S.C.G Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 I'm making slow progress with this game but I'm still enjoying it immensely, decided to pay for the first three dlc quests in advance as it's a good price, regarding recruiting though... I gather you can recruit 'certain' characters from the dlc quests which I assume stay with you permanently if this is the case but if not then I suppose they only assist you on the dlc quest? Also those other units that you can recuit which arrive via spotpass, I gather that they only assist you for one map?
Agent Gibbs Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 for those who are chapter 6ish Reveal hidden contents do you recruit Anna? lots of sites say talking to her with chrom in chapter 4/5 side quest 2, and ive done that twice now and she doesnt recruit at the end of the mission, so i'm concerned to continue, did i miss something?
Ike Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 S.C.G said: I'm making slow progress with this game but I'm still enjoying it immensely, decided to pay for the first three dlc quests in advance as it's a good price, regarding recruiting though... I gather you can recruit 'certain' characters from the dlc quests which I assume stay with you permanently if this is the case but if not then I suppose they only assist you on the dlc quest? You keep the one that joins you after the quest, you can use them in he story chapters if you want, though I decided not to, otherwise the NPC allies that appear in the map are just for that map. Agent Gibbs said: for those who are chapter 6ish Reveal hidden contents do you recruit Anna? lots of sites say talking to her with chrom in chapter 4/5 side quest 2, and ive done that twice now and she doesnt recruit at the end of the mission, so i'm concerned to continue, did i miss something? Reveal hidden contents She appeared on the map as a Special Shop after the quest so I thought that was her "joining", not sure if she can be recruited to use in battle because she was pretty strong in that chapter and I've missed her.
Mr-Paul Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 Agent Gibbs said: for those who are chapter 6ish Reveal hidden contents do you recruit Anna? lots of sites say talking to her with chrom in chapter 4/5 side quest 2, and ive done that twice now and she doesnt recruit at the end of the mission, so i'm concerned to continue, did i miss something? Reveal hidden contents She joins in the next side mission
-Dem0- Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 Mr-Paul said: Who have you paired up with who so far then - and who do you plan to marry together? I plan to marry my avatar & Lissa, Chrom & Sumia, Sully & Stahl, Lon'qu & Miriel. Those are my certainties. I've also got some other pairings going on during battles such as; Avatar & Donnel and Stahl & Kellam. The latter of which has been doing excellently together, I'm mean they surprised me at how efficient they are in terms of damage given and taken. Reveal hidden contents
S.C.G Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 Argh! I just spent the past couple of hours trying to complete the first dlc quest, I think I'll just leave it andd come back when I'm stronger... annoyingly it's not me that ends up being defeated in battle, more my allies whom keep rushing into battle without being healed. Still... standard Fire Emblem I suppose.
Agent Gibbs Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 thanks for the tips guys knew i must be missing something not sure on parings for marriage, i'm going for Chrom and Sumia, Avatar and Lyssa, but Sully....i originally thought Virizon was meant for her but he's irritating the crap out of me, i might try and pair her with someone else there's so many options for marriage its hard to choose, part of me wants to pair avatar with maribelle just because. loving this game
Ike Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 S.C.G said: Argh! I just spent the past couple of hours trying to complete the first dlc quest, I think I'll just leave it andd come back when I'm stronger... annoyingly it's not me that ends up being defeated in battle, more my allies whom keep rushing into battle without being healed. Still... standard Fire Emblem I suppose. Eh, I just left them to die, they seemed intent on charging in. Don't think it matters too much.
S.C.G Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 Ike said: Eh, I just left them to die, they seemed intent on charging in. Don't think it matters too much. So the whole 'no death' thing doesn't apply to allies in these battles and doesn't affect your chances of recruiting them if you're victorious?
Ike Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 S.C.G said: So the whole 'no death' thing doesn't apply to allies in these battles and doesn't affect your chances of recruiting them if you're victorious? Don't think so I still got Reveal hidden contents Marth even though most of the allies died, can't remember if he died during the quest but I had like 1 ally left. You only get 1 new character from completing the quest mind.
