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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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First of all, I apologise for being too late last courtroom session! I would've put down a vote for mr-paul.


I protected Sprout last night, but I haven't received any PMs, which means I didn't prevent any arrests (which is all I can do).


Eddie secrecy worries me, but mr-paul still seems like a very solid lead, and Sprout's apparently tampered result pretty much has me convinced. I'm more than willing to put down a vote for him, but I think we should get as much out of this session as possible.


Sorry, long day of journalism for me! We've got to be careful of contempt of court, guys!


I targeted Sprout last night. Eenuh and Danny did target him.

I thought they might be protecting themselves, so was trying to second guess the killer by going for Sprout in case they went for him instead of the protectors.


No idea about any redirection. I want EddieColeslaw to start being honest about what she's doing, she's being way too secretive about everything going on. Everyone else is out in the open, whether they are lying or not is another matter.


I'm a lie detector, that's my day power. The post I've quoted scored 2/5, or 40% A Lie. mr-paul is most likely lying about his targets.


I will post my past targets if everyone wants, but most of them are useless at this point because the people I lie-detected are dead. The most notable ones are Dannyboy telling the truth (pointed out before), and ReZ's last post being 100% lies (that's why I encouraged everyone to vote).




So basically, I didn't want to say in case mafiosos stopped talking altogether/only spoke neutrally, or in case anyone roleblocked my day power - not because I'm evil :heh:




My power is not really lie detection. If you are lying I will probably pick up on it but basically if the information I quote is linked, I will discover it. So if people talk about their actions at night, I'll get a clearer picture about what happened. Choosing to quote these because Dannyboy is saying Sprout was protected, mr-paul is saying he targeted Sprout and Eddie is saying mr-paul is mostly lying.


I think I have the best chance at finding out about mr-paul & Eddie through these quotes :p


and @Tales my day power is my only power. I had no target last night, or any night.

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Not sure what to make of things...


At the very least, my info suggests that mr-paul is not lying about his target. If we accept that he targeted Sprout, we know he can't have been killing/planting evidence because Dannyboy protected Sprout. So if we trust Dannyboy, we must also trust mr-paul.


Tales protected Dazz (strange choice if you ask me) while Eenuh and Dannyboy protected Sprout. It's clear that whoever the remaining mafia member is, they intentionally chose not to kill tonight.


My pm pointedly does not confirm Eddie's power but works on the assumption that IF what she says is true then mr-paul is likely not lying about his target. Could be a minor hint but could also just be that knowing other player's powers is not part of my own so Jonnas will never confirm someone else's role in one of my PMs.


Eenuh, did you say you protect against negative powers but not arrests? Dannyboy protects against arrests and Tales protects against everything. That's my understanding so please let me know if I'm wrong. Working on this information, mr-paul is likely telling the truth about being a reverse tracker too. In which case I find it hard to see where the definite lies are...


I targeted Sprout last night. Eenuh and Danny did target him.

I thought they might be protecting themselves, so was trying to second guess the killer by going for Sprout in case they went for him instead of the protectors.


No idea about any redirection.


Stuff I've bolded is stuff that is most likely to be true. Eenuh and Danny had already said they targeted Sprout so mr-paul has not confirmed his power here. The rest of the quote is speculation if he's town and just lies if he's mafia.


Currently I find myself believing mr-paul more and Eddie less. @EddieColeslaw could you share all of your results please? Unless something else comes up, I'll be voting for you by midnight on Friday if you don't share them :p

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I did say to be careful, and that it was 2/5, not 5/5 :p


My results: (I'm aware I could've made things look prettier, but I'm in a rush :p)


Day 1:

Voted no lynch.


Day 2:

lie-detect http://www.n-europeforums.com/showpost.php?p=1387223&postcount=57 1/5


Day 3:

lie detect http://www.n-europeforums.com/showpost.php?p=1389151&postcount=234 5/5


Day 4:

lie detect http://www.n-europeforums.com/showpost.php?p=1390694&postcount=330 0/0


Day 5:

lie detect http://www.n-europeforums.com/showpost.php?p=1391868&postcount=391 0/0


Day 6:

lie detect http://www.n-europeforums.com/showpost.php?p=1394240&postcount=545 2/5


Day 7:

lie-detect http://www.n-europeforums.com/showpost.php?p=1397232&postcount=696 3/5


Day 8:

lie-detect http://www.n-europeforums.com/showpost.php?p=1398734&postcount=752 0/5


Day 9:



Day 10:

lie detect http://www.n-europeforums.com/showpost.php?p=1400866&postcount=915 2/5




Please don't waste any more time and confusion on me, I'm town. Investigate me tonight, do anything you have to.


Argh! The "0/0" should obviously be 0/5.


Sorry, long day of journalism for me! We've got to be careful of contempt of court, guys!


I targeted Sprout last night. Eenuh and Danny did target him.

I thought they might be protecting themselves, so was trying to second guess the killer by going for Sprout in case they went for him instead of the protectors.


No idea about any redirection. I want EddieColeslaw to start being honest about what she's doing, she's being way too secretive about everything going on. Everyone else is out in the open, whether they are lying or not is another matter.


