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MGS Wii U Being Looked Into


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E3 2011: Kojima Looking into MGS on Wii U


Kojima is weighing up the idea of bringing Metal Gear Solid to Wii U.


At last year's unveiling of the Nintendo 3DS many fans were pleasantly surprised to see Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D announced. With this week's announcement of the Nintendo Wii U Eurogamer has asked creative producer Yoshikazu Matsuhana if they're considering bringing a Metal Gear Solid game out on Wii U.


Mr. Matsuhana says they were approached by Nintendo a while ago and have been in discussion with them regarding their new console. While he admits they probably won't have anything available for launch he says that they are "very much thinking about possibilities with the Wii U" and adds that he thinks it is "a very fun system".


He goes on to say that public opinion is important and will play a role in the deciding process. "We're also looking at the public reaction. If there are enough people who say they want us to bring something to the Wii U that also factors into things." When pressed for information as to whether Metal Gear Solid 5 would be released on the Wii U he simply said it was top secret.

Twin Snakes sold well on the Gamecube didn't it? And the Gamecube had a much smaller user base!... although I suppose the core audience of both console is around the same.
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Smaller userbase than then wii u?!
haha that's true, I was kinda making the assumption that much of the Wii's userbase would transfer over. But even if that's not the case with the Wii's casual audience, the core Nintendo gamers should be there... the ones that bought Twin Snakes.
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What I don't like about this is the fact that Nintendo approached Konami/Kojima...!? No! Konami should approach Nintendo! (if you want some cash-money dawg).

I think it just means Nintendo approached them to show them the new console, like Nintendo would have had to do with every third party.

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nintendos audience would friggen jump on metal gear if it was on a nintendo console.

it would totally fit in.

twin snaked doesnt really count in my opinion as it was a port it didnt have the relevence factor and i always thought it looked sub par to the real konami developed metal gear games , this is easily explainable as it was devoloped by silicone knights..

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nintendos audience would friggen jump on metal gear if it was on a nintendo console.

it would totally fit in.

twin snaked doesnt really count in my opinion as it was a port it didnt have the relevence factor and i always thought it looked sub par to the real konami developed metal gear games , this is easily explainable as it was devoloped by silicone knights..


It was actually a remake.


MGS3 3D is a port.

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nintendos audience would friggen jump on metal gear if it was on a nintendo console.

it would totally fit in.

twin snaked doesnt really count in my opinion as it was a port it didnt have the relevence factor and i always thought it looked sub par to the real konami developed metal gear games , this is easily explainable as it was devoloped by silicone knights..


What are you talking about it? It looked on par if not better than MGS2 in places!

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nintendos audience would friggen jump on metal gear if it was on a nintendo console.

it would totally fit in.

twin snaked doesnt really count in my opinion as it was a port it didnt have the relevence factor and i always thought it looked sub par to the real konami developed metal gear games , this is easily explainable as it was devoloped by silicone knights..


I don't think it's Against all odds that Nintendo fans would jump on metal gear.

Although, I hear that Twin Snakes sold pretty well. But, there are Both sides of the Story, for instance, I didn't play that game.


I hear that the game was like another day in paradise, but I cannot believe its true. Maybe one day I'll play it. I believe I will. I can feel it. In the air tonight.

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I don't think it's Against all odds that Nintendo fans would jump on metal gear.

Although, I hear that Twin Snakes sold pretty well. But, there are Both sides of the Story, for instance, I didn't play that game.


I hear that the game was like another day in paradise, but I cannot believe its true. Maybe one day I'll play it. I believe I will. I can feel it. In the air tonight.


Oh dear... is it mafia time already?! ::shrug:

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Whoa, take it slow with Jamba FLink!!


Remember... You can't hurry love!


Who Said I Would? But...why wait? We Wait And We Wonder what might have been, if we don't hurry. ;)


Besides, ours is A Groovy Kind of Love. I can tell, Jamba. It's in your eyes.

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What are you talking about it? It looked on par if not better than MGS2 in places!


i know not many people noticed it but i happened to. the art style just isnt as good as actual metal gear solid games. its a ridiculously picky thing to point out but i have an eye for it, i noticed, i couldnt get into it.


and port/remake whatever? does the same thing.

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and port/remake whatever? does the same thing.


There's a difference actually.


A port is when you take a game from one system, and stick it on a different system. A few tweaks might be done here or there to get it to work, but for all intents and purposes, it's the same game. Zelda OoT would be an example of an enhanced port. It's a port in the same way Perfect dark on the xbox is an enhanced port.


A Remake is a game made from scratch, the ground up, based on an existing game. Resi 1 on gamecube is a good example. MGS Twin Snakes is another. Only difference is, it's using the MGS2 gameplay engine, and thus breaking the game in many ways (the difficulty mainly) since the game wasn't designed for a lot of the features that were added in MGS2.



Anyway, the "art style" is pretty much the same, but the game ran no where near as well as MGS2 did, slow down etc is to blame in this case.

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well i basicly saw it as a port as i wasnt impressed with it.

i think at that time, i also wasnt impressed with the fact that silicone knights were working on that, they made eternal darkness they should of been making something more interesting than that..

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Oh I so hope Kojima brings one of his overhyped, nonsensical interactive movies to Wii U! I specifically can't wait for 45 minute cutscenes, clunky controls and a plot I need to read over 5 times to get a basic grasp of - not to mention the wonderful dialogue, wow that shit is great!

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Twin Snakes is a great game. The controls work and aren't clunky and the cut-scenes aren't too long.


I tried playing MGS4 for a few hours and gave up as I had absolutely no idea how any of the gameplay worked. Apparently you have to play MGS3 to understand how to play the game (and I'm not talking about the story).

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