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How about an option to have people being able to select an option that merges some of the boards, so that all the popular topics will be more collected?


I think that noobs just wants to get to the most popular topics instead of having to choose between 10 different boards.

You could just click on "New Posts" at the top of the page.

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this forum needs a point system badly
A 'point' system? Could you be more specific? Are you referring to Reputation? Why do you think we need it 'badly'?


If you do mean rep, we already tried it back when we first moved to these boards and iirc, it didn't go to well.

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Or you subscribe to the threads and go to them through your cp.


I think there should be at least a trial for a General gaming chat.


Like what and why?


Come on people. Explain these suggestions a bit more :p

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How about a point system that drains your points everyday. So that your popularity is based on daily votes instead of life time votes.


You dont have to loose all points each day, and you could have a maximum amount of points, or coolness level.


Of course you can only get + points, so it works kinda like Digg in a way.

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Erm... popularity? Points? Coolness rating? What the hell....? Personally I don't want to see any of that. This isn't secondary school.


I was just suggesting a rep system that actually works. Nobody can abuse the system either. Its genius. Kids everywhere will love it!


For instance it would allow everyone to see how much we love or dont care about someone. Theres no hate in that. No negative feedback.

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The problem with rep points is that after a while you start getting elitism. Members with the highest rep will be considered more important or whatever, other members may be put off from joining because they feel they will go unnoticed because of their rep.


In general I think rep points are a bad idea, there really is no reason to have them except if you want to feel superior to everyone else, and I don't really see how that is a good thing.


Fair enough if it works in some places but it was tried here and it really didn't work at all.

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I was just suggesting a rep system that actually works. Nobody can abuse the system either. Its genius. Kids everywhere will love it!


For instance it would allow everyone to see how much we love or dont care about someone. Theres no hate in that. No negative feedback.


The reason we removed rep points before is because people were giving too much positive feedback. Its not because the boards turned into a bitchfest.

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It's an honour to break ones own rules and have something that no other "mere poster" can have? No ones forcing them to run a board, and I'm not trying to be harsh, it just seems very unprofessional.


Rules are there for a reason, when the ones who write them out break them themsevelves something is wrong.

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It's an honour to break ones own rules and have something that no other "mere poster" can have? No ones forcing them to run a board, and I'm not trying to be harsh, it just seems very unprofessional.


Rules are there for a reason, when the ones who write them out break them themsevelves something is wrong.


No one is forcing you to be here. There's nothing unprofessional about it at all. We're not a democracy, the rules made are for you to obide by, not us. We obide to them as a matter of courtesy to you guys, we're doing you a favour buy obeying our own rules.

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I semi-agree with motion here.


On one hand you don't want elitism creeping into the boards, and on the other you are creating that elitism by using something which every other FM can't have.


Admins are admins - we accept they have power over us. But if you don't want any form of elitism don't implement it yourselves.


Only my 2 cents worth...

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