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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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If there's a Volume 2 coming out, please let me know. I swear, it was going to come out in April, but I heard nothing about it since.


Also, I was recommended Uncanny X-Force some time ago, and I recently skimmed through "Rise of Apocalypse" (or something like that). Small group going on missions to stop cosmic threats and unspeakable horrors has its charm, but I do prefer stories more grounded to reality.


-Deadpool feeding Angel that...those... pieces of meat...who...how can that even get published? O_o I can't even decide if that was awesome or not.


-So, 4 random mutants from throughout the history of mankind can live forever despite their powers having no relation to such an ability? Are mutants just...incapable of aging?


-There seemed to be a lot of room for character development, which sounds good, but Wolverine annoys me, and Deadpool is...ummm... :blank:

Out of curiosity, are there more members besides those 5?



If you mean the horsemen, I think there's reference to them being held in suspended animation by Apocalypse, then revived for the present day as his final guardians.


I love Uncanny X-Force. I honestly think it's one of the best series' I've ever read. It has everything: drama, action, character, strong themes, great art and that rarest of things in comics: Events with consequences. It's also relatively self contained, which is great too.

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This Volume 1 tpb I ordered only came out at the start of April so maybe you just got confused with that.


Huh, it was a re-release of Volume 1? Odd, what's different about the new release?


Deadpool is as tolerable as you'll find in it. I love how he is written in the closing issues of the first arc and opening of the second, due to what they do.


Actually, it's not that Deadpool is annoying or anything, it's just that I can't see him being anything other than comic relief, which is odd for such a small group.


Uncanny X-Force is soooooo good. Its character development, loyalty to characters, interactions, relationships and dialogue is its main strong point, whilst being intertwined with complex and "high stakes" storylines. <3 <3.


I love Uncanny X-Force. I honestly think it's one of the best series' I've ever read. It has everything: drama, action, character, strong themes, great art and that rarest of things in comics: Events with consequences. It's also relatively self contained, which is great too.


Might take another look if I ever see other issues (Hard to do in this country, but you never know). Sounds like it's better as an ongoing series.


If you mean the horsemen, I think there's reference to them being held in suspended animation by Apocalypse, then revived for the present day as his final guardians.


Ah, the flaws of skimming through pages strike again :heh:


Soo...What's Magneto's excuse for looking way too young for a holocaust survivor?

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Huh, it was a re-release of Volume 1? Odd, what's different about the new release?


No this was the first official Marvel release of the paperback for Venom volume 1, the one written by Rick Remender. There was probably a Panini/Marvel release of it that would have come a month or so before and if theres a Hardcover then that would have come first as well.


Unless you are thinking of an older Venom book, with Eddie Brock still as Venom maybe?

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No this was the first official Marvel release of the paperback for Venom volume 1, the one written by Rick Remender. There was probably a Panini/Marvel release of it that would have come a month or so before and if theres a Hardcover then that would have come first as well.


Unless you are thinking of an older Venom book, with Eddie Brock still as Venom maybe?


Just checked my issue, Panini is briefly mentioned in the first page, in small print. Released in 2011, October 3rd, according to Amazon.

Well, if it's just a re-release, I am severely disappoint :/ There doesn't seem to be any difference between releases, either.


Also, to hell with Eddie Brock. Never liked Venom when it was him, even as a kid. Flash is the first time I've liked Venom.

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Enjoyed comics when I was younger but I haven't read any for years.


Where do you guys get yours from and what are the best comics atm?


Good mix of different genres, styles, companies and general reading recommendations for beginners. Some obvious choices. All obvious lol;


1) Invincible. Colourful, action packed, unpredictable, brutal, gorey, gorgeous, funny, emotional, romantic, thrilling and absolutely fantastic super hero comic book.


2) The Walking Dead. An amazing, epic, depressing, thrilling drama with zombies.


3) The Boys. When super heroes get out of hand, who keeps them in check? The Boys. An action packed, thriller, black comedy, extremely rude and violent. A slightly toned down Garth Ennis provides arguably his best work, in a modern setting.


4) Batman. New run by Snyder and Capullo. Good comics. Its slick, cool and stylish and its Batman. You know what you're getting, but it also feels completely fresh.


5) Ultimate Spider-Man. Good Spider-Man comics, start from the beginning.


Ok then, some of the good trades:


Captain America - Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection

New Avengers - Breakout

Thor By J. Michael Straczynski Volume 1

Batman - Year One

Batman - Dark Knight Returns

Batman - Hush

Ultimates Vol.1


Even though you didnt mention him id also recommend Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate Collection Vol.1


It depends what you're in the mood for, but new Batman by Snyder and Invincible = glorious.


Amazon is good and has good prices.

Image (a publisher) Volume 1's are very cheap.

eBay can be good.

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Just checked my issue, Panini is briefly mentioned in the first page, in small print. Released in 2011, October 3rd, according to Amazon.

Well, if it's just a re-release, I am severely disappoint :/ There doesn't seem to be any difference between releases, either.


Also, to hell with Eddie Brock. Never liked Venom when it was him, even as a kid. Flash is the first time I've liked Venom.


Panini release some Marvel trades over here and tend to do it earlier than the proper Marvel ones. I stopped using them mostly because they don't release all stories, just the big ones. I wouldnt expect them to release the second volume of Venom so you'll probably have to wait for the proper Marvel one.



Also, did you guy see that DC have dropped Titan for their TPB distribution over here? They're going direct with Diamond now selling the US ones to stores so hopefully that means we will start getting trades the same time as the US.

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yeah that meeting between Thor and Iron Man was great.


I really enjoyed the whole run, the Warrior's Three were written brilliantly as well, love Volstagg, the fact that they weren't as well written in the movie annoyed me!


The Journey Into Mystery book written by Kieron Gillen that has spun out of Thor has been one of Marvel's best books for the last year (better than Fraction's Thor imo!).


Oh and I really wish Marvel would cut down on their double shipping. I can hardly think of a single Marvel book that has had 1 artist drawing 12 consecutive issues recently

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I don't think there is much, checking wikipedia and some fan pages he was on Uncanny X-Men during the Age of Apocalypse arc, which is probably the easiest of his work to get. But then that's not going to all be him due to that being a massive crossover event.

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