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Norse Mythology Mafia


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Wait... Nintendohnut did this to you?




:laughing: This is amusing. 150 posts with one word each? Impossible. But remember that "one word" is the minimum. Feel free to post normally.


Also, this means that Cube is the final mafioso. Fun. I can end this tonight.

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Majority has been reached very quickly.


Rummy (4): Jonnas, Jayseven, Ellmeister




Rummy is dead. (S)he was Rán, the sea goddess of theft and robbery. She could steal players' items and damages their messages. She could also roleblock any male approaching her. He was mafia.


Night 2011 starts now


Players (6)








Edited by Tales
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I just got a PM back form Tales: My roleblocking doesn't carry on to the next day. I was roleblocked for 50 posts. After double checking with Tales, this carries on to the next day.


Vote: Rummy just to make sure.


Anyway, jayseven was roleblocked last night.

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Night 2012 has ended.



Cube was Víðarr, god of silence and revenge. He could use his knuckles to knock out a player for the night and long onto the day or spread rumour to make a player roleblock another player. As Odin's son he appeared good and had a double vote. He was mafia.



The town has won




Jonnas is Odin, god of wisdom and the ruler of Asgard. He could send his ravens to keep track of two targets and with his spear Gugnir he could kill any player. His influence as god above all gods gave him a double vote. He is good.




mr-paul is Sága, the goddess of serenity. He could learn the names and nature of the gods. With his pendant he could find out the true intent of the crowd. He is good.





Ellmeister is Legolas, an elf rom Ãlfheimr. With his agility and lightfootedness(?) he could track players with great detail without being roleblocked or tracked. He could also voteblock players with his arrow. He is good.




Nintendohnut is Forseti, god of justice. He could sentence players to participate in the discussions and jail them for failing. He is good.




Jayseven is Frigg, goddess of love and protection and Odin’s wife. He could protect players from any harm. He is good.

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...LOL :laughing: I thought ReZ really was a Melusine, and was a "non-Nordic" member of the mafia, to throw us off. Lol, what made ReZ think his lie made any sense?


I started searching for Norse Mythology on Google, eventually came across her name and then just checked Wiki stuff, so I had assumed she was Norse, lol. (I did it under pressure as I didn't want to leave ~whoever asked me who I was~ hanging, and hadn't had much time to come up with it obv)

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The Peeps, you are Thor, god of thunder. You are good.






You may choose one of the following abilities once every 24 hour:


[Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr] You will mount your goat driven chariot and head towards your target above the clouds. As your ride, thunderclouds will be created underneath you and zap your target with the thunder. The target will be roleblocked for the night. If you hit a mortal, the massive forces will kill your target.


[Forge] You will go to the armory and “borrow†your target’s weapon or item. You will spend the rest of the night forging a stronger weapon with your hammer Mjollnir. Depending on the weapon or item, it will be enhanced in different ways. If the target was planning on using the weapon or item they are essentially roleblocked. If your target does not have an item you will be working on your own hammer for the night (aka do nothing)


[Win condition] You will win when all the traitors are eliminated.


- First role I thought of.

- In the beginning there were two mortals(the guard guarding the armoury) but I ended up with only one.

- There were 6 items for him to improve.

- He’s secondory objective, a game mechanism I canned, was to put the final vote on Loki. His vote on Loki couldn’t be removed. The secondory objective would affect the epilouge like on Fire Emblem.






Jonnas, you are Odin, god of wisdom and the ruler of Asgard. You are good






As the ruler of Asgard your vote counts for two. You can choose to activate it.


You may choose one of the following abilities:


[Huginn and Muninn] Send one of them towards your target of choice, and it will report back to you about what it saw. Huginn will tell you who targeted your target, and Muninn will tell you who your target targeted. You can send out both simultaneously.


[Gungnir] Hurl your spear towards your target. It might kill your target. Be sure not to lose this one. . You can use it simultaneously with your ravens.


[Valkyrie] Being the lord of Valhalla, you have hundreds of Valkyries at your disposal, howewer you’re found of one in particular, the Valkyrie Herja. You can freely talk outside the thread at any time of both day and night phase(but cc me) to discuss anything you want. But if you disagree on what to do, you have the final say.


