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Sonic Generations 3DS


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Care to share why - or just leaving it at that? :hmm:


I think if anything will 'suck' about it, it's going to be how short it is.


In terms of the gameplay, it looks amazing. This is all.


well from the vids i seen it doesnt look amazing! some of the levels look empty.

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I hope it's better than Sonic Generations on PS3 and XBOX 360.. I'm not a huge fan of it, from what I've played, though I do feel that this still has the potential to be decent :smile:


I loved it on 360, the only thing I wasn't keen on was the lack of acts and those rubbish side missions. If anything, I think the 3DS version won't be as good.


I went there

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I loved it on 360, the only thing I wasn't keen on was the lack of acts and those rubbish side missions. If anything, I think the 3DS version won't be as good.


I went there


I actually don't expect it to be as 'good' either.. and that doesn't bode well :heh: I'm still interested in trying it out, though..

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Launch Trailer




Whilst the launch trailer makes it look pretty good, as you'd expect it too...


IGN posted up some gameplay videos the other days, which would lead me more to believe the Gameinformer tagline...


Sonic Generations Review: Dimps’ Reliable Quality Skips A Generation


It looked like the levels were set out and played terribly!


Mushroom Hill Special Stage



Modern Sonic Emerald Coast



Classic Sonic Green Hill Zone


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From the footage I've seen over the past week since some German retailers had broken the street date incredibly early, it's going to be a 50/50 experience.


The level choices and the aesthetics: brilliant. You can tell that they designed things the way they did so the 3D could really shine. But because of this..


Level design: Lack of different paths to take. That was the awesome thing on the console version, the levels were massive in scale and had many paths to take so you can work your way to finding those red rings. Generations 3DS.. doesn't have much of that.


Another thing they sacrificed with the 3D aesthetics is how organic the levels feel. You play City Escape on the console Generations and it really does feel like it could be a real city. You're running around on the roofs of houses, through construction work, down the roads.. It just felt natural. But you look at Radical Highway on the 3DS... As much as I imagine the effect would look good in 3D, the roads are just all fucking weird..


Even worse, some levels have really been neglected. Because the 3DS clearly isn't as powerful as the current consoles, it's understandable that the lack of scenery means you've got to try and be more exciting with the path. But going up and down randomly placed hills in succession isn't very convincing or exciting..


I think 6.5 ~ 7.5 looks pretty much spot on for this game. It looks good and fun, but a lot more could have been done. Then again, I haven't seen anything regarding the challenges yet so I could be missing the best part of the game! Oh well, 2 more days to find out.

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Thanks for that @Debug Mode - I agree with a lot of the things you have said but I'll be picking it up regardless. I really enjoyed the 360 version and as bland as I thought the 3DS version looked a few days ago, since the release trailer and watching a few recent levels I'm actually very excited.

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It's all little things really, I'm picking it up too and I'm still excited for it as a Sonic fan. Casino Night Zone looks well made, I'm really surprised it didn't make it into the console version.


I just hope people pick it up! It's a tough month for games, but I would love to start getting more street pass data for games rather than just the street plaza!

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Mine arrived today!


Problem is, I don't actually have a 3ds to play the game on at the minute...


I sold my black one a few months back to ready for the Christmas release of games. Plus needed the money at the time.


Plans got thrown into chaos when they announced the white one (must have it).

Coz I pre-ordered with GAME (double reward points) - Sonic came today and all I can do is look at it until my shiny white console arrives next week!

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TheHut have a Sonic Generations with Super Monkey Ball 3D bundle on their website for £34.95. If you've been e-mailed a 10% discount voucher it'll only cost you £31.46, so basically you're getting a free game which you can keep or sell on.


*Places pre-order despite having too many games pre-ordered for November*


Have they dispatched your copy yet? Mine is still "Awaiting Stock Pick". :hmm:


Some other people in the Mario 3D Land topic also had issues with TheHut, don't think I'll order from them again.

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Have they dispatched your copy yet? Mine is still "Awaiting Stock Pick". :hmm:


Some other people in the Mario 3D Land topic also had issues with TheHut, don't think I'll order from them again.


Same here. I'll give them till around Wednesday and then cancel the order if they haven't dispatched it then, and get the game in the sales.


I like TheHut. There's always a 10% discount code about to get £££ off your order ,and I can use my PayPal funds to pay, but they rarely delivery on launch, so it's not a site I use to pre-order games I want on Day 1. That's honour goes to ShopTo.net.

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Anyone playing this and can give any impressions?


Now that I've got the game and played a couple hours of it, time for some impressions!


First thing to note: the 3D is absolutely amazing for Sonic Generations. It really does give you a deep look into the levels and the weaving grind poles/other routes shine so well with it. It's pretty much Super Mario 3D Land good with it's 3D, but of course that's just on a aesthetic level, it doesn't use the 3D to enhance the gameplay like Super Mario 3d land.


