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Xenoblade Chronicles Official Thread


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Operation Rainfall wins the day? I wonder if they will get the game re-dubbed with American accents or if it will just be a straight up "Its Reyn time!"/ "Man, what a bunch of jokers!" conversion.


They can take our Xenoblade, but they'll never take our Disaster!

And Another Code R!

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They can take our Xenoblade, but they'll never take our Disaster!

And Another Code R!


Come on man, don't be stingy, sharing is caring eh...? ; D


Speaking of the dubs, which language option did you guys play this with? I did try the Jap option for a bit, but it felt just too foreign and whiny compared to the English version. Overall, pretty happy with the dub : ) Only complaints are that the sound levels of individual lines sometimes fluctuate, i.e. are lower than usual, and that the voice of one particular mountain giant isn't nearly as manly (bass-y) as it should be xD I mean look at you, you're clearly an ancient powerhouse of a badass, not some girly man!

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No-one else playing this at the moment? You're missing ooouuuuuuut.... ; D


Anyway, in the point before the last boss, tried and level was too low, 77 or so. So now doing all kinds of sidequests...Finally rebuilt Colony 6 to its maximum glory, and it was pretty fun! : ) Feels much more personal than the million other sidequests I've done, because not only have I helped build the darn city with my own hands, but I've also personally recruited many of the people living there. So basically it's my own town, feels very homely... : ) Nice touch, Monolith!


Level is about 84 now, so wondering how much sq stuff I still wanna do...that fucking dragon just showed up outside Colony 66, would be about 10 lvls more before I could take him on...plus all the other bungholes that have showed me the finger thus far! Grr... >: ( It's actually pretty funny how the sqs have toughter monsters than the actual story! Twister humour, I like that... : D Anyway, lots of cool places to visit, and the 5th skill trees to get as well! Prob can't resist the challenge, this game is just too friggin' good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, think I've finally reached the end of my journey here.


Story: BEAT!

All skill trees: GET!

All visible quests: DONE!

Collectopedia: 100%!

Map locations: FOUND!

Character levels: MAXED!


All there is left are the super bosses...and yes, I mean the first two, the last ones are just friggin' insane... o_O Don't think I'll bother, though, too big a level gap to make it pleasant, would require quite a lot of tinkering...Gave them both a few tries, and got my arse handed to me super fast. Yeah, they're a bit too hard for my taste... xD Also, not been using Melia at all really, so her skills are still shit etc.


Btw, those who have completed this already, which characters did you end up playing with the most? Actually, I found Dunban the most enjoyable one to play as myself, as his arts are pretty fast and he can both stun and topple all by himself in a very quick fashion! Feels like you're really giving someone a proper ass-whipping... : D Sidekicks were Reyn for tanking and Sharla for healing, worked really well. Reyn got all the aggro and I just circled to the back for extra damage. Another fast attacker was Riki, plus that he could find rare items easier, but in the end Dunban emerged as teh winz0r. Chain links worked pretty well too, i.e. Dunban lowering defense first and then Reyn and Sharla ramping up the damage with huge hits. Although, I think you could continue the chain links with similar-coloured attacks or something, didn't really remember to use that at all...


Anyway, a great game indeed. Graphics and art design are just stunning, locations are huge, music is good, the plot is very interesting, and it's fun and easy to play. Sidequests and some menus could still use some smoothing though, like instant warping to quest-givers, removing arbitrary inventory limits, saving your item filter options etc. Still, overall the modernizing direction is very good, and makes for a truly enjoyable, fun-to-play RPG of a massive scale. Probably the best JRPG I've ever played, and the best game on the Wii as well. If you like action-adventure games or RPGs even a bit, you owe yourself to give this a try. It's friggin' awesome : D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm around 20 hours into this now, at Lv 31. And yeah, very much enjoying it. :smile:

Still kind of confused by gem crafting and skill trees etc... but I love the battle system! That thing is just genius. :bowdown:

The scope of the environments is something else too. :o Visually it's such and odd game actually, there are times when it looks like an N64 game (albeit an N64 game on steroids :heh:) and others when it looks absolutely incredible! :cool:


Great sound too, although I'm really thankful for the option to have the voices in Japanese. I started playing with the English dub (which I could just about cope with during cut-scenes), but it became so annoying on the battles that it just had to go. :hehe:


