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I know how to activate them when they become available, I just don't know how to make them do so.


Party Gauge:


This represents the party's team spirit. You can raise this by encouraging other characters (p. 15), using Arts with special effects and scoring/avoiding critical hits. The Party Gauge will slowly empty while you are not in battle.


You need at least one full block to revive other characters (p. 15) and warn them about future attacks seen during visions (p. 17). If all three blocks are full, you will be able to unleash a chain attack (p.16).


Manual, page 13. ;)


It's the blue, three tiered bar in the top left corner. Arts with special effects have to be used so that the effects would apply (strike from behind etc.).

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Holy Crap just entered the city after Mechonis Field (can't remember spelling)


First the scene with the Allied Forces in battle with the Mechon is awesome so awesome that when I got control back I wanted to try warp to Sword Valley to see if there were side quests available that I could help in the fighting with... alas the whole area is locked out :(


Then when I got to the Data Room and learned the truth about the battle between the Mechonis and Bionis... HOLY FRAK, Bionis was the aggressor, the bad guy... controller by Zanza? What a twist, had a feeling Zanza might have had an evil side to him (what with him chained up and all). But I always assumed Mechonis was the bad guy (as you do in a fight between Machines and biological life)


I also haven't found the Machina Refuge in Mechonis Field, but I have an idea where to look as I saw a Shop symbol on my map but couldn't reach it so will have to go back and look harder I guess



Enjoy it while it lasts. There are another 12-13 "kill X amount of X/collect X amount of X" quests in the next area. ;)


Just found those.... gah my list is full again... least I got those before I went exploring so I'll just get them done in the regular course of things anyway




Haha, got an email from Club Nintendo to take a Xenoblade survey to get 50 stars.


Hopefully some good praise on it will give good chance of Monolith working on similar big games in the future.


Question 1:

How Many Hours Have you played on Xenoblade so far?


Highest option is 21 hours or more..... I've got like 80 hours :heh:

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Chain attacks are particularly useful for breaking, toppling and dazing an enemy since outside of chain attacks with stronger enemies/bosses/uniques these techniques often fail.


The second great use of chain attacks is that you can use moves that still haven't cooled down (particularly ones with very long cooldowns like Final Cross); especially good to use a chain attack to re-use a move with specific requirements (e.g. high tension) right after you used it outside of a chain attack, since you've probably still got high tension.


Oh and of course the obvious being that you can do tons of attacks without the enemy being able to do anything.

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77 hours in shulk lv 77 and melia, sharla and 7 are 74 while the other 3 are 75, up to a boss disciple L


I am starting to really like melia she has over 700 ether and her attacks do loads, also she is very useful for this boss


right now im defeating high level enemies getting good equipment then moving on to stronger ones, I'm going to start doing quests now.

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77 hours in shulk lv 77 and melia, sharla and 7 are 74 while the other 3 are 75, up to a boss disciple L


I am starting to really like melia she has over 700 ether and her attacks do loads, also she is very useful for this boss


right now im defeating high level enemies getting good equipment then moving on to stronger ones, I'm going to start doing quests now.


77 hours and at lvl 77, damn I'm at 80hours and only level 67 on Shulk.


Anyway I haven't advanced my story at all today, didnt even do anything in the city after Mechonis Field yet (after the cut scene in the Data room).


Decided to see if I could find the last 3 4th Skill Trees I'm missing. Ended up finding more side quests in Frontier Village and ended up finding 2 new Skill Trees, Sharla's and Riki's... just Reyn left now :D


Went to try and find some items for Colony 6 then.

Got Housing and Commerce to level 4, no new side quests opened in it though. Went to see if I could invite new people but only found one so far.


Question: Do you have to talk to people as Shulk to be able to invite them? I was running round with Riki first as I got Quick Step 25% on him to get round faster. Talked to Rosmary and she seemed to want to move but didn't get the option. So I thought maybe Riki can't invite people, switch to Shulk and was then able to invite her.


But then I talked to Oleski(sp?) and he was even telling me he wants to move but I wasn't getting the option to invite him.... with any of the 7 characters...wierd. Maybe need to upgrade the colony a bit more.




Oh also I checked my affinity charts to see what star level I was at with each area.


Colony 9 - 4 stars

Central Bionis - 5 Stars

Upper Bionis - 4 Stars

Colony 6 - 2 Stars

Hidden - 5 Stars


Don't see how I'm still 4 stars on those two areas, I (seem to anyway) have done all the side quests in those areas... guess there mist be something hidden away somewhere.