[Win condition] You will win when all the traitors are eliminated.


- Probably the most powerful role.

- In the beginning the spear has 50% chance of succeding and can be protected. When Thor improved it goes to 100% and avoids protectors. Jonnas tried to kill Rez/Mundi but was redirected to The Peeps. That’s not what I call karma!

- The valkyrie was supposed to be lost in Valhalla because of her curiousity and one of them had to target the other before they could talk together, but I canned it shortly before we started.

- Like Herja the secondory objective was to keep the other one alive.







Dazz, you are a Herja, a Valkyrie, warrior goddess . You are good.






[Lance] As a Valkyrie, you don’t yourself participate in battle. But by lending your lance you will give your target the authority and power to act on behalf of Odin for one day. Your target will get a double vote and be able to stop one player for the rest of the day. You can’t use the lance yourself and you can’t give it to anyone else before the first player returns it.


[Obey] You are Odin’s preferred Valkyrie and share a close relationship with him. When great matters are being discussed you are both a great advisor as well as the one carrying out important missions personally. The two of you can freely talk to each other through pms(cc me). Odin is free to order you to do his bidding, but you can choose to refuse by sending in a different target. However, your curiosity and fondness of danger have made you get lost in Valhalla, so for the time being you are on your own.


[Win condition] You will win when all the traitors are eliminated.


- I don’t remember where I read it, but appearently Valkyries themselves don’t participate in battles which was reasoning behind her lance power. Probably not my most genius idea. I

- I never ekspected people to jump on the meaning of the name Herja. It was just a name I chose because she looked important based on how large the Wiki article was. I was just looking for a random, but true name.

- In the beginning she was supposed to be immortal because she’s been given Odin’s blessing or something, something I read on Wiki I think. But I thought why wasn’t Odin immortal then, and two, she was supposed to lose the immortality if she disobeyed Odin, something that probably wasn’t going to happen.

- Thor improves the lance to triple vote and the ability to stop a lynch(ends the day)

- At one point I considered putting her on the mafia team because I thought the town was overbalanced. Vidar would lose his appear good ability in that case.






Dyson, you are Sága, the goddess of serenity. You are good.





You may pick one of the following powers.


[True nature] Each phase you may target a player. You will learn the nature

of your target. (example: yours is “goddess of serenityâ€)


[Clarity] Each phase you may target a player. You will learn the targets name.


[brísingamen] Use the pendant to find out the true intent of the crowd. Pick a lynch that has already happened to find out the number of mafia in the lynching. It only works once, after which it will break. You can use it any time you want regardless of your other powers.


[Win condition] You will win when all the traitors are eliminated.


- Thor improves it to be used twice.

- I was disappointed that the pendant was never used. My favourite item by far. Mafia stole it at one point but didn’t know how to use it.






Ellmeister, you are Legolas, an elf rom Ãlfheimr. You are good.




Your agility and quick reactions prevents anyone from tracking or roleblocking you.


Choose one of the following powers:


[Arrow] You may fire an arrow at your target’s arm. Being injured the target is unable to raise their arm to vote at any lynches for the rest of the day. The target’s vote will be ignored. You have 3 arrows and can use them at any time during day and nigth.


[stalk] You may choose to stalk your target. Doing so let’s you to see what happens to your target.


[Win condition] You will win when all the traitors are eliminated.


- Couldn’t find an elf name from the mythology. He was detailed tracker who got descriptive sentences about everything the target did and everything that happened to him.

- Thor improves the arrows to 6 and not voting for two days.

- Another paradoks, but a lot easier. On the same night as with Jayseven, Ellmeister tracked Rummy, who roleblocks any male. But Ellmeister can’t be roleblocked. Originally it was designed to work against direct roleblocking as I didn’t think about this happening. But I favoured the town in this case.






Heroicjanitor, you are Freyja, goddess of love and beauty. You are good.






Choose one to use once every 24 hour.


[seduce] You may target a player. You will have a conversation with your target for the rest of the night. Because of your undeniable beauty your target will be unable to refuse and will be unable to do anything else than conversing with you.