One of the biggest surprises in the audio department for me though has been this:


Broadcast Yourself


The surprise is the fact that I like it! :eek:

As some people will already be aware, I'm not a fan of heavy metal, but for some inexplicable reason I really love that track. :D

What's going on!? :laughing:


Anyway, very glad that I finally got around to picking this game up, it's clearly going to provide many more hours of enjoyment. icon14.gif

And I have to admit, it probably would have gone passed my radar if it weren't for this thread and all the hype generated on here, so thanks to everyone that got on that hype train, for helping me not to miss out.

: peace:

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I played this again today after 2 or more months not playing it. Urgh... i forgot everything... the world felt way too big and I... I like haven't gone out to do any side quests at all. I dunno. I'm always like this with JRPGs... I love them till I suddenly realise I can't go anywhere without just killing loads of small things to level up and then my life flashes before my eyes and I wonder if this is a good use of my time.


I can tell its good, but I also just find it frustrating.

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I played this again today after 2 or more months not playing it. Urgh... i forgot everything... the world felt way too big and I... I like haven't gone out to do any side quests at all. I dunno. I'm always like this with JRPGs... I love them till I suddenly realise I can't go anywhere without just killing loads of small things to level up and then my life flashes before my eyes and I wonder if this is a good use of my time.


I can tell its good, but I also just find it frustrating.


Hmm, what point are you at Hamish? I mean, I remember pretty much skipping most of the sidequests and doing just fine. Only two points in the story when I was clearly a bit too low level, both near the end. At those times, I went back to the sidequests and did a massive amount at once.

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I'm around 20 hours into this now, at Lv 31. And yeah, very much enjoying it. :smile:

Still kind of confused by gem crafting and skill trees etc... but I love the battle system! That thing is just genius. :bowdown:


The gem crafting will take some time to get used to, think I was about lvl 50 by the time I kinda figured it out.


The skill trees took me a bit longer to figure out too... the important thing to remember there is when you've unlocked all the skills in a tree to then switch to a new tree to start unlocking the skills in that too.


I made the wrong assumption thinking you only had the skills of the tree you selected so didn't switch trees for ages. But no matter which tree you've selected you still have all the unlocked skills in the other trees... only the primary skill of the tree changes.


Once you've unlocked enough skills then you should look at skill linking so that you can give characters skills from other characters which can be very helpfull when you put some thought into it...again something I didn't figure out till well into the 2nd half of the game.


The scope of the environments is something else too. :o Visually it's such and odd game actually, there are times when it looks like an N64 game (albeit an N64 game on steroids :heh:) and others when it looks absolutely incredible! :cool:


Did your jaw drop when you first got to the Bionis Leg? Man I'll never forget that moment, just when you think the game can't get any bigger...BAM


Great sound too, although I'm really thankful for the option to have the voices in Japanese. I started playing with the English dub (which I could just about cope with during cut-scenes), but it became so annoying on the battles that it just had to go. :hehe:


Ah Red, you should go back to the English dub, it is prolly the best English dub in a game ever. When I first started I was switching between the two dubs but settled on the English one. I felt the English voices fitted the characters better... I remember thinking Dunbans Japanese voice sounded too young and Reyn's sounded too old.


And some of the things said during battles are awesome, especially when you get more characters, there's some good battle quotes with characters mocking each other.


And of course lets not forget that it is REYN TIME



I never got bored of that. :D

I may have used it in real life too.... actually I should adapt it into my youtube videos like I have with "frak" :D


One of the biggest surprises in the audio department for me though has been this:


Broadcast Yourself


The surprise is the fact that I like it! :eek:

As some people will already be aware, I'm not a fan of heavy metal, but for some inexplicable reason I really love that track. :D

What's going on!? :laughing:


I did not know you didn't like Heavy Metal? You always seemed very fond of your Helios armour in Monster Hunter 3 : peace:


Anyway, very glad that I finally got around to picking this game up, it's clearly going to provide many more hours of enjoyment. icon14.gif

And I have to admit, it probably would have gone passed my radar if it weren't for this thread and all the hype generated on here, so thanks to everyone that got on that hype train, for helping me not to miss out.