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If people don't want to move to Colony 6, then yes, you usually need to upgrade it more. For some reason, the really obvious people in Colony 9 have pretty high demands (Oleksiy requires Special Level 4, I think). I think the only exception is Rosemary, as I've seen some people mention that you need to talk to her with Shulk as the leader.


As for affinity with the different areas, it's not only based on quests. You get quite a bit of affinity just from talking to people and filling out the affinity chart by forming links between characters. Though there are some new quests that get unlocked once you've advanced the story a bit more, too.


Reyn's skill tree quest is in Colony 6, by the way, but it has some pretty annoying prerequisites. You need to have moved (I think) four specific people to Colony 6 and finished their quests before Reyn's quest becomes available.

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I finally went for the final boss last night, and beat it fairly easily at level 80, with just short of 99 hours on the clock. What can I say? A truly fantastic game, and one that's definitely made it onto my top ten of all time. And it's still not even over - now I'm off to level up enough to find all the high level monsters and get into the areas I'm still too underlevelled to survive in.

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Woot got all the 4th Skill tress now, went round all the areas looking for new side quests and people to move to Colony 6, started at Alcamoth and worked backwards, for 2 High Entia and one Nopon and that Nopon was the one I needed to get some side quests in Colony 6 that lead to Reyns 4th Skill Tree.


So after getting that polished off some side quests on the Arm then back towards Agniathia(sp?) to continue the story, though I ended up mostly exploring and have now done most of those tons of quests you get from the terminal things inculding to of the 4parts of quests needed to advance the story :D

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I'm still questing around instead of beating the boss - have broke the 120 hr mark now.


Managed to get my affniity for Colony 9 up to 5 stars and got two Skill Trees for Shulk and one for for Reyn within a matter of minutes. My party are in the mid 90s now - it caps at 99 I believe... even if enemies go past it.


Got to the end of the treasure of the giants quest line but the final reward really didn't seem worth it... unless there is more to it which I'm not sure there could be. Also got into a deeper part of the High Entia Tomb although there really wasn't much more to it - found the other treasury room though.


Doing the quests is ok, but I really miss that feeling of getting to explore somewhere brand new.

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Got to the end of the treasure of the giants quest line but the final reward really didn't seem worth it... unless there is more to it which I'm not sure there could be.

I saw a thread on GameFAQs where someone asked what was behind the door on Valak Mountain. The first reply was:


"Nothing but disappointment."


I think that summed it up really well. :indeed:

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Ok I played a bit in the afternoon today, got most of the sidequests in Agniratha done but the 2 Beautification ones. And went onward to the Boss battle then which triggered some more awesome cut scenes afterwards.


Though as I found Agniatha locked out afterwards, lucky I had used a different save slot so just reloaded the save I made before the boss as I don't want to have any quests stuck on my list that can't be completed.


All I needed to finish them were the blue orb items. Got the 2nd one done but still need 2 Fairy Tale Diodes for the 1st. Anyone know if they can be gotten from trade/overtrade from anyone? The last two just won't show for me any :heh:

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I'm not aware of anyone who's willing to trade for them. Your best bet is just running around and picking up all of the collectables until you find what you need, assuming you're a high enough level that most enemies will leave you alone.


I'm pretty sure timed quests disappear off your list once it's too late to do them, though (like how when you get two opposing quests and they're both timed - the other one just disappears when you finish one of the quests), so if that's your only reason for running all over the place looking for collectables, I wouldn't bother.

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I still have a sword valley sidequest I didn't complete on my list.


By completing all Agniratha quests you get access to a secret location, 60 000 exp I think it was.


131 hours, lv 98. Giving gifts to complete the affinity chart, then watch the heart-to-heart events, beat the secret bosses and then onwards to the final boss.

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I'm pretty sure timed quests disappear off your list once it's too late to do them, though (like how when you get two opposing quests and they're both timed - the other one just disappears when you finish one of the quests), so if that's your only reason for running all over the place looking for collectables, I wouldn't bother.


No cause when I let the cut scenes play out after the boss I checked first if it was possible to warp back to Agnirathta and the area was locked out, I checked my quests list and those two were still there. Which is why I went back to my previous save file first :D

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No cause when I let the cut scenes play out after the boss I checked first if it was possible to warp back to Agnirathta and the area was locked out, I checked my quests list and those two were still there. Which is why I went back to my previous save file first :D


The timed quests do disappear when they are no longer able to be completed.


In the case you cant warp there, try warring to the next closest place and walk into the city that way. Right now, I cant warp directly to a certain place, but I can still go there the old fashioned way without any problems.