[Encourage] Target a player to encourage him or her to work faster/better. The player will work twice as fast and can perform two night actions.


[Win condition] You will win when all the traitors are eliminated.


I never realized they were both the goddess of love! The only difference was that one of them was also goddess of beauty and the other protection. Jayseven didn’t reveal that because it would give away his power. Sorry!







ReZourceman, you are Andvari, a lone dwarf dwelling underneath a waterfall.

You are good.






[Andvarinaut] You possess the ring Andvaranaut, a magical ring capable of producing gold. You automatically make one gold coin every night. You can bribe as many targets you want in the same night, or the same target several times, if you have the required coins. You can use the coins as soon as they are produced. If a mafia possesses your ring, the curse on the ring will make him or her roleblocked for the night.

You start with one coin.


[bribe: Target. 1 coin.] Your target will tell you who they targeted.


[bribe: Change target. 1 coins] Your target will target someone else of your

choice. Your target will be notified.


[bribe: Power. 2 coin.] Your target will reveal one of his or hers powers.


[bribe: Allegiance. 3 coins.] Your target will reveal their alignment.


[Win condition] You will win when all the traitors are eliminated.


- One of my favourite roles.

- He only got to send in one target, power, on Rummy, but he was actually supposed to be roleblocked because he is male. Luckily he died not long after so he never got to reveal it.(not why I ended the day)

- Thor improves it to produce two gold coins each night.






MadDog, you are Kvasir, god of knowledge and teaching. You are good.






[Teach] Target a player you want to share your knowledge about. The player will get to pick one player they want to learn more about. The information will be randomized between power, nature, targets and allegiance.


[Win condition] You will win when all the traitors are eliminated.


- Jonnas instantly doubted the information he got. Wasn’t ekspecting that!






Nintendohnut, you are Forseti, god of justice. You are good.






[Community service] Sentence a player to participate in the thread. He or she will have to make at least ten posts containing 50 words each or be jailed for the following night. This is a regular jail keeper action, but won’t protect against night kills. The target will be notified. You can target a new player even if you jail someone.


[Win condition] You will win when all the traitors are eliminated


- Not one of my favourite roles and Nintendohnut made sure to tell me it wasn’t his either.

- Originially he had a power that forced a player to tell the truth in thread or risk losing his or hers voting priviligies, but I thought it could potentially be too powerful.






Jayseven, you are Frigg, goddess of love and protection and Odin’s wife. You are good.






[Protect] You are the only other one allowed to sit on the chair Hlidskjalf other than Odin himself. You may use the chair to watch over your people. Look for a player and you will be able to see any wrongdoing happening to him or her and prevent it in time. You prevent everything negative, including kills.


[Win condition] You will win when all the traitors are eliminated.


- Her secondary objective was to lynch Herja because she didn’t like Odin’s affection for her.

- Read Freyja’s comments.

- I had a difficult decision on night 1001. Cube made Jayseven roleblock Jonnas when Jonnas was going to kill Rez. If Cube’s power worked, it meant Jayseven’s only partly worked(Jonnas was also targeted to be killed) If Jayseven’s power worked, it meant Cube’s didn’t. Eventually town got the better end of the stick, partly because I wanted to stay true to Jayseven’s role and partly because the mafia was toast anyway due to other things happening the same night as well as being pretty much outed the day before.

- Protecting Jonnas was the only time he protected against something.






We were a tiny smidgen away from winning, but Jonnas' double vote destroyed our plans.


I had a double vote? I appeared as good?


did you ever read your role?

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Woot! :yay: I had the most overpowered role ever, but I was effin' Odin, so I don't care. Indeed, my only regret is that Loki tricked me into killing Thor. But then I outsmarted him.


The truth is, the night that Eddie redirected me, I had chosen to kill Mundi. Yes, I would've killed ReZ in the very same night that he would rejoin the game. The second time she tried to redirect me, I simply chose to target nobody. She could not actually force me to kill in those circumstances.


@ReZ: LOL :laughing: Next time, you should double check your claims.