S.C.G Posted April 21, 2013 Posted April 21, 2013 Well I finally beat the first dlc quest - after I stopped worrying about my kamikaze allies -but I have another question... when you have the option to 'Parley' with spotpass characters, you have the option to hire them for quite a hefty fee but I assume that if you fight them and then win then you get to hire them for free perhaps? Either way it's probably best I wait until slightly later on in the game before bothering either way I'm guessing... only on Chapter 5 currently.
Ike Posted April 22, 2013 Posted April 22, 2013 Well my current/planned paring are: Chrom/Sumia Avatar/Spoiler Lissa/Lon'que (or whatever his name is) Sully/Virion (Already married) Couldn't decide on who to marry Lissa with, thought about my Avatar but I wanted to marry him with a certain someone, so ended up deciding on Lon'que since I wanted to use him in battle a lot. Cleared chapter 8 which was the desert chapter and side quest 3 yesterday.
-Dem0- Posted April 22, 2013 Posted April 22, 2013 Just wanted to know if anyone is using Ricken? you know, that chibi mage kid. I think I'm going to try and level him a bit later on with some of my other stragglers. Ah, that also reminded me about Donnel, I've barely used him since he joined the shepherds and that needs to change asap. How you are you guys handling him? Anyway, Chrom & Sumia are now Husband & Wife. They had a funny conversation too! I'm on Chapter 7 now.
Ike Posted April 22, 2013 Posted April 22, 2013 -Dem0- said: Just wanted to know if anyone is using Ricken? you know, that chibi mage kid. I think I'm going to try and level him a bit later on with some of my other stragglers.Ah, that also reminded me about Donnel, I've barely used him since he joined the shepherds and that needs to change asap. How you are you guys handling him? A little, might use him if I can afford the space, he's been pretty useful a few times. Donnel is being a pain to level for me, he's too weak so he does little damage and tends to get x2 attacked so I have to keep him out of the way. Started pairing him up with another unit to boost his stats but then I end up losing a decent unit. He's supposed to be good once level'd but find it slow to get him there.
-Dem0- Posted April 22, 2013 Posted April 22, 2013 Ike said: he's too weak so he does little damage and tends to get x2 attacked so I have to keep him out of the way. That's my problem right there, you think you're in for the kill with Donnel but then something stupid like he misses... and he gets owned. I just keep him paired up. He doesn't get much XP but every little helps I guess. Think he's at level 3 at the moment. Update on my quest so far; I'm on Chapter 8 and now Lon'qu & Miriel have reached S class. I got two married couples on the field of battle!
Captain Falcon Posted April 22, 2013 Posted April 22, 2013 Ike said: Cleared chapter 8 which was the desert chapter and side quest 3 yesterday. I'm at the same point. In terms of partners, I have Chrom and Sumia are married and so are Sully and Stahl. The latter pair were wed by Chapter 5 and are unstopable when using pair up with a decent number of enemy units only dealing 1 or 2 points of damage per hit and some even less - put them on a fortress and they are invincible to all but magic users who have to be lucky to hit them in the first place. After a couple of deaths on early chapters, things seem to be settingly down now - I'm on hard/classic. Chapter 2 saw the most retrys (think it was 3) after some Dual Strikes kept breaking my defensive strategy and opening me up - I never intended to kill the enemy as I wanted them to block other units from attacking me. I also thought Side Story 1 was pretty rough. But chapters 4 through and 8 have been relatively plain sailing. SS2 was a bit tricky and felt like it came down to luck as to how successful you could be at it. SS3 was fairly straight forward once you knew what was going to happen which is something that might not be apparent within the first half a dozen turns which caused