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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Awesome avatar Shorty.


A rumor is going around that someone from Flashpoint #5 is in all the NuDC #1's comics because in JL and Animal Man 1 preview. Some people think it could be Kismet. I hope it doesn't lead to another event so soon after Flashpoint.





Edit: Also in 1# issues pages of;


Action Comics, Batgirl, Voodoo and OMAC.

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Just read flashpoint 5, thought it was really good


Bruces scenes were touching and barry is a dick, i like a tainted hero



But the previous 4 didn't do this issue justice, the event as a whole felt weird.


Justice League 1 was disappointing too :( Cannot wait for Animal man though that looks awesome!

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Lookin' to possibly get in to a comic now that the DC ones have reset. Anywhere I can get to ordering JL? Thinking that's a good one to try.


Invincible is easy to get into.


And for buiyinynygl';


And like Daft said DisposableHeroes. Or eBay.co.uk.




Oh god Paj. I cannot wait for tonight now. Reading order ; Vince, JL, Uncanny X-Force. Told you Remender is king.

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Happenstance, you should switch over from Reed to http://www.disposableheroes.co.uk/


£2.49 + shipping




£2.05 + free shipping.



I havn't actually used them yet, but next time I need to buy something I will....Daft says they're flawless.


I actually...am....considering cancelling my standing order at the comic shop...the only thing stopping me right now is a loyalty issue, but when its a difference of like 23p for ($2.99) and I assume more for the $3.99's and considering the amount I get....it would save me a lot.


Been with them for 8 years though....it would be a difficult conversation.

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What do you mean update properly? (You mean the 'This Week's selection? Yeah, that is a bit annoying. Maybe they'll fix it, the site is only about a month old.)


If comics are out on Wednesday they usually arrive on Friday. Not sure how that compares with other places but that might not be great. Usually I don't mind because I can't remember when anything is out anyway. :heh:


It's annoying now because I want my Flashpoint!!


But yeah, free delivery FTW.

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Have got, like, 5 or 6 comics on order. Justice League 1, Batman 1, Green Lantern 1, Action Comics 1. Also thought I'd pick up the Sonic Genesis comics but it appears I've missed issue #226, which was the first of the 4-story arc and I can't find it ANYWHERE. I'm bummed. Fancied a bit of nostalgia from when I read them as a kid. :(

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Just re-reading Flashpoint from the beginning. I still dont particularly like it as a story but now I know the whole story im noticing more which is something I always like. Its great when you can go back and read something again and you notice all the hidden extras.


Just the fact that Thomas Waynes naration was a letter, something I noticed at the time but now understand that this is basically Bruce reading the letter.


Also in #1 when you see Thawne for just a minute he mentions how its nice to see Barry's mother alive, hinting at the fact that he didnt do all this.


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I'll be reading the first issue of Wonder Woman but probably wont carry on, just not a character ive ever found interesting unless shes with other heroes. I guess we'll see though, maybe the first issue will really draw me in.


Anyway, this needs posting. Maybe it'll happen again some point in the DCnU!



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I think I'm gonna buy Justice League Dark issue 1 too. It looks great and Peter Milligan is a famous great.


Come on Zattana. Come on Constantine. Come on Madame X/Zanadu.






Storm seems a little unjustly tossed to the back. :/

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I think I'm gonna buy Justice League Dark issue 1 too. It looks great and Peter Milligan is a famous great.


Come on Zattana. Come on Constantine. Come on Madame X/Zanadu.


Ditto. Really hope it's good.


Yeah few people have put it down as amongst the best of the pack so far.




I know I've said it a million times but Flashpoint made me 'get' who Wonder Woman is and from a couple interviews I've read they look like they really want to update the character and her background. Out with all the togas.

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Something I was thinking earlier while reading Justice League #1 and meant to ask.


Would you have prefered this DC relaunch to be a proper reboot and properly start again 5 years ago where we find them in JL #1 or how its being done at the moment with most of the other books carrying on in present day DC with quite a few of the old stories having had happened?


Personally, even though I have a big attachment to the previous DCU I would like to have seen this as a full reboot where we could meet characters again for the first time and tell different stories with them.


I think it was the mention of Darkseid that sparked this thought for me. It could be awesome to see him appear for the first time in this origin story but then after that I know once we get back to the present he'll most likely still be dead. Now yeah they'll just bring him back if they want but id just like to have seen these characters with a blank slate.



Its not something I would want for all comics but DC has already done the widescale reboot once and I would have loved to have been around for that. I know we will get loads of new stories and some characters or teams like Teen Titans for example pretty much have been rebooted but I guess I would have just liked to have seen the entire universe done.


I can actually see a lot of the continuity problems that came about after the original crisis happening again, trying to fit in all these old stories might end up being quite tricky.

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yeah was a really good issue, plus good news from the letters page was that they're going to try and catch up on the solicits before the end of the year, which will hopefully mean at least 6 issues in the next 4 months :)


Obviously with Cory on two of them it makes it easier to do that, but I said the same last year when he did a couple issues :)

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Justice League #1 was good. I agree that it was a little slow, but it foundationified (established) the relationship between Bruce and Hal so well (and they are the two characters that I care most about. Lulz), the artwork was good, the double spreads and action was nice. Pretty cool!




And I fucking love the logo/or rather how it sits with the new trade dress/"DC Comics" logo. It just looks UPTO DATE which was what I wanted from DC now. It looks epic. The logo is modern, the colouring isn't flat, the new log is more....newish. The entire cover just looks so 2011y, its like "This is what we've been waiting DC to do for years", or that is what it feels like to me, and I cannot wait to get stuck into more good DC comics. :)

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