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Job Hunting


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I had a job interview for subway' date=' and they turned me down.


That's pretty depressing, right?[/quote']


I got turned down for a job in McDonalds in college, when I had been working in retail for a year at that point. Don't sweat it. These things happen.


I also never heard back when I applied to Subway...twice...desperate times at uni! I also ended up applying for boots, morrisons, hmv, game, gamestation the list was literally endless until Phase 8 took me on a 0 hour contract.


Now I work at one of the biggest music companies out there. It swings in roundabouts. I didn't have any other experience than perhaps two months at Jagex and they took me on with just retail experience. It literally is the old 'just keep trying' situation I think.

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Well I didn't get the job. Excuse me whilst I go hang myself.


I got some good feedback though.


Test Results - Your test results were strong, clearly demonstrating your aptitude with numbers. Whilst you don't have previous experience with SAS you obviously have a good understanding of programming basics. Your SHL test results prior to the telephone interview were also excellent.


Case study - We didn't feel that you did enough to really bring the case study to life. Whilst you did draw out a few of the important movements within the various tables, you didn't really join it together as we'd have liked.


Presentation - The content of your presentation was good. It was clear that you understood the mechanics of credit scoring, and you clearly articulated the benefits for a wide range of stakeholders across the business. Unfortunately your delivery wasn't as strong, and whilst you did follow the order of your slides, it was difficult for us to know exactly whereabouts in the presentation we were at any given time. More directly signposting the audience through the slides would have helped better structure your delivery.


Competency questions - We thought you gave some good answers and were able to evidence the majority of the behaviours we are looking for. Throughout you came across as quite laid back and softly spoken and you would have benefitted from trying to inject a bit more energy into your responses. Again, focussing on how you deliver your message will help as you've got a good story to tell.


As a department we deliberately set the bar high in terms of our new recruits, and on balance whilst we agreed that you probably could have done the job, we didn't see enough evidence through the interview to make a really compelling argument that you definitely could. As such, we did not feel in a position to be able to make an offer.


Pretty much what I expected.



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Well I didn't get the job. Excuse me whilst I go hang myself.


I got some good feedback though.




Pretty much what I expected.




Unlucky mate. You got some feedback there though which is incredibly useful. A lot of organisations don't bother doing that. You need to look at it and learn from it. What can you do better next time? What should I change next time?

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Didn't get the job at Morrisons.


Turns out they can't take on any kind of temporary staff at all, and they didn't check through my application form properly - they thought I had finished university rather than being only 2/3rds of the way through. This made the interview much shorter than they or I were expecting :heh: So while this sucks as I really do need the money - at least I got an interview. Guess I'll have to look for a job whilst I'm in Southampton then!

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Bit of a bump.


Had a bit of a rollercoaster with job hunting. Had a job interview with GeoPost/DPD last monday. Went down the night before and stopped over, got there, and it was clear from the start that he didn't want to hire me. Him: "Where did the recruiter find you? (I was approached for the positions by an agency)" Me: "He saw my CV on the internet." Him: "Yeah that's where he seems to find a lot of them." (said in tone of voice that was the verbal equivalent to rolling your eyes). That left me really annoyed. It's wasted my time, and my money for petrol expenses (to West Brom) and an overnight stay, when I clearly didn't have a chance anyway.


Then I had a phone interview scheduled last friday at 12 for a different job (the one I really want). 12 approaches, no phone call. 12.30, no phone call. At 1pm I email the recruitment (I went through another agency) guy telling him that I haven't been called. A few back and forth emails with him contacting HR, and it turns out that nobody told the guy (who I found out was out of the country) that he had an interview scheduled, until he got back and saw it written down, after the interview.


So that interview was rescheduled for today at 4. The phone rang, I answered, and in a completely retarded moment, I go to press "speaker" and accidentally press "end call". The phones rings again, him: "Sorry it seems we got cut off", me: "err... yeah.. something like that...".


Anyway the interview went well, (he said that himself, although he also said I was the first one he's spoken to, so far from guaranteed) so hopefully I've got the to the next (and final) stage. Finger crossed.


Also, despite saying over half charge before I answered, the phone vibrated to indicate low charge halfway through the phone call. And when the call ended, my phone was flashing red. Hate this stupid phone. Definitely one of the first things I'm going to buy when I start earning.

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I've had an array of stupid interviews.


One time my recruitment agency not only told me the wrong address but also told me the wrong date - I arrived a day late!


Another time, the interviewer had clearly watched a lot of The Apprentice and took too much pleasure in his torturous methods ("What's your favourite book? Give me five reasons why it's better than your second favourite book. GO," didn't seem particularly relevant to the job).


Another time I was still in the group interview stage and felt it was a waste of time so put my hand up and asked to leave.


God, I'm not looking forward to all this. My heart goes out to you, Moogle, it really does.

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