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Xenoblade Chronicles Official Thread


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Although I can't say for certain off the top of my head, I think you get some of those from Eryth Sea. Check the lighthouse.


I got those ones. Those were marked as "Eryth Sea" on the quest list. These ones should be marked as Alcamoth on the list.

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Challenge 2 - Alcamoth Citizen - Fountain of eternity

Material Quest 1 - Alcamoth Citizen - Main Entrance

Collection Quest 2 - Alcamoth Citizen - Main Entrance


I've done them all.


Cheers Falcon, I found those last night.... and a few more I'd not found yet... Damn this OCD of mine...must finish them AAAALLLLLL



Has anyone figured out at what point the timed quests in Alcamoth vanish at yet? If I at least knew that I might be able to get myself to advance the story a bit more, I wanna see what happens next :cry:

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You can advance very very far. You continue 4 areas after Prison Island at least, but I'd recommend stopping in the begininning of the 4th because I don't know what happens nekst. I think I can advance further before they disappear. Thought I'd check today.

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Cheers Falcon, I found those last night.... and a few more I'd not found yet... Damn this OCD of mine...must finish them AAAALLLLLL



Has anyone figured out at what point the timed quests in Alcamoth vanish at yet? If I at least knew that I might be able to get myself to advance the story a bit more, I wanna see what happens next :cry:


In the beginning, I was keen to do all the quests as soon as they came up but some 70 hours later, I'm finding them all a bit repetitive now so I'm not really going out of my way anymore to finish them.


I have a couple of timed quests from alcamoth but I'm not too fussed if I don't get them done. I also have a timed Frontier Village quest. I also came across someone who said I wasn't ready yet for their next quest though his previous quest just involved talking to people over and over.


Finally got my last party member so I'm a bit further on than you now but the quests are still on my list. I'm finding regular enemies much tougher than boss battles just lately though that might be a numbers thing and being overwhelmed. The last proper boss fight took me a couple of hits to build the chain meter and and the combo beat him - 20 seconds tops.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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In the beginning, I was keen to do all the quests as soon as they came up but some 70 hours later, I'm finding them all a bit repetitive now so I'm not really going out of my way anymore to finish them.


This brings up an interesting point. Has anyone contributing to the thread actually finished the game yet? From the sounds of things most of us are still playing it. Bodes well for me - I am only up to the Satorl Marshes.


How many hours did it take and what is your estimate of side quest completion (percentage)?

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Why does there appear to be spambots on Twitter looking for posts on Xenoblade to reply to?


Didn't think anything of it the first time, had one person on day one reply to one of my tweets saying "Getting it later myself. Been ages since I played a good JRPG, have high hopes!"


Thought nothing of it, though was cool


Now I've got 5 "replies" tweeting that exact same thing, same punctuation, capitalasation, everything?

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After doing a few side quests this morning, I felt compelled to move the story on. That and the side quests I had left were just collecting things that wouldn't bring much XP or the unique wouldn't spawn. So went back to the main story and after 53 hours..... well I've tagged it below as it is spoilers if you haven't gotten as far yet (essentially getting the 7th character to give people a reference point) but all I'll say is it continues to be awesome in every way :D


"]Had been trying to nail Lightning Ronove at the radio tower in Sword Valley but even at lvl 55, I couldn't take him so decided to push forward into Galahad Fortress and wiped the floor with everything on the first two or so levels easily.


Major lol moment in the blast furnace area as, stupidly, Reyn attacked Glorious Fumor (or whatever it's called) rather than take the two flying things flanking him, so I ran back along the gangway, flying things lose interest but the unique falls into the ether river so can't get back up and is taking 47k damage every second or two. So I walk up to it and hit it once for the kill :laughing:


Had a little trouble in the Face Nemesis room as the targeting system didn't seem to want me to attack certain targets so wouldn't let me. Got it on the third try but was beginning to bug me.


But at least I got Fiora back :yay: Was obvious that was going to happen but glad I've got her back in the team. Gonna be a bit awkward with her and Melia now though :laughing:. Just need to round up everyone else now as they're scattered about.



It's really got its hooks in me now. Just want to keep playing and playing to see how the story unfolds.

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Don't know if this has been posted here at all, but I just came across this video showing a map that wasn't used in the game. It warns for potential spoilers but I wouldn't say there are any from what I could tell... beyond the absolute mildest of mild with the party selection featuring Shulk, Reyn and the other male homs...



I wonder why they scrapped it - the only thing I can think of is it feeling too much like the leg section. Especially with the village being in there and making it a leg/colony 6 hybrid of sorts. Even so, the building design was like nothing seen the game and the way it opened up around the village part had a nice look to it that is quite different to the boxed in, protective structure of the villages in the finished game.