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- I had a difficult decision on night 1001. Cube made Jayseven roleblock Jonnas when Jonnas was going to kill Rez. If Cube’s power worked, it meant Jayseven’s only partly worked(Jonnas was also targeted to be killed) If Jayseven’s power worked, it meant Cube’s didn’t. Eventually town got the better end of the stick, partly because I wanted to stay true to Jayseven’s role and partly because the mafia was toast anyway due to other things happening the same night as well as being pretty much outed the day before.


The usual protection power only protects against kills, whereas power protectors protect against everything except kills.


Loool so the mafia killed EddieColeslaw by forgetting Cube had a double vote? Fail :D


Forgot? We were never told about it.


Edit: Oh, it was hidden in the description text, and wasn't with the power text.

Edited by Cube
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Very good roles for the most part. Very creative. I am disgusted at Jonnas though lol. Like....it would take me three days to find out the alignment of one person. In that time Jonnas could have killed three people and found out information on six others.


Two double votes on the same side is very dodgy too...but....yeah. Town smashed us so I'm not discrediting their win at all, we/they had plenty of chances to take it, so its all good.


Good game.

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Man, glad this is finally over. Found it hard! Especially with the first bit. I did alot of stealing and wanted to peg Dazz for it, but alas no. Well played town, AND to Dohnut for his last sneaky.


You were accurate though, I could have posted more, I just chose not to.


I ALSO stand by what I said...I don't like killers :P



Them roles were pretty epic too!

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You are Loki, god of mischief. You are mafia and the leader of the rebellion.





You can choose one of the following abilities or do both simultaneously:


[shapeshifter]You can choose impersonate anything or anyone you want indefinitely until you send me a new target. Example: Impersonate The Peeps. You will appear as The Peeps in personal messages. Or impersonate Odin, or a fish, or whatever you want. No F-32 or Barack Obama though. Keep it real. Use Wikipedia. You cannot shapeshift if you are making the kill.


[Trickster] You can fool anyone in targeting anyone else of your choosing. They will believe they are still targeting their original target. Eample: The Peeps to Nintendohnut. The player won’t be notified. This includes voting, a part you can choose to activate. Must be the same target.


[Win condition] Eliminate Odin’s followers and gain majority.


- I was thinking the best thing to do would be to impersonate other players because he would appear as them both in pms and write ups(the one time they did use it, Ellmeister saw The Peeps instead of Eddie), but they decided to invent a character instead.

- His secondary objective was to kill Thor.






You are Víðarr, god of silence and revenge. You are mafia.





After learning that it is foretold you will succeed your father Odin after the events at Ragnarok, you decide that Ragnarok is a long time to wait and believe that you will be better fit to win the battle. As Odin’s son, you will appear good to any type of investigators. Anyone roleblocking you will get a nice punch in the face and will be roleblocked themself. As Odin’s son your vote counts for two. You can choose to activate it.


Choose one power.


[Knuckles]Use your massive strength to knock out your target. The target will be roleblocked for the night and silenced till noon. The target will wake up when 50 posts have been made.


[Work up]Pick two targets. You will tell target 1 that target 2 has been spreading lies about him. He will give up his original action and attack target 2. Target 2 will be roleblocked by target 1.


[Win condition] Eliminate Odin’s followers and gain majority.


- Thor improves the knuckles to be able to kill if targeting the same person two nights in a row.

- His secondary objective was to kill Odin, his father.

- The day Eddie was lynched, the mafia had with Cube's double vote 5 votes they could have used to rush to a lynch.







You are Dovregubben, the largest and most powerful troll in all the realms. You are mafia.




You can choose one of the following abilities or do both simultaneously:


[Lookout] With your great height you can keep track of whatever happens with your target. You will keep track of the same target until you send me a new one.


[stomp] Carefully step on your target by “accident” to incapacity him or her. The target will be brought to bed to recover and will be unable to speak and vote for the rest of the night. The action will be notified in the thread by “player A has been incapicated” and the target will be told they were severely injured by an attacker arriving from nowhere. This is a day power and can be used directly with your other action.


[Win condition] Eliminate Odin’s followers and gain majority.