: peace:


You know what reading your progress is making want to go through it again, haha


Urm... I've got to collect a number of materials in order to attend some kind of ceremony. It didn't really know where I was... I can't quite remember coming here. (Where's Fi when you need her?) I wasn't lost, I was just... a bit daunted.


If I'm thinking of the right area, are you in the swamp area? if yes, the items you need find have their locations marked on the map for ya.

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Great sound too, although I'm really thankful for the option to have the voices in Japanese. I started playing with the English dub (which I could just about cope with during cut-scenes), but it became so annoying on the battles that it just had to go. :hehe:


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :weep: The English dub is fantastic! You're crazy to miss out on it!


Yeah, I can appreciate the battle dialogue being annoying (though it does help to telegraph what your partners are doing, which is kind of the point), but you must leave it on English for the rest of the dialogue! To do otherwise is sacrilege!


Still kind of confused by gem crafting and skill trees etc...


The gem crafting is fairly simple really. You choose which gem you want to craft (leftovers get turned into cylinders which can be combined to make other gems) and you pick Rein & Dunban whatever two characters give the best result (dependant on how strong their bond is)


Skill Trees allow your character to learn different skills (like healing after every critical hit for example!). The AP you earn goes towards learning these skills and you choose which skills you want by selecting the corresponding tree. There are additional trees that you can unlock for each character as well by completing certain quests...


Skill Linking allows characters to mooch skills off of each other. The stronger the bond between each character, the higher the level of skills that they can borrow from each other! :D


Also, what controller are you using? Wiimote + Chuck or Classic Controller Pro? If it's the latter, I highly recommend switching to the Wiimote + Chuck! (It lets you move while you're selecting your attack in the menu. Perfect for Back Slash :heart:)


I played this again today after 2 or more months not playing it. Urgh... i forgot everything... the world felt way too big and I... I like haven't gone out to do any side quests at all. I dunno. I'm always like this with JRPGs... I love them till I suddenly realise I can't go anywhere without just killing loads of small things to level up and then my life flashes before my eyes and I wonder if this is a good use of my time.


I can tell its good, but I also just find it frustrating.


You do know that you can get a recap of what's happened with the Story Memo right? (Open up the menu and press Z on the Nunchuck - or whatever button is used on the CC Pro)

Edited by Dcubed
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The English dub is awesome! Totally made the characters come closer to you, i.e. suck you more into the story! After hearing that, the Jap voices sounded just wrong... : o


and you pick Rein & Dunban


Yeah, that's who I always used for the crafting as well : D Worked pretty well...

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If I'm thinking of the right area, are you in the swamp area? if yes, the items you need find have their locations marked on the map for ya.


You do know that you can get a recap of what's happened with the Story Memo right? (Open up the menu and press Z on the Nunchuck - or whatever button is used on the CC Pro)


I know what to do, I just don't feel any real compulsion to do it. It'll come back to me. I think I'll deal with Kirby's Epic Yarn first. That I can cope with. :P

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:):D:laughing::bouncy::yay::love: @ ...


...Riki! Oh man, too funny/cute/awesome.


It's like Cha-Cha on MH3 all over again, only even better. :hehe:


Anyway, I've progressed quite a lot since my last post, I'm now Lv 38 and am up to...


...Eryth Sea. But I seem to have hit a brick wall in the form of those 4 Defensive Kromars! :shakehead

The problem is that bloody bind move they keep doing! I tried crafting some bind resist gems, but could only get enough made up to get 1 of my characters to 50-ish% bind resist. And it didn't really help much. :hmm:


I reckon it'd be ok if I could take them on individually (or even just 2 at a time), but the lure tactic doesn't work and they all pile-in as soon as one is alerted! :eek:

...So what do the Xenoblade pros out there reckon, do I need to level up some more, or is there some kind of special technique for killing those bastards? :heh:


: peace:

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:):D:laughing::bouncy::yay::love: @ ...


...Riki! Oh man, too funny/cute/awesome.


It's like Cha-Cha on MH3 all over again, only even better. :hehe:


Anyway, I've progressed quite a lot since my last post, I'm now Lv 38 and am up to...