When I started playing the first few levels, it felt like my concern had been confirmed, that the levels are pretty short. Then I realised I was constantly taking the high route which turns out to be the quickest in most Sonic levels! Did some exploration and the levels are fairly decent in size and gives you numerous routes you can take. Nothing as epic in scale as the console version, but pretty impressive considering the advancement from Rush Adventure thanks to the new hardware.


The controls are as you'd expect them to be. Modern Sonic pretty much handles like Sonic Rush. Boosts, homing attacks, red rings to jump through (no tricks though). Classic Sonic is perhaps the closest they've actually got to the original Megadrive controls BUT he gets the homing attack when you approach the dreamcast era. This is a handheld Sonic so I can forgive it and it does still conform to the original idea for Sonic, completely playable with just one button.


The music of the game is impressive but the tracks that both handheld and console version share are exactly the same as the console versions. Thankfully, that's just limited to menu screens, both Green Hill Zone acts and Casino Nights Act 2. Loving all the music so far, especially Big Arm's remix. My god, there's a sweet solo during it haha.


From the looks of it, all the rivals are just races. So console versions got all of them as battles, handheld gets them all as races which is quite disappointing considering you only get some 'variety' if you play both versions. All the rivals which is a shame because Blaze belongs to the handheld series.


The choice of levels are a bit iffy but a Sonic Rush level is included which is good to see. The best thing to note is, we got Casino Nights! But to be fair, I still enjoy the Casino Nights pinball on the console version =P


Overall, I'm impressed again. A lot better than I was expecting it to be and although it's bound to be short, it's a lot of fun. 5 play coins a mission though? That's pretty expensive Sega! We're not all sonic speed hedgehogs, 1000 steps and 10 play coins a day isn't enough!

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Now that I've got the game and played a couple hours of it, time for some impressions!


First thing to note: the 3D is absolutely amazing for Sonic Generations. It really does give you a deep look into the levels and the weaving grind poles/other routes shine so well with it. It's pretty much Super Mario 3D Land good with it's 3D, but of course that's just on a aesthetic level, it doesn't use the 3D to enhance the gameplay like Super Mario 3d land.


When I started playing the first few levels, it felt like my concern had been confirmed, that the levels are pretty short. Then I realised I was constantly taking the high route which turns out to be the quickest in most Sonic levels! Did some exploration and the levels are fairly decent in size and gives you numerous routes you can take. Nothing as epic in scale as the console version, but pretty impressive considering the advancement from Rush Adventure thanks to the new hardware.


The controls are as you'd expect them to be. Modern Sonic pretty much handles like Sonic Rush. Boosts, homing attacks, red rings to jump through (no tricks though). Classic Sonic is perhaps the closest they've actually got to the original Megadrive controls BUT he gets the homing attack when you approach the dreamcast era. This is a handheld Sonic so I can forgive it and it does still conform to the original idea for Sonic, completely playable with just one button.


The music of the game is impressive but the tracks that both handheld and console version share are exactly the same as the console versions. Thankfully, that's just limited to menu screens, both Green Hill Zone acts and Casino Nights Act 2. Loving all the music so far, especially Big Arm's remix. My god, there's a sweet solo during it haha.


From the looks of it, all the rivals are just races. So console versions got all of them as battles, handheld gets them all as races which is quite disappointing considering you only get some 'variety' if you play both versions. All the rivals which is a shame because Blaze belongs to the handheld series.


The choice of levels are a bit iffy but a Sonic Rush level is included which is good to see. The best thing to note is, we got Casino Nights! But to be fair, I still enjoy the Casino Nights pinball on the console version =P


Overall, I'm impressed again. A lot better than I was expecting it to be and although it's bound to be short, it's a lot of fun. 5 play coins a mission though? That's pretty expensive Sega! We're not all sonic speed hedgehogs, 1000 steps and 10 play coins a day isn't enough!


Great insight into what the game is like!


I am so depressed that I have to wait until the end of next week to play it!


Pleased to hear that the graphics and 3d work well - I had an inkling it would through some footage I had seen.


My problem with the console version was that classic sonic didn't have homing attack - so the fact he eventually gains it in this is great to hear!


Thanks for posting - my excitement levels have gone back up for this game now!!



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I'm not a big fan of classic Sonic having it, but it IS the handheld version after all and the Sonic Advance series did a fine job with it!


But it's good to see the progress Dimps have made with the classic Sonic controls. If they keep it as it is with some minor tweaks to the physics (I've fell through one of the loops and stood in odd angles), Sonic 4 Episode 2 could be very promising!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My copy finally arrived from TheHut yesterday. My initial impressions are I quite like it. Classic Sonic mostly feels like I remember it in the Mega Drive originals, and modern Sonic is similar to Sonic Rush gameplay which I like. Only got some minor complaints, I really don't like the new slide move they've given modern Sonic, and spin dashing can be a little awkward with the circle pad.


The gamer card is a nice touch. You customise it with info like the year you became a Sonic fan, your favourite game and character. The cards are exchanged with others in StreetPasses and from online matches. I'd like to see Nintendo do this with some of its long running franchises like Mario and Zelda.

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