EDIT: Actually, that is exactly what I did do for them two quests that require tou to collect the blue orb items. The cutscene kicked me out the area but then I just walked back there from the previous map and picked up the bits I needed to complete the quests.

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A long time. You literally get to choose when they end. Hovewer, that choice itself is timed, but the cut off is a long time from where you are. Even if you don't do them all now or only go back occassionally you will probably have completed them before the choice disappears(however not making the choice at all cuts of another vast amount of quests)


If you want to know


Sword Valley




I was going to beat the super bosses, but the amount of preperation needed was too much when I already spent 130+ hours on the game so I went straight to final boss and kicked butt. Each fight probably didn't even last 30 seconds. Going to do the super bosses one day, but not any time soon.

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The timed quests do disappear when they are no longer able to be completed.


In the case you cant warp there, try warring to the next closest place and walk into the city that way. Right now, I cant warp directly to a certain place, but I can still go there the old fashioned way without any problems.


EDIT: Actually, that is exactly what I did do for them two quests that require tou to collect the blue orb items. The cutscene kicked me out the area but then I just walked back there from the previous map and picked up the bits I needed to complete the quests.


The next closest workable warp point would have been on the arm and it would be quite a trek going through the Field and Factory again.


Though I did find when using Junks to return to the factory to get to the core it was possible to access old areas of the factory and from there get into the city too, but without use of the warp points it would have taken even longer to find the items I wanted.


I just returned to my old save file just before the boss. It took about 90mins but finally got those last two Fairy Tale Diodes and found the hidden location area too.


Have gone and moved the story forward quite a bit now as I had no side quests on my list left.


I'm this far....


Beat Egil in the Core and then got all the awesome (and long) set of cut-scenes. I had a feeling Dickson would turn evil, ever since he left the group at the end of the Marsh there seemed something sinister about him.


The whole Zanza thing seems to have faint echos of Baten Kaitos and definately Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the World.


And this "trinity" of Zanas diciples reminds of the Angels (Kratos and co) in the 1st Symphonia :D


Just gotten Shulk back when I had to save and stop.




Though there is something that is making me think I should return to a previous save again as I may have screwed up something, so can someone tell me if I have or not....


I assume Alcamoth will be locked out now... I sure there are still a fair few Alcamoth NPC's that I was meant to relocate to Colony 6. Will I now have lost those NPC's or might I find them elsewhere in the world?



Just checked an "Immigrant Guide" :heh:


I've only missed out on 2 possible Alcamoth relocations

Don Argentis and either Zel Argentis or En Argentis


And also Neonik from the Hidden Village.


Anyone know if they are now totally lost to me or if I might find them somewhere else on Bionis?


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They all move if you haven't relocated them yet.


Don Argentis can be found outside the reservoir in Frontier Village. His two daughters can be found at the Ether Plant in Eryth Sea and the statues at Satorl Marsh, respectively.


You can still return to Hidden Village. ;)

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All Colony 6 immigrants are relocated elsewhere, some with new quests. Check Ether Plant, Soralal Statues(Satori March), Frontier Village, Valak Mountain(where the Monado was) and Refuge Camp at Bionis' Leg. Sheik posted an awesome google document on page 19(standard), it has a complete list with locations.



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Just beat


Xord. Got a load of timed quests for the Bionis Leg left so I was just wondering how long I actually have to complete them?



If you want to know exactly when the chance to choose to have those quests vanish appears and how to do it read the spoiler box below.


When you get to the end of the Marsh area and Dickson and the old man leave you can then go to Colony 6 and find the Otharon there. He will give you a quest to kill some monsters on the big bridge.


After you complete that quest you can then talk to Juju at the refugee camp. He'll ask if you want to move the refugees back to Colony 6.


Saying yes will lock out any Reguee timed quests you have left.

And will begin the reconstruction of the COlony 6 side quests :D



They all move if you haven't relocated them yet.


Don Argentis can be found outside the reservoir in Frontier Village. His two daughters can be found at the Ether Plant in Eryth Sea and the statues at Satorl Marsh, respectively.


All Colony 6 immigrants are relocated elsewhere, some with new quests. Check Ether Plant, Soralal Statues(Satori March), Frontier Village, Valak Mountain(where the Monado was) and Refuge Camp at Bionis' Leg. Sheik posted an awesome google document on page 19(standard), it has a complete list with locations.



Ah sweet thanks guys, least now I'm sure I don't have to return to the previous save and have to go through all those cut scenes again :D


I assume also as Junks moved out of the village that that area would be locked out too :heh:


You can still return to Hidden Village. ;)

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