- Picture is from the movie Troll Hunter. Watch it.








You are Rán, the sea goddess of theft and robbery. You are mafia.





[steal] Steal a player’s item. You can freely pass this around to your fellow mafia members or anyone else in the game. You can use the item the following night or day after you stole it, after which the item will be automatically returned to prevent suspicions. You will not be told what the item does.


[Flood] Target a player to flood their room. Any message they will receive will be severely damaged.


[Fishing net] With your seductive behavior and beauty any male targeting you will approach you carelessly. They will automatically be roleblocked you throw your net on them. You may receive an item from them if they were using it. They will not be told who they were roleblocked by.


[Win condition] Eliminate Odin’s followers an gain majority.


- Thor’s power improves the net from 50% chance of stealing an item to 100% and roleblocking women as well.

- Only two males target her, Rez but then I forgot to roleblock him and Ellmeister who can't be roleblocked.









Diageo, you are petty farmer, a mortal. You are neutral.


You live here:




The long winter has killed most of your livestock and the lack of rain in summer has withered your crops. You slaughter your remaining livestock the following winter but to no avail, your only son succumbs to disease and you are left alone. However, you remain faithful to the gods and continue to pray every day hoping that one day they will listen.


As a mortal, you don’t have a say in the great matters of the gods. You can’t vote.


[Carve] Each night you may carve a rune stone for the gods. The god will use your faith and support to perform a second action in the same night.


[Hospitality] Even though you are fighting with the rats for the remaining bread crumbles, you know how to make your guests feel welcome. You won’t hesitate to pour your finest mjod.


When a player targets you, you can choose between the following drinks to offer. You cannot refuse to give them anything. They can refuse to accept, in which case you will be told.


[Win condition] Survive until the end of the game.


- The drinks he could offer changed when I changed to the day/night system and I don’t have those on word. Diageo has to post them.

- He’s neutral because he’s not a god or a special being like the elf, troll and dwarf








Esequiel, you are Fenrir, the fearsome wolf destined to wreak havoc at Ragnarok . You

are neutral.






To begin with you are just a mere pup unable to do any harm. But as the time passes you will grow in size and strength and your wild nature will appear. You will gain new powers as you do. At the moment, due to your size and cuteness, you appear good to anyone investigating you.


[broken chain] Your chain is currently broken which is why you can roam freely, however it can be repaired. This will roleblock you for two days until you can break yourself free.


[Follow] Target a player to go wherever he goes.


[Win condition] Survive until the end of the game.



Night 3


[bark] Scare the player from continuing with whatever they’re trying to do. The target will be given a choice to retreat.

You will appear good, however they will be unsure


Night 5


[bite] Bite the hand of a player to prevent them from voting the following day.

You will appear neutral


Night 7


[Assault] Protect anything, positive or negative from happening to your target no matter how much force it requires.


Night 10


[Kill] You have reached your full strength but as such have lost control over yourself. Kill any player you want. You must target a player each 36 night starting now. Your previous powers are lost.


You will appear mafia.


- His secondary objective was to win the game before he started killing.






The usual protection power only protects against kills, whereas power protectors protect against everything except kills.




Forgot? We were never told about it.


Edit: Oh, it was hidden in the description text, and wasn't with the power text.


He was the only protector in the game of any kind.


Why would it be with the power tekst? Seemed natural to me to put in the character description since it describes the character.

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You see: I read the first part of the paragraph then read the entire wikipedia article instead to get a better understanding of the character. I then read the powers (which were nicely laid out...or so I thought).

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Very good roles for the most part. Very creative. I am disgusted at Jonnas though lol. Like....it would take me three days to find out the alignment of one person. In that time Jonnas could have killed three people and found out information on six others.


Two double votes on the same side is very dodgy too...but....yeah. Town smashed us so I'm not discrediting their win at all, we/they had plenty of chances to take it, so its all good.


Good game.

dazz could have given it to the mafia so they would gain two double voters. Rummy stole it in night 1 I think but gave it right back to dazz thinking it would kill him :p Later you redirected him to Jonnas who was the only one besides dazz himself who couldn't use it.

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