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DIY Video Game Mafia


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Night 5 is over


The blue eyed young woman found the blocky man inside a hole dug out by himself, she was going to patrol the nearby land until a green wearing woman stopped her.


The armoured men were keeping each other company.


The blue character found the flexible man, he gathered what he could before leaving. The ex-army warrior was successful.


The wolf was doing it’s job before being brutally murdered.


Eenuh is dead. She was Okami Amaterasu.


She was good. She had a series of powers. She was also terribly unlucky.




Day 6 begins now!


Player List (11)














Majority is 6

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Yvonne what did you do last night? I can't see you in the write-up.


I'm pretty sure I don't appear, but there are 9 people mentioned in the write-up clearly.


1. Blue-eyed woman

2. Blocky man

3. Green-wearing woman

4. Armoured Man 1

5. Armoured Man 2

6. Blue Character

7. Flexible Man

8. Ex-army warrior

9. Wolf (Eenuh, dead)


That leaves three people who don't appear. If I'm not the flexible man (and I don't think I am, although if the Blue character could confirm if they targeted me last night that would be good).


But yeah - Yvonne, what did you do last night?


I say that if we don't have a lynch target today we get rid of The_Arbitor. He's likely to be mafia - he's not posting at all but he would have been replaced if he hadn't been sending in targets, so either he's just being shit or the mafia are sending in targets for him. Either way I don't think he should be allowed to continue.


Tales, may I ask what your power is? Or at least what it entails, or how you carry it out or something? Basically any information about your power would be good.


EDIT: The sentence starting 'If I'm not the flexible man' should have ended:


"then that's just two people who don't appear, one of which is likely to be the killer.

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Good call on Diageo, I couldn't have seen it.


I am otacon! And last night I was inventin'.


Whats arbitor got to say today?


also btw I am at life drawing today and busy this afternoon so no posts until eleven or so.

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Yvonne what did you do last night? I can't see you in the write-up.


I'm pretty sure I don't appear, but there are 9 people mentioned in the write-up clearly.


1. Blue-eyed woman

2. Blocky man

3. Green-wearing woman

4. Armoured Man 1

5. Armoured Man 2

6. Blue Character

7. Flexible Man

8. Ex-army warrior

9. Wolf (Eenuh, dead)


That leaves three people who don't appear. If I'm not the flexible man (and I don't think I am, although if the Blue character could confirm if they targeted me last night that would be good).


But yeah - Yvonne, what did you do last night?


I say that if we don't have a lynch target today we get rid of The_Arbitor. He's likely to be mafia - he's not posting at all but he would have been replaced if he hadn't been sending in targets, so either he's just being shit or the mafia are sending in targets for him. Either way I don't think he should be allowed to continue.


Tales, may I ask what your power is? Or at least what it entails, or how you carry it out or something? Basically any information about your power would be good.


EDIT: The sentence starting 'If I'm not the flexible man' should have ended:


"then that's just two people who don't appear, one of which is likely to be the killer.


I really really want to tell, trust me I do, but it's not the wisest course of action.


I know for a fact that Arbitor is the fleksible man.


He didn't appear in the write up the night before either, that's why I mentioned him then.


Just noticed that Arbitor did appear tonight.


Where is everyone?!!

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Unfortunately not. I might as well tell you, I’m neutral, And my abilities only concern my own win condition (I’m the apron woman).. I’d love to help you out, but all I can do is vote for who I find suspicious. I never got any PM’s as well. Other than the ones from my own abilities I mean.

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A role claim from everyone would be useful, so we can work out who actually appears in the write-up last night. Actually, we only need the people who claim to be in the write-up...


Right now I'd be happy to lynch The_Arbitor, but the day is long enough that we don't need to rush anything. I want to hear from everyone today.


Thinking about it, there are 9 characters in the write-up (including Eenuh), but only 8 are seen completing an action. The flexible man is seen being targeted but not as completing an action.


Basically, if Dannyboy, Yvonne and I are right about not appearing, the killer must be one of us three or the_Arbitor. And I would argue that my actions yesterday proved it wasn't me :)

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What do you mean by 'stealthed yourself' - what did that do? And how come you were allowed to use it twice?


Tales, I know you can't reveal much but can you at least give a tiny snippet about your power? Like, for example, what you use to carry it out, or how its effects manifest themselves, or something.


I'd also like to hear from Shorty, Dazz, Dyson and The_Arbitor.


Right now I'm going to Vote: The_Abitor as he's adding absolutely nothing to the game and based on the fact he would have been replaced if he didn't send targets, he is likely mafia and his teammates are sending targets for him.

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I start out with the stealth camo, which takes me out of the write up and protects me for the night. But if I just do that, I can't use my cool power of inventing shit that is useful later.


I will wait for arbitor to speak up today but things aren't looking good for him. May vote when I get home tonight.

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