Also, if the bolded part is the truth according to Peeps, then possibly the bit about redirection isn't? Or maybe the bit about me (he already knew what I do?) I know it seems like I'm scraping the barrel for incrimination, but I did get 2/5 and not 0/5 - something in there isn't the truth.

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Why didn't you tell us about Rez?


Some of the days sound a little off to me, like day 6 where there are only guesses, opinions and assumptions. In lie detectors generally, isn't those always either ignored(so get 0/5 truth) or regarded as not true(get 5/5). And then there's the reason why you would investigate such a post in the first place. There are no facts.


I wouldn't been so hesistant in general, but Eddie won't have my trust. I asked so many times after she herself said she was going to tell if asked, and she didn't say no, she ignored me. I can't help but wonder why. I don't distrust the result, or believe mr-paul is not mafia, I just don't believe Eddie over course of well since the beginning. Her writing style just set my mafia radar off. There are enough townies to lynch mr-paul so I don't have to take part. I hope she's right then. If not, I better not hear any "my results must have been redirected/altered" because unlesss someone has lied(Dazz?) that's not possible. Tales out.

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You guys are making a big mistake if you want to lynch me. As Peeps found, I haven't been lying about what I am doing. All I do is reverse track!

I've always shared what I have, and if you say that I have become less active recently due to suspicion on me, that's down to uni!


Eddie's results on me seem off. It is easy to find truthful posts and say they were true. You may be thinking, if she was making it up why wouldn't she say I was totally lying? I guess to give her an alibi when I turn out good.


I am Ema Skye. A female. The other day Eenuh warned off an evil man, it couldn't have been me, and I successfully targeted Sprout and shared my results. Last night, I targeted Sprout again. Eenuh didn't warn anyone away and I was successful. In addition, do you think I would be stupid enough to tell the truth about my target if I had attempted to, or successfully killed? I would be lynched straight away just by association.

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My PM had no indications about gender. It was heroicjanitor who said it was a man. But we know there were male mafiosos alive at that point, so it doesn't prove your innocence.


I must say, I'm uncertain. There's no real incriminating evidence on mr-paul, but he's the most supicious we have (which doesn't say all that much). He or Eddie, but her story backs mine up and does make sense to me. I'd avoid answering questions for as long as possible if I were a lie detector, too.


Gah! This is frustrating ... I'm leaning most towards going for mr-paul, but it's more a gut feeling than anything else.

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As far as I can tell, we've reached a majority anyway (unless I've missed something), so right now it doesn't matter anymore. If he isn't mafia, then we'll have to completely reconsider our theories and our suspects, which is not going to be easy. At least not to me, as mr-paul is still my biggest/only suspect right now.

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Vote Standings


mr-paul (5): Eddiecoleslaw, Dannyboy, Sprout, Cube, The Peeps


Majority has been reached




October 14, 6:00 PM

District Court

Courtroom No.3




"Well, screw you guys. Everything I said is true. You're lynching me based on instinct, instead of proper scientific procedures! I'm a valuable asset to this investigation!"


*Ka-Tonk* *Ka-Tonk* *Ka-Tonk* Snackoos flied everywhere.


"...Ms.Skye, your words are more sound than your snacks. You will be given one more chance to defend yourself. The five who voted for you shall cross-examine your defense."




Broadcast Yourself




"As you all know, I can reverse track others, using PROPER scientific methods.


Members of The Mafia can also kill, I suppose. But, as Mr.Wright has confirmed, I didn't try to do that!


I know I somehow missed Sprout's would-be killer the other break...




But what if I didn't? It could've been Ms.Oldbag all along!


She targeted Sprout then, she targeted him now! She was the killer then, and the redirector now!"




"Oh now she's accusing me? What a fraud! This is indecent! Edgey-poo, do something!"


(Hmm...Why do I still have that feeling in the back of my head?)


"Mia, she does bring a good point..."




"Well, I know what I saw. She lied, I'm sure of it. Even if it sounds impossible, no matter which of her two powers she used, I know she was up to something."


(Two powers... Wait a second, perhaps...)




She targeted Sprout then, she targeted him now! She was the killer then, and the redirector now!




"What makes you so sure she's a redirector?"


"Well, we know she has more than one power! This would also go along with Gumshoe being silenced the other day, something we haven't seen before or since."


(Multiple powers...)


"However, Diageo used his power on her! Why would a mafia member do tha-"


"You know that means nothing, he could be easily faking everything! He turned out to be a liar, after all! Besides, even if you doubt his results, Kristoph Gavin confirmed this."


(Supergrunch and Diageo, sharing information...)


"It all goes well with the theory of Eenuh being responsible for all the odd things that happened so far!"




Broadcast Yourself




"You seem to have revealed something interesting, there. Remember how Supergrunch's info was filled with contradictions? How your own sister told us he was lying?"





For instance, when I targetted MadDog a couple of nights ago, I just got the following (...)




It was info on you[, Yvonne]!


I was following up Diageo's comment a while back, and it didn't really tell me anything new...






"Not Guilty! Your Honor, did you expect any other answer?"


"Furthermore, do you remember who Diageo had info on? This, coupled with...




