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X-Men Mafia II Game Thread


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I think it's better if you reveal it. The mafia do already know who is town and who isn't. ReZ is claiming investigator and will post his results at some point today. He says he's only had good results so far which indicates he potentially gets a 'good' or 'bad' result rather than 'is part of the X-Men' or not.

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I'm think ReZ is bluffing. I've been getting results whether or not they are X-men which to me is good or bad in this game. I'll admit, 4/5 nights I've found fellow X-men but I wasted one of those nights on myself to check I'm not corrupt or anything so I think ReZ is lying and I have no reason to distrust my information.


So far I've investigated Eevil and Mr-Paul and myself, all X-men.


Also, I've been silenced for two days (not consecutively) so whoever is targeting me is evil.


No-one knows who this is?

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Right, I missed the last day phase because I was abroad. But I AM BACK!

I trust Ellmeister's results I think, although I want to hear who ReZ claims to have investigated.

My main suspicions lie with those who have been ultra inactive, and The Peeps strikes me as fishy for some reason.

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Come on Peeps, that's two questions I've already answered! I am Domino, that is why I asked for protection before I was being targeted and my ability meant someone else died due to me ability to use "luck" to avoid death.


Protection stopped a kill one night I believe so yeah, people keep doing that!

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I am definitely inclined to think one out of Ellmeister and ReZ would be evil but currently I'm not swayed either way =\


Domino and Jean Grey are both X-Men but Dark Phoenix would obviously be evil... but we've not seen any evidence of Dark Phoenix have we? I don't think she'd be a subtle (not appearing in any write-ups) role.

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I don't think she'd be a subtle (not appearing in any write-ups) role.


...A super-powered evil side that lies dormant isn't subtle? It could be a simple case of ReZ choosing to not transform, or the requirements for such an occasion not happening yet.


I'm starting to be more convinced of this. Vote: ReZ

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I think I've already said I'm Cyclops. I wasn't the only one going against Rummy either. He was refusing to give any additional information about himself once it came out that he had a lynchbomb and looked incredibly suspicious for it.


Surely after new evidence comes forward that brings your role into question, you'd at least reveal your character. Especially after all the important information like ability and targets had already been revealed. It made no sense for him to hold back his info and just made him look like he had no explanation for his lynchbomb and was trying to hide something.


Obviously in hindsight he wasn't hiding anything but he sure as hell wasn't acting innocent.




Yeah ReZ said he'd reveal his targets and he hasn't. Doesn't really make sense.

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I've already said I have no night power, I would like it to be left - at that at least for now.


Do you have any reason to think Cyclops would be evil in this game? Cyclops leader of the X-Men?


Can I ask why you actually think I'm mafia now?


punctuation fail.

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