I've not actually played this game today as been too busy with the original Zelda on the 3DS. Think I better go correct that now...

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70-odd hours in and I'm convinced this game doesn't have an end. You keep thinking you're on the cusp of it, then it just keeps going.


You know how PR always brag about how long their games are and then you have to double it to get the actual figure? In this case there's no need for arithmetic.

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Anyone else play their Wii on an SD TV? It turns out the text in Xenoblade is extremely legible when you play it on an HD TV.


I play my Wii on an ancient 28" Grundig CRT TV... it doesn't give the most clear of pictures but I don't really have any problems with it.

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I knew nothing of this game, then I read the N-E Review, then I proceeded to rage as I went to the shops the came home and then went online only to find almost nobody anywhere that sells it for a decent price has any stock.


I want it. Now.


On the above point, should I invest in a component cable to go with this?

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Gah. I'm at the bottom of the mine battle and can't do it at all.

I know what I need to do (watched my Nephew do it earlier) but my party take ages to increase the blue (affinity?) bar to enable the chain attacks.

I've tried to get the yellow smash damage moments as much as possible but it seems random. Like if I hit a guy from behind with Shulks backstab art sometimes it's a yellow smash sometimes not. Seems random!!! (Frustrating)


So yeah, takes way too long to increase blue bar to then use chain attacks which you need for this battle. I'm a level 26 and I saw my nephew do it with a level 20 team.


However, he may have had a closer knit team through talking to everyone etc...whereas I've just started doing that. I've also got better gems etc than him and a much stronger all round team. Only thing I'm thinking is that you can;t beat this dude unless your team are quite 'close'.


Any suggestions!?!?

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I found the collectopeadia and started filling it out. My next stop is Colony 6 but I've doubled back to Colony 9 to fill out the map a bit and try to do a few quests - and need one more flower to complete the Colony 9 collectopeadia. I found the waterside area at the second cannon thats full of lvl 70+ baddies and hightailed it. I'll be back to explore more around there much further down the line.


There was something I wanted to ask but I've forgotten. :confused:


I play my Wii on an ancient 28" Grundig CRT TV... it doesn't give the most clear of pictures but I don't really have any problems with it.


SD gamers unite!


I use a golden oldie of a Nicam. Its served me well throughout the Wii era but MH Tri and Xenoblade have had text thats been difficult to make out. :(


I've not tried this on a SDTV, but the jump to an HDTV made massive difference to the text in Monster Hunter which I really struggled with before.


The dialogue for text is fine, its the smaller stuff thats so blurry, like when you open the chests to see what drops you get after battle. Also, during the tutorials it wasn't ideal either - if you remember the few occasions text was written in yellow, well I've no idea what that said. I got up and walked around to try and get a better viewing angle on it, but nope. With the post-battle drops I just hit the take all button and save my eyes the bother. :hmm:


me too any luck finding it online anyone please, im getting desperate now :(


Didn't Charles Martinet himself used to hand deliver games to you? Oh how the mighty have fallen. :heh:

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Gah. I'm at the bottom of the mine battle and can't do it at all.

I know what I need to do (watched my Nephew do it earlier) but my party take ages to increase the blue (affinity?) bar to enable the chain attacks.

I've tried to get the yellow smash damage moments as much as possible but it seems random. Like if I hit a guy from behind with Shulks backstab art sometimes it's a yellow smash sometimes not. Seems random!!! (Frustrating)


So yeah, takes way too long to increase blue bar to then use chain attacks which you need for this battle. I'm a level 26 and I saw my nephew do it with a level 20 team.


However, he may have had a closer knit team through talking to everyone etc...whereas I've just started doing that. I've also got better gems etc than him and a much stronger all round team. Only thing I'm thinking is that you can;t beat this dude unless your team are quite 'close'.


Any suggestions!?!?


Go away from the area and fight some random battles to fill your chain meter up to maximum but don't use it. That way when you start the fight, a couple of hits will a fill it back up again and then you have chain attack to unleash almost right off the bat.


Also, have you been levelling up your arts?

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On the above point, should I invest in a component cable to go with this?


YES, if you have a HDTV with Component input I'd consider it a crime to not have a Component Cable for your Wii, it makes some difference.


I went out and bought my cousin a cable as I couldn't stand going to his house and seeing his Wii playing on a 50 inch HDTV with a scart cable, it was hurting my eyes after being so used to having mine working on a component on a same size TV at home, haha.


As for my progress on Xeno, I have't played it since Thursday now :cry:


Up in Dublin visiting my cousin at the mo, we're doing a BSG marathon so not had a chance to take over his TV/Wii for some Xeno yet :weep:

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