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Kirby: Mass Attack


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I've also got Adventure Wii/Return to Dreamland on my cheap lookout list, so if anybody does find it...let me know! ;)


Gotta say the placement of the minigames is strangely nice, gives an easy way to break up main adventure(they're accessible from the map screen) and sometimes are good just for when you're trying to kill a few minutes.


It's on the backlog.

Along with:


Kirby Canvas Curse

Kirby Super Star Ultra

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Kirby Returns to Dreamland


You...never played super star?

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There can never be enough, Pink Blobbiness :D






Ridiculous! For me, SuperStar(Fun Pak over here) was one of the first games where I actually got to use copy abilities that I owned. Obviously I fell in love with kirby from the DreamLand days, but in DreamLand one he never had abilities! I remember playing Kirby's Adventure on holiday, seeing the copy abilities and falling in love! I didn't know what the game was called though, and didn't have a SNES, and literally spent years pining for one. I remember seeing the insert that comes with games and shows off future games, and getting SO excited seeing Kirby's dream course, spending ages waiting to find it in the shop/have money to buy it and tbh....being terribly disappointed when I got home and found out it was a golf-based game. Luckily, being kirby, being awesome, and being a kid-who-doesn't-get-much-more-choice-once-you've-bought-a-game I eventually grew to love it.


But I tell you, the day I found Fun Pak in electronics boutique, my whole world turned upside down. It was a damn close call too, my mum wouldn't let me get it, but I cried and cried and cried, hell, I cried so much they sent me to sit in the car by myself! I kept on crying a bit, too. Then, there was a magical moment, my brother/dad had gone back, bought the game, and brought it to me. Then all I wanted to do was for the car to go home(they weren't done shopping), and I had to wait a little longer, but man....it was worth it. I loved the shit out of that game, finally having my goddamn copy abilities to use! Looking back, sure, it's fairly repetative and quite easy(though not for me as a kid), but man it was glorious. It's bright, got great music imo, and most of all...it's Kirby! Doing what he does best! Also it was two player!

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The cheapest i've seen it is over on Shopto for around £26. It's such a fun game and worth it at that price.


What's the multiplayer like on it? I think it'd be kinda cool to run through with people. I really need to read a few more reviews on it. I don't expect it to be massively challenging, but if it has replayability in collectibles(usually ones that require a specific copy ability etc) I would probably pick it up. I don't normally do stuff like that in games, but for some reason Kirby makes me want to. Probably cos I know that it's all achievable?

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The cheapest i've seen it is over on Shopto for around £26. It's such a fun game and worth it at that price.


I've had it preordered at Shopto for a while and haven't heard anything yet. Don't think they are getting any more at this point.


Mass Attack is on my backlog as well :(.

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I've had it preordered at Shopto for a while and haven't heard anything yet. Don't think they are getting any more at this point.


It's now in their stock due in section rather than just the preorder one.


What's the multiplayer like on it? I think it'd be kinda cool to run through with people. I really need to read a few more reviews on it. I don't expect it to be massively challenging, but if it has replayability in collectibles(usually ones that require a specific copy ability etc) I would probably pick it up. I don't normally do stuff like that in games, but for some reason Kirby makes me want to. Probably cos I know that it's all achievable?


I never played the multiplayer on it but the single player was awesome. Go read my thoughts on it over in the topic on the Wii boards if you haven't already.

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Same here. Thought they had dispatched Mario Tennis Open in record time for a second there!


Me too :laughing:. Was trying to think what I had ordered that would be shipping now.

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  • 1 year later...

I know we've got the bargains thread but this is technically DS so forgive me in the big bump!



Just randomly seen this over at The Game Collection for £10 - http://www.thegamecollection.net/catalog/product/view/id/7063/s/kirby-mass-attack-ds/category/54/ in case any Kirby fans missed out on it(never noticed it much over here, but maybe cos I wasn't looking for it). Cracking price for something a little bit different(even if I never finished it, but who knows...you might!)

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  • 1 year later...

Continuing with playing games at my own pace I finally finished my Japanese version of this game




As others have said before, this could indeed have been Pikmin DS...


Anyways, lots of diversity in the levels and a great soundtrack, which is to be expected from a Kirby game.

The same goes for the fun mini games as well!

Great stuff, great stuff.


Definitely a worthy addition to the world of Kirby games.


I have always wondered, though, why we have yet to see some kind of Kirby RPG in the same vain as the Mario&Luigi RPGs.

And then it hit me....

How amazing would it be if these worlds crossed over to form one hell of an amazing Mario&Luigi&Kirby RPG!


Dedede bantering back and forth with Bowser




Metaknight having beef with Kamek and Mario&Luigi teaming up with the Kirbs to save some Kingdom :D


I'm telling you it would work perfectly!

The sprite art-style fits both franchises so very very well!


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  • 5 years later...

As seen in the Retro Thread, I recently picked this up and have put a little bit of time into it in between sessions of Snack World. 

The game really is just like Pikmin. Gathering an army of Kirby, marching into battle and then throwing them at full pelt at enemies and obstacles is very fun and satisfying.

Before playing it I was concerned that the game may be fiddly to control but that's not the case at all. Everything works perfectly and I like that the Kirby troops can jump up most ledges on their own. I was worried I would have to keep throwing them up these ledges.

I loving the challenge the game is offering to me. Like any good Kirby game, you can probably finish the game quite easily but getting 100% is where the challenge and fun is. For this game it looks like you have to find all the medals in the stages and finish the stage without taking a single hit. I've managed to fully complete the first world and have played the first couple of stages in the second world. I imagine the next few boss battles will take some doing without being hit.


Glen mentioned how great Kirby Quest is and I did have a quick dabble of it. The mini game seems quite fun. I played through the first two stages and have enjoyed what I've seen. It's great when you land an excellent attack and the giant Kirby robot storms across the screen. Also, the battle music is quite catchy.

I'm looking forward to playing more of this.

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Yeah, it’s a great game.  Certainly one of the more fleshed out spinoffs.  And the minigames by themselves could’ve been released as standalone DSiWare titles if HAL wanted to! 

While I think that the game is a bit too long for its own good, and that the soundtrack leaves a bit to be desired, it’s a very solid entry in the series that makes great use of the DS’ touch screen to offer some very unique and interesting gameplay.


You’re gonna go mad trying to get 100% though! It’s no joke!

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36 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

You’re gonna go mad trying to get 100% though! It’s no joke!

I'll be very surprised if I manage to pull it off. It took me a while just to fully finish the first world without taking a hit and I can only imagine it's going to get worse. I'll see how I get on. 

37 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

While I think that the game is a bit too long for its own good.

Even though i'm still early on, I kinda agree with this. Some of the stages i've already played have been quite lengthy and trying to complete these stages without taking damage can be a pain, especially if you get hit late on. Shorter stages would have been much more suited given the no hit challenge they present to you.

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6 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I'll be very surprised if I manage to pull it off. It took me a while just to fully finish the first world without taking a hit and I can only imagine it's going to get worse. I'll see how I get on. 

Even though i'm still early on, I kinda agree with this. Some of the stages i've already played have been quite lengthy and trying to complete these stages without taking damage can be a pain, especially if you get hit late on. Shorter stages would have been much more suited given the no hit challenge they present to you.

I do agree.  It's the same problem that Yoshi's Island has; only here it's magnified by the length of the stages.


It's really enjoyable to play through, but it's a nightmare to 100% it (I have no idea how I did it back in 2011!).  I wouldn't blame you if you just didn't bother with getting all the medals in the end... which would be a shame, because the final unlockable is pretty awesome (Who am I kidding!? All of the sub games are awesome!)

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