddies? I don't know who you might be talking about, I'm afraid. And ReZ is insane, his word is worthless."


(Grrr...He has a point...If we don't find the remaining culprits...)


The Judge intervened. "Mr.Justice, if you do not wish to speak now, perhaps you should be arrested right next to Jayseven..."


"Hm? Why? What's the point?"


"I seem to recall something you said..."





"You shouldn't smoke! It would be hazardous to my lungs of steel!"


"I hear Jayseven is being held in a closed room. A few minutes in there and even your throat should start to feel the effects..."










Broadcast Yourself




MY CHOOOOOOOOORRRRRDDDSSSSSSSSS OF SSSSTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Diageo has been arrested. He was Guilty of working with The Mafia.


"Well done! We have earned ourselves a 20-minute recess, I think!"




Remaining Players (12):












-The Peeps



The 7th Break will now begin

Edited by Jonnas
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October 14, 3:00 PM

District Court

Courtroom No.2


"We must now resume the trial. Ironically enough, Diageo's yells of panic managed to break his 'Chords of Steel' and he can't answer any questions. We are currently treating him with warm tea until the situation improves"



(Just as planned!)


"We must continue the trial until we find the remaining culprits, I'm afraid. We may now commence."


Broadcast Yourself




"Yay, I'm still safe!"


"Oh? I almost forgot! Larry Butz is to be arrested."




"Buh?! But I didn't do anyythiiiiing!"


"Precisely! Do you realize how hard it is for us to conduct a mafia trial when there are people doing nothing? You will be arrested...on grounds of obstruction of justice!"


"Niiiick! Dooooo somethiiiing!"


"Don't look at me, the case looks pretty solid."


Darksnowman was modkilled due to inactivity. His alignment is still unknown.




Remaining Players (11):











-The Peeps



Majority is 6


From now on, due to the reduced number of players, Breaks will only last 24 hours. Furthermore, Courtroom sessions will now have a set time, announced at the beginning of said session.


The Court is now in Session 8.


The session will end tomorrow (Friday) at 23:30

Edited by Jonnas
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So I was doing my job again during this break, trying to make sure no one with evil intentions would be going through these hallways. While I was having a nice chat with detective Gumshoe about my job and the many wonderful things I've done in my life, I noticed a very shady looking person coming towards us. However, he turned around as soon as he heard my voice. I didn't get to see their face so I'm not sure who it was, but I don't think they had any good intentions. I'm pretty sure it was someone from the mafia trying to get detective Gumshoe arrested, mark my words!

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In other words, Sprout is completly unreliable.


I protected myself but no one targeted me. So I assume the roleblocker stopped the arrest.


Silenced again Sprout?

Nope! I targeted darksnowman and got an innocent result on him, Ms. von Karma. Typical..


As for what we have on Zell, he's targeted Yvonne (known to be a tracker at the time), Dazz (known to be an investigator of sorts), mr-paul (reverse tracker), Nintendohnut and The Peeps, and "coincidentally" not targeted anyone during the break that I was silenced and roleblocked. He also used a day power to stop people from lynching him last session. I think we have some pretty strong reasons to go for him..


@heroicjanitor, if you need to quote someone using their day power to stop them from using it, you can find Zell's post here, sir!


@Eenuh, Thanks, pal!

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@Eenuh, do you know if you shouted anything at this person?


Ah I'm not sure what I said to them or if I said anything at all, probably something about them being ingrates for not listening to a lady. Young whippersnappers these days show no respect I tell you, it was a lot different in my time when I was a young miss Oldbag and we still respected our elders!

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Right, I was asking because I heard the following and think it may be related:


Mr Wright was walking along when suddenly someone shouted "HOLD IT" and it sounded like someone was chasing him. Then I heard him flicking through some papers and then shredding something.


It sounds plausible that Phoenix here may have been trying to plant documents on our good detective.

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Right, I was asking because I heard the following and think it may be related:


Mr Wright was walking along when suddenly someone shouted "HOLD IT" and it sounded like someone was chasing him. Then I heard him flicking through some papers and then shredding something.


It sounds plausible that Phoenix here may have been trying to plant documents on our good detective.


I suppose I should reveal that I have been the one protecting Sprout recently. I only protect from arrests, so the fact that I chased someone away must mean they tried to plant evidence on Sprout. It's also lucky I refused to reveal I was a protector, since with Tales protecting himself all the time/Zell possibly roleblocking him Danny thought he had a clear shot. Here's what happened.


An intruder entered the stand, and I could see Sprout's photo in the papers he was carrying. I shouted


but they didn't seem to understand (Cube did!). After a while of chasing they vanished.


-Cube (Manfred von Karma)

-Dannyboy-the-Dane (Phoenix Wright)

-Dazz (Luke Atmey)

-Eddiecoleslaw (Mia Fey)

-Eenuh (Wendy Oldbag)

-Heroicjanitor (Klavier Gavin)

-mr-paul (Ema Skye)

-Sprout (Dick Gumshoe)

-Tales (Franziska von Karma)

-The Peeps (Miles Edgeworth)

-Zell (Gregory Edgeworth)


We're looking for a male who doesn't understand German, which means it was one of Danny, Peeps, Zell or Dazz. With Cube's testimony, we should probably lynch Danny.

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So it looks like I have a lot of explaining to do.


Yes, my day power involves stopping lynches. After all, I am a defence attorney. Dannyboy, just because you have that power too doesn't mean that one of us must be in the mafia. Defending myself from a lynch hardly incriminates me either. You'd have all done the same in my situation. I also had nothing to do with silencing Sprout. I only hit people on the head, I don't tie them up or lock them away or anything. Ask anyone of my targets and they will testify the same thing. There is also this gaping contradiction on night 5 when Nintendohnut somehow used Sprout's powers, but Sprout was apparently tied up!


Please believe me, I honestly feel that I'm being stitched up here.

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