me a couple of restarts until I knew and could adapt my strategy for it which then worked first time. Reveal hidden contents The ally units make straight for the bottom left corner that leads them into more troops. I thought they were trying to stay safe but roughly where they were so I was trying to surround them on both sides but as I got further into the level, it became clear that all those units at the top of the map won't ever get to them so I didn't need to make them my immediate focus. For saving all three units I got a Seraph Robe, a Log (weak Lance) and a Laddle (weak Axe). This was similar to Chapter 5 in a way. You see Ricken and Maribelle come down but you have them enemies to you immediate left when you start and so your first reaction is to go for everyone. I tried this for my first attempt and it failed miserably as I spread myself too thin. So I restarted. This time, I left those units to my left and went straight for the newcomers. Whilst closer than any other enemies, I could move myself out of their range which gave me another turn to deal with them instead of wasting units going after them straight away when I had other priorities. I hadn't been using any offensice magic user except the Avatar but I figured I could draft one in for the desert map so used Ricken because he was so underleveled, he was gaining 47xp per kill, instead of 30 for killing an equal, and rose a bit. Despite his low level, his stats were a good match for the higher leveled enemy mages who didn't seem to be as stat blessed as their melee counterparts. I'm thinking about benching Vaike. I didn't intend to use him as there only ever seems to be one decent Fighter per FE and I wasn't sure if he was going to be the one so left him out at the start. I then pulled him in on a couple of a couple of missions as I figured it could be useful to have an axe user (I'm not using Frederick) but aside from his strength stat, he doesn't seem to have much going for him at all - he's no Boyd (FE9/10) or Barst (FE1/11). I might just rely on a Hero and Generals/Great Knights.
-Dem0- Posted April 22, 2013 Posted April 22, 2013 Captain Falcon said: I'm thinking about benching Vaike. I didn't intend to use him as there only ever seems to be one decent Fighter per FE and I wasn't sure if he was going to be the one so left him out at the start. I then pulled him in on a couple of a couple of missions as I figured it could be useful to have an axe user (I'm not using Frederick) but aside from his strength stat, he doesn't seem to have much going for him at all - he's no Boyd (FE9/10) or Barst (FE1/11). I might just rely on a Hero and Generals/Great Knights. That's what I went through with him. Tried him out when he joined my crew, wasn't really impressed. Also I find that he takes a lot of hits hard (his defence isn't good) and would've ended up dying had I not kept rescuing him. I'm using him now alongside Panne and is actually fairing a bit better, also it helps that he's a few levels stronger now. Anyway my sister told me that she may drop him as she found another more useful character (she didn't tell me who) even though he's a beast for her team. So yeah, I'm going to see where it goes with him. On another note how many master seals do you have?
Mr-Paul Posted April 22, 2013 Posted April 22, 2013 I find it quite funny that you're all going with Donnel, I think I used him once and then benched him for the rest of the game, found him utterly useless. Vaike, meanwhile, I stuck with through the game, and was quite an amusing character. There seems to be a lot of love on the net for Kellam too, but I never used him either. I think I tend to favour those with a further range of movement. Although every play through is different and it does depend on how you go from the start - Frederick was a key part of my team on my first go through, but he feels useless on my second playthrough, as I benched him to try out some other characters and then when I brought him back in he was not up to the standard I remembered him being.