...Eryth Sea. But I seem to have hit a brick wall in the form of those 4 Defensive Kromars! :shakehead

The problem is that bloody bind move they keep doing! I tried crafting some bind resist gems, but could only get enough made up to get 1 of my characters to 50-ish% bind resist. And it didn't really help much. :hmm:


I reckon it'd be ok if I could take them on individually (or even just 2 at a time), but the lure tactic doesn't work and they all pile-in as soon as one is alerted! :eek:

...So what do the Xenoblade pros out there reckon, do I need to level up some more, or is there some kind of special technique for killing those bastards? :heh:


: peace:


Help...you want help...


Not quite sure which "4 Kromars" you mean though...what level are they...where exactly are they... what are you trying to get to?


Based on the info you've given making more Bind Resist gems if you can is of course one option.


Would I be right in guessing your inflicted with bind when you hit them? It could be a form of special Spike Damage.... be sure to keep casting Shulks "Monado Purge" everytime your Monado artes gauge fills up.


Also before going into that battle try finding some lesser enimies to fill up Shulks Monado gauge and the teams Chain Link gauge so that they are both as full as possible when going into the other fight



Oh and if I'm right about it being a Spike effect then try to get topples in too


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Help...you want help...


Not quite sure which "4 Kromars" you mean though...what level are they...where exactly are they... what are you trying to get to?


Based on the info you've given making more Bind Resist gems if you can is of course one option.


Would I be right in guessing your inflicted with bind when you hit them? It could be a form of special Spike Damage.... be sure to keep casting Shulks "Monado Purge" everytime your Monado artes gauge fills up.


Also before going into that battle try finding some lesser enimies to fill up Shulks Monado gauge and the teams Chain Link gauge so that they are both as full as possible when going into the other fight



Oh and if I'm right about it being a Spike effect then try to get topples in too

I think they're at Lv 36
:hmm:, they're definitely under my level anyway.

And it's on the hovering reefs, at the Ether Crystal Deposit to be precise. I'm on the first story quest after having been released from prison in Alcamoth city.


BTW, I'm not playing as Shulk (haven't done since getting Sharla, and now Riki is my main character. :D), so I have no control over the Monado. :blank:

Perhaps I should switch back to Shulk for this battle then...


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I think they're at Lv 36
:hmm:, they're definitely under my level anyway.

And it's on the hovering reefs, at the Ether Crystal Deposit to be precise. I'm on the first story quest after having been released from prison in Alcamoth city.


BTW, I'm not playing as Shulk (haven't done since getting Sharla, and now Riki is my main character. :D), so I have no control over the Monado. :blank:

Perhaps I should switch back to Shulk for this battle then...


haha, well in that case...


Yes switch back to Shulk, you should always have Shulk as your lead for big or hard battles. Having control of the Monado can be essential especially for things like Purge and the defensive artes it has






You might also want to recheck your armour and weapons and make sure your not carrying something that is better than what is equiped... or buy new equipment if you think you need it

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haha, well in that case...


Yes switch back to Shulk, you should always have Shulk as your lead for big or hard battles. Having control of the Monado can be essential especially for things like Purge and the defensive artes it has



I managed to beat them earlier...


...did it without controlling Shulk in the end too! :cool: Although I did have to bring Reyn back into my party, to make use of topple like you suggested. icon14.gif


Now I'm up to the High Entia Tomb:




Really enjoyed this area, I absolutely love the whole ancient technology thing. So damn cool! :hehe:

But yeah, kind of stuck again now at the big fight against the Solidum Telethia and that masked freak! :hmm: Spent around half an hour trying to kill 'em (with multiple party combinations, including playing as Shulk), but it just ain't happening. :sad:

Got really close to killing the Telethia one time, but nope... it suddenly went mental and it was game over. :laughing:


Will give it another go at some point tomorrow. In the meantime, any more tips you want to throw my way? ;)


I checked out all my armour/weapons by the way, so yeah I'm definitely rocking the best gear. Have to admit that I find this aspect of Xenoblade to be a little bit annoying though, because the gems can mess with selecting new armour by giving the impression that what you've already got equipped is better than everything else, when in reality it isn't. :confused:


It would have been better if the gems just automatically switched over to any new gear you equip, so that you could see the stat changes before choosing new stuff.



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