Well, er, I found conclusive evidence on Supergrunch. He's evil, pals!


...leads me to believe that Supergrunch was in cahoots with Diageo all along! You, who defends evidence over instinct, should know better than to claim a man is innocent simply because he said so!"




"Supergrunch was part of The Mafia all along, wasn't he? This theory brings us to the conclusion that they were mafia members gathering information on her!


Furthermore, we can conclude that the mafia's numbers are reduced, and you chose not to kill in order to redirect Sprout!"


Broadcast Yourself




"...Psh. And what does that prove? Eenuh is still the only known player to have multiple powers."


"Known, yes. You could have redirected Sprout to yourse-"


"Well, that sounds counterproductive, no? More suspicious than it's worth."






"It's going to take more than that to convince anyone. Maybe if you had proper, scientific evidence. Or maybe even proper presence in court..."


(Grrr...We were so close!)


"Pal! Don't give up now! There must be something we can do! Like...like..."




"...Thinking outside of the box?"


"But...I can't come up with anything!"


Broadcast Yourself




"Of course not! Allow me to handle the rest from here.


Unlike Wright, I know how to think logically. What we need to know is why mr-paul would target Sprout in the first place. He wouldn't redirect him, no...All he wanted to do was do what The Mafia is so well known for:




Forging Evidence!"




"Oh *MUNCH* you're grasping at straws, now. We disproved that *MUNCH* ages ago"


"I do not mean your goal was to dispose of Gumshoe, that was too risky, as you well knew. I meant, forge the evidence that Sprout was supposed to investigate!"




"And now, for my actual 'trump card'. Quite a few breaks ago, something odd happened to me...




On a side note, someone gave me evidence concerning a blue haired woman (which is Tales I believe?). The picture showed her tampering with important documents. This is apparently a 'trump card' for this case.


I do not believe that sending a mysterious girl with an odd piece of evidence is a specific power that we only saw once! No, that was simply a 'test' of sorts. The truth is this:


The Mafia can send Fake PMs!"




"You thought Sprout would investigate you, which is why you sent him a PM saying 'Mr-paul is Innocent'. This plan backfired, however, as he targeted somebody else!"









"Check. Mate."




"So it was with that loophole that you tricked my powers! 40% was correct after all!"




"But she can't escape now! We have all we need to get a warrant, and catch the final member of The Mafia!"




"Actually, we don't even need a warrant! We just need to check her fingers for traces of gunpowder! After all, it was her who killed Zell!"


"Well, well!"The Judge had been swayed! "Now this is a proper Turnabout! Ms.Skye, if you truly have nothing to hide, allow us to make this...extremely scientific procedure!"








"You will find *MUNCH* nothing." she said as she...




...her fingers...









Broadcast Yourself











"Now that is a classic mafia reaction! Now there is truly no room for doubt!


I declare mr-paul..."




Mr-paul has been arrested. He was Guilty, and the final member of The Mafia.




Broadcast Yourself


The Trial is Over. The Innocent have come out Victorious.


-Cube (Jacques Portsman)

-Dannyboy-the-Dane (Phoenix Wright)

-Dazz (Luke Atmey)

-Eddiecoleslaw (Mia Fey)

-Eenuh (Wendy Oldbag)

-Sprout (Dick Gumshoe)

-Tales (Franziska von Karma)

-The Peeps (Miles Edgeworth)


Cheers to the victors!


Epilogue and Comments to come later


Also: Biggest. Post. Ever.

Edited by Jonnas
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Yayyyyyy! We did it! Well done everyone! =D



Also, that took a while to write Jonnas! Sprout and I had been eagerly awaiting your post after noticing you were replying to the thread... which took 3 hours haha. I kept thinking "He'll post it soon, then I can go to bed."... how wrong I was. =P

It's great though! Can't wait for the comments on the game.

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Yayyyyyy! We did it! Well done everyone! =D



Also, that took a while to write Jonnas! Sprout and I had been eagerly awaiting your post after noticing you were replying to the thread... which took 3 hours haha. I kept thinking "He'll post it soon, then I can go to bed."... how wrong I was. =P

It's great though! Can't wait for the comments on the game.


Tell me about it! I started typing this around 23:30 or something, but since I kept changing my mind on how to do things, I kept searching for sprites and old posts that I ended up not using at all! :heh:


Truth be told, I enjoyed running this game, even if I have mixed feelings about how weird things turned out to be (Turnabout after Turnabout, you crazy lawyers...).


I don't know exactly when I'll post the roles (which you are probably eager to see, after all, you weren't aware of what or how half of these powers were or worked), but I will try to do it as soon as I find the time.

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I'm sorry I wasn't much help, guys, but I'm so incredibly dumb! There, I said it! I shouldn't really win because I was useless and the fact that I saw past how to be useful will just haunt me for the rest of my Mafia days, most likely! Yeah, you heard right, on my last target (Cube), I found out how to be useful as his verdict come up as Innocent and I've been absolutely stupid. All it took was one word....one word!


Ah well, good thing is is that we won and all the baddies are in jail! YAY! :D:D:D:D:D


Oh, awesome Wright-up as well, Jonnas! ;)

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