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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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If anyone's randomly mafia it's Dannyboy. Phoenix Wright? No one would suspect.



Dannyboy, Eddie, Eenuh. All mafia :p


My dear Edgey-poo, why would a fine gentleman like you call me mafia? You're breaking my poor little heart!



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Yes. I know he is an investigator, because I redirected him one night and got his result that said Rummy was evil. The same night, Rummy died and was shown to be innocent.


As for Sprout - I redirected him last night as I really didn't trust Dannyboy, and I figured that there's no point redirecting Dazz any more, and I found out that Dannyboy is Innocent.


HOWEVER... I personally still don't trust him, and I think it's very much worth noting that there's probably a mafia Don/leader out there who appears good under investigation. So while it may prove Dannyboy's innocence, I'm not so sure we can take results at face value :-/


Sorry I didn't write here sooner - been at work all day!

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Yes. I know he is an investigator, because I redirected him one night and got his result that said Rummy was evil. The same night, Rummy died and was shown to be innocent.


As for Sprout - I redirected him last night as I really didn't trust Dannyboy, and I figured that there's no point redirecting Dazz any more, and I found out that Dannyboy is Innocent.


HOWEVER... I personally still don't trust him, and I think it's very much worth noting that there's probably a mafia Don/leader out there who appears good under investigation. So while it may prove Dannyboy's innocence, I'm not so sure we can take results at face value :-/


Sorry I didn't write here sooner - been at work all day!


Fair enough, I agree that we can't take investigations at face value, but may I ask why you don't trust me? I can't think of any immediate suspicious behaviour on my part, and it's not the first time you've mentioned it.


For the record I don't fully trust you either, what with your double vote and ability to redirect people, but apart from that you don't really strike me as mafia - the problem is that NOBODY really strikes me as mafia in this game at this point! If we want to get anywhere we might need to start lynching on hunches alone, and I hate that - too high a probability for disaster to my liking.

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October 14, 1:30 PM

District Court

Courtroom No.2




"Out of ideas after 20 minutes? Why, I never!


I declare a 10-minute recess. I suggest you eat those chocolate-flavored rolls in the cafeteria. Those can really open your mind, you know?"




Remaining Players (14):














-The Peeps



The 6th break will now begin

Edited by Jonnas
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Well remove vote.


I have learnt that your instincts Dazz, are always terrible. "Always" signifying that you get inaccurate results all the time. So I say you are a dumb cop. So try to target suspicious people instead of Sprout for us will you.


Ugh! The reason why I targeted Sprout is because he's another alignment investigator. I thought that if I targeted him, I might not become paranoid since this has happened before in Gentlemen's. That's my reasoning behind targeting Sprout!

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No, it's the day phase. Carry on.


Damn, do you ever have a day off from being a bitch? Honestly! I made a mistake, calm your tits! It's not the end of the world! I'll accept whatever punishment since I did break the rules but Diageo, seriously, chill the fuck out!


Dazz do you not read the thread before posting? You've done this like 3 times now =\


The day ending phase was the last post before yours!


There's several posts before the day ended and I didn't even see this post. I thought the page I was on was the last post but then when I posted my post, I saw new posts and realised that I couldn't have been on the last page.


As I said, my apologies. Honest mistake! :D

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Once again, sorry I'm late. The forum was down yesterday, and Tuesday's my busiest day.



October 14, 1:40 PM

District Court

Courtroom No.2


Broadcast Yourself

"Your honor, yet another has spoken incorrectly out of turn! Luke "Dazz" Atmey is the culprit, this time!"


"Detective Atmey, is this true?"




"Even though you seem to regret your actions, Dazz, the law must be enforced.


Dazz is forbidden from posting during this Courtroom Session. The majority shall be lowered accordingly."




"Indeed, 'Diageo The Snitch'! You have earned your reputation well!"




(Diageo the what, now?)


"At any rate we should be starting our 7th session, but it seems someone is missi-"


"Your honor!" One of the bailiffs had suddenly entered the courtroom "Chief Gant has been shot! He's being put on a stretcher as we sp-"




Broadcast Yourself




"These men are not allowing me to return to court!"


"Mr.Gant! Y-you have been shot in the back!"


"Why, 'tis but a flesh wound! I'm as vivacious as always!"




"...Mr. Gant?"


As if moved by The Judge's breath, Nintendohnut collapsed backwards, still with that cheery expression frozen in place, shortly before the paramedics took him away.


Nintendohnut has been severely injured. He was Innocent.




Remaining Players (13):













-The Peeps



Majority is 7


The Court is now in Session 7

Edited by Jonnas
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Pals! I wasn’t allowed to post last session! A man tied me up and locked me in the broom cupboard!

As for Sprout - I redirected him last night as I really didn't trust Dannyboy, and I figured that there's no point redirecting Dazz any more, and I found out that Dannyboy is Innocent.

Nintendohnut may no longer be in the game… but he did leave us this contradiction, pals! Since I was attacked and tied up, I never reached my target. I didn't get a text message from him like other members have claimed to have received, either! What this contradiction means though, I’m not quite sure, pals…

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Pals! I wasn’t allowed to post last session! A man tied me up and locked me in the broom cupboard!


Nintendohnut may no longer be in the game… but he did leave us this contradiction, pals! Since I was attacked and tied up, I never reached my target. I didn't get a text message from him like other members have claimed to have received, either! What this contradiction means though, I’m not quite sure, pals…


Maybe mister Nintendohnut did get some kind of information, however it is possible that this information had been tampered with by the mafia? So what he thought to be genuine information, could have been planted there by the mafia instead, seeing as you weren't able to provide the info to him...

Could this mean that mister Dannyboy is guilty? Or that the mafia are trying to make us think he is guilty when he really isn't?


Oooh, why do these young whippersnappers these days have to make things so complicated?

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Oh yeah Dazz, sorry for bursting out like that. I shouldn't have let my bottled emotions erupt like that. I shouldn't have shouted at you and I definitely shouldn't have gotten that hooker to rub her tampons on your underwear, so again my apologies. I will make sure to keep calm from now on.

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Oh yeah Dazz, sorry for bursting out like that. I shouldn't have let my bottled emotions erupt like that. I shouldn't have shouted at you and I definitely shouldn't have gotten that hooker to rub her tampons on your underwear, so again my apologies. I will make sure to keep calm from now on.


*ahem* Keep things civil, guys.

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Well, there goes the last person I had any real suspicion towards. :/ It's obvious to me this was done to make me look bad, but I can also clearly see how this looks from the other side, and I won't blame anyone for suspecting me right now. I'm willing to answer any questions people have to prove myself innocent.


Also, I'm wondering if we should read anything into the fact that Nintendohnut was injured rather than just taken away. Personally I think it's just flavour, but it's worth noticing.

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My main suspect is still Eddiecoleslaw, it's just the way she writes. What to do we know about her? That she gathers information in some way? What and how?


I don't have any new information. I guess it's pointless to ask again, but I'd still like to know who targeted me on night 3.

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