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Most of you here talk as if you live on moral High-ground... But do very little to denounce the racism in this topic. Don't think of yourselves as balanced individuals - most of you are just as idiotic as these mindless noobs.


What racism?

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Most of you here talk as if you live on moral High-ground... But do very little to denounce the racism in this topic. Don't think of yourselves as balanced individuals - most of you are just as idiotic as these mindless noobs.


There does seem to be the odd racist joke in the thread...

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Most of you here talk as if you live on moral High-ground... But do very little to denounce the racism in this topic. Don't think of yourselves as balanced individuals - most of you are just as idiotic as these mindless noobs.


I'm fairly certain I (and possibly others on here) can take the moral highground seeing as all I've done is made a lighthearted joke (that wasn't even to do with the riots and the ethnicities/races involved), whereas the people involved in the riots have set fire to homes, businesses and generally ruined countless people's lives.


Call me racist all you want, I know it's not true and so do the people that matter to me. My ivory, muticultured tower is spotless.

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Call me racist all you want, I know it's not true and so do the people that matter to me. My ivory, muticultured tower is spotless.


It's an amusingly ironic statement - he's being prejudiced against people who make harmless jokes.

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In fairness King V, there's some truth in the stereotype that people have been making fun of (even if there are socio-economic factors that drive many young, Black men to crime). Unfortunately young Black men are disproportionately guilty of committing violent crime and burglary in the UK. If that stopped then the stereotype wouldn't be there to joke about. It's akin to making drunken jokes about Irish/Scottish people or Sheep Shagging jokes about the Welsh.


On the other hand, likelihood of committing violent crime has more to do with stability of the family unit combined with household income than it has to do with race. Unstable, poor families have a much higher likelihood of raising kids that turn to crime irrespective of race. It just so happens that Black people are the most likely to fit both molds, with White people being generally richer and Asians generally having more stable family units. The government clearly needs to provide more social support to the Black community to help them out of this endless cycle of broken families raising failure kids that live their lives on the wrong side of the law. While they're at it hopefully they can do the same with the White trash.

Edited by McPhee
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If that stopped then the stereotype wouldn't be there to joke about. It's akin to making drunken jokes about Irish/Scottish people or Sheep Shagging jokes about the Welsh.


Did you just say that the Welsh still shag sheep?

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No. disproportionate or not - with such remarks or "jokes" you pencil-mark every half-decent Black person you have ever met or known and whom exist into an abyss of guilt and degradation - only narrow, small-minded, simpletons are happy to live with their heads in cruise-control. All you choose to see is the bad. All you want to see is the bad; thus your conclusions or "jokes".


I, a black man, have existed on these forums for a fair few years and I like to think I have applied myself with reason and intelligence when interacting with the forum - but that doesn't count for anything - because you see a pack of hooligans who happens to be black on the street - everyone is tarnished with the same brush.


I really don't blame most of you - that is all you can be. Weak, pitiful and unquestioning.

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No. disproportionate or not - with such remarks or "jokes" you pencil-mark every half-decent Black person you have ever met or known and whom exist into an abyss of guilt and degradation - only narrow, small-minded, simpletons are happy to live with their heads in cruise-control. All you choose to see is the bad. All you want to see is the bad; thus your conclusions or "jokes".


I, a black man, have existed on these forums for a fair few years and I like to think I have applied myself with reason and intelligence when interacting with the forum - but that doesn't count for anything - because you see a pack of hooligans who happens to be black on the street - everyone is tarnished with the same brush.


I really don't blame most of you - that is all you can be. Weak, pitiful and unquestioning.


It's like you know me. Your insight into my attitude towards black people is uncanny. I'm surprised you got that much from what little I've said regarding race in this thread (we'll ignore what I've said regarding discrimination in the various trans threads for a while shall we?)


Say what you want, my real attitude regarding discrimination (of any sort) is healthy. I could go into detail about the various minorities, sexualities and trans people I share my life with and how I treat them, but it seems you've already judged me, just as I have apparently judged every black person in existence.

Edited by Goafer
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It's like you know me. Your insight into my attitude towards black people is uncanny. I'm surprised you got that much from what little I've said regarding race in this thread (we'll ignore what I've said regarding discrimination in the various trans threads for a while shall we?)


Say what you want, my real attitude regarding discrimination (of any sort) is healthy. I could go into detail about the various minorities, sexualities and trans people I share my life with and how I treat them, but it seems you've already judged me, just as I have apparently judged every black person in existence.


NP: No, I am not talking personally to you - In all honesty I care very little about you, or anyone else on these boards for that matter - you and your designs. I'm just throwing this out there. Maybe someone will be bold enough to think rationally.

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No. disproportionate or not - with such remarks or "jokes" you pencil-mark every half-decent Black person you have ever met or known and whom exist into an abyss of guilt and degradation - only narrow, small-minded, simpletons are happy to live with their heads in cruise-control. All you choose to see is the bad. All you want to see is the bad; thus your conclusions or "jokes".


I, a black man, have existed on these forums for a fair few years and I like to think I have applied myself with reason and intelligence when interacting with the forum - but that doesn't count for anything - because you see a pack of hooligans who happens to be black on the street - everyone is tarnished with the same brush.


I really don't blame most of you - that is all you can be. Weak, pitiful and unquestioning.


Dude, you're the one being prejudiced right now. You're judging someone based on a joke he made. Haven't you ever heard of self-irony? Heck, humour in general? The sheer idea that you think a joke represents actual opinion is, sorry to say, ridiculous. I love self-deprecating humour and often use it myself, and I enjoy it when others do it as well. I'm not offended because I know it's all in good fun.

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King_V you need to chill.


I think a few people from both "sides" need to really. I'll admit I did take King V's stuff a bit personally.


Although I don't consider much of what has been said here as genuinely racist, just ill thought out attempts at humour.

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Where is this racist stuff? I'm being blind, unless it's not on the previous two pages? What are you referring to exactly, V?


I think it's referring to some jokes made. There have also been some discussions as to whether immigration played a part in causing the whole thing.


As a side note, of all the news stories I've read, the minorities have had some of the best stories. Muslims protecting their mosques, the Polish protecting their shops, that woman from the West Indies hitting some looters with some hard knowledge.



Also, some incredible images here







"Aaron Biber, 89, assesses the damage to his barber's shop after riots on Tottenham High Road"



"Tariq Jahan holds a picture of his son Haroon Jahan who died after being knocked down by a car in Dudley Street, Winson Green, Birmingham."

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NP: No, I am not talking personally to you - In all honesty I care very little about you, or anyone else on these boards for that matter - you and your designs. I'm just throwing this out there. Maybe someone will be bold enough to think rationally.


And we're not talking about you personally. We're talking about a group that just happens to have a lot of black people in it. If you're insulted simply by statistics you really need to, as others have said "Chill out".

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Dude, you're the one being prejudiced right now. You're judging someone based on a joke he made. Haven't you ever heard of self-irony? Heck, humour in general? The sheer idea that you think a joke represents actual opinion is, sorry to say, ridiculous. I love self-deprecating humour and often use it myself, and I enjoy it when others do it as well. I'm not offended because I know it's all in good fun.



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