Captain Falcon Posted April 22, 2013 Posted April 22, 2013 -Dem0- said: That's what I went through with him. Tried him out when he joined my crew, wasn't really impressed. Also I find that he takes a lot of hits hard (his defence isn't good) and would've ended up dying had I not kept rescuing him. I'm using him now alongside Panne and is actually fairing a bit better, also it helps that he's a few levels stronger now. Anyway my sister told me that she may drop him as she found another more useful character (she didn't tell me who) even though he's a beast for her team. So yeah, I'm going to see where it goes with him. On another note how many master seals do you have? Fighters aren't noted for their defence and I accept that but they tend to be a bit quicker than him and between taking heavy hits and often being in danger of being double attacked, he's proving hardwork to make useful outside certain opportunities. It probably doesn't help that there has been a distinct lack of lance wielding enemies up until now though he is handy with a hammer when Knights are hanging around. I can't see him lasting long and I'll probably ditch him as soon as I have someone to reliably replace him with. I'm not using Panne and generally I avoid all transforming units such as Manaketes and the Laguz. I have three Master Seals and one Second Seal - I bought two of those Master Seals though from the travelling merhcant. I was wondering as to their availablity when I got a chance to buy one so early in game, seemed a strange thing to do, so I had a google search and I get the impression that enemies don't drop them as much as they do in other games so you will have to buy/find some yourself. At a certain point, a shop opens up though where you can buy them from for 2500G and later you can buy Second Seals too if you have the funds.
Ike Posted April 22, 2013 Posted April 22, 2013 Captain Falcon said: Side Story 3 stuff Ooh man. Reveal hidden contents Those stupid NPC's. I thought they were avoiding enemies when I realised what they were doing I was "don't go towards the enemy. *facepalm* I lost one of them, couldn't be bothered to reset with them being stupid, sounds like I didn't miss much rewards wise. I'll probably be keeping Vaike on my team, he's really strong plus he has enough HP to take a few attacks. Can't remember his ever getting double attacked either. Give him a hammer and he can OHKO enemy Knights.
Jonnas Posted April 23, 2013 Posted April 23, 2013 Mr-Paul said: Although every play through is different and it does depend on how you go from the start - Frederick was a key part of my team on my first go through, but he feels useless on my second playthrough, as I benched him to try out some other characters and then when I brought him back in he was not up to the standard I remembered him being. Some things just don't change There's a superior levelled character like Frederick every game (the Jagen/Jeigan archetype), and their overall usefulness tends to be like that.
Agent Gibbs Posted April 23, 2013 Posted April 23, 2013 How are you guys going for relationships in particular with Lissa? Reveal hidden contents I originally have got her upto A with the avatar, but given how the relationship seems to stem from pranks it doesn't seem natural now to have them marry, they seem like brother and sister Any recommendations? i see Lucina is popular online And sully? the archer bloke Virizon seems like a stalker/pervert and it seems wrong to pair her with him too
-Dem0- Posted April 23, 2013 Posted April 23, 2013 Well I did plan on bringing my avatar & Lissa together but that has slowed done as of late. Currently their relationship is up to a B, without even following it though the relationship between Lissa & Stahl has improved and is now a B too. I think I may go for for Lissa & Stahl and wait a bit more with my avatar.
Sheikah Posted April 23, 2013 Posted April 23, 2013 Mr-Paul said: I find it quite funny that you're all going with Donnel, I think I used him once and then benched him for the rest of the game, found him utterly useless. Vaike, meanwhile, I stuck with through the game, and was quite an amusing character. There seems to be a lot of love on the net for Kellam too, but I never used him either. I think I tend to favour those with a further range of movement. Although every play through is different and it does depend on how you go from the start - Frederick was a key part of my team on my first go through, but he feels useless on my second playthrough, as I benched him to try out some other characters and then when I brought him back in he was not up to the standard I remembered him being. Donnel's stat growth is unreal, he starts out weak but that's pretty much the point (starts out weak then vastly overpowers everyone).
-Dem0- Posted April 23, 2013 Posted April 23, 2013 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Just finished Side Story 3. Was only able to save two of the villagers, like someone mentioned earlier you don't get anything for rescuing all three, however each of the villagers will give you an item. A ladle A log Seraph's Robe I was lucky as I was able to save the villager that gave me a Seraph's Robe, the other villager gave me a log. All in all I was quite happy with the outcome. EDIT: Chrom reached level 20 so I used a Master Seal to make him a Great Lord. Edited April 23, 2013 by -Dem0-
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