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Bare Bones Mafia II - Taking Over Dystopia


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Believe me, I'm not mafia. If I were I would have gunned for Mcoy long ago. I had to go through the thread totally before finally leaning that way. Read through earlier in the thread. I was insistent Rummy was evil. He still could be. But Mcoys defence of Eddie, the fact that when Jonnas was good, died and had no power it was highlighted as special, and the fact that Eddie was just a mafia who could kill and the power was passed on, makes me think that Mcoy is mafia. If the game doesn't end now, I will be tracking what Rummy is up to, and you will need to make a very good guess on who will be targeted to be killed Tales, so hopefully your reverse track power can actually be useful for the first time in the game.


Mcoy wouldn't bother investigating Rummy as you'll know he's mafia when the write up states Mcoy is good (and you know his power is double vote). Honestly It's pretty obvious Diaego and Rummy are the last remaining mafia members. Mcoy would recommend roleblocking/investigating Diageo again as his role has been very unexplained so far, Mcoy expects he has inhereted the killing power and Is one of the last links in the chain.

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Not if there are two mafios left as Mcoy says. With 6 players left and Rummy as mafia and Mcoy as good they can reach majority tomorrow with a successful kill tonight, because of Rummy's double vote. Unless the 3 remaining townies can make a swift lynch the second the write up is here.

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Honestly, you're all welcome to track/investigate/do whatever you want with me tonight, you'll just again confirm what I've said all game and has been confirmed enough times already; I do not do anything at night.

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yes - he claims he's a therapist who analyses whether people are telling teh truth. I investigated him and found him to have a collection of masks, and a watch. Don't know if we've had a full list of his targets/results, or if others have investigated.

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Cube already investigated me everyone, you seem to be forgetting that. Every day I came on here and gave the exact person I targeted. If you just look through the thread you'll get your target list. Mr-paul already found that I don't target people at night. Tales found that too. Cube investigated me like I said. I voted for EddieColeslaw, and not even near the end.


McCoy is suspicious as hell and even mr-paul agrees. I don't know how you can't see that. Feel free to investigate me, roleblock me, track me, etc. You'll just see I have no night power.


My latest target was mr-paul who was telling 100% truths.


Anyone, I'm pretty sure McCoy is mafia and will be willing to eat a few hats if I'm wrong.

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The day is over! And what a day it's been.


The mafia grinned once the lynch was passed. Brian Mcoy would no longer be a problem. Brian Mcoy stood up and claimed innocence but it was too late.


"YOU FOOLS! Mcoy has always had the town's interest at heart. Mcoy hopes you don't let Mcoy's death be in vain. And if the town survives until the end of the game, Mcoy would like to claim responsibility for the win. Mcoy deserves a statue and will accept nothing less than solid silver."


"But Mcoy! You defended EddieColeslaw! Who are you? Answer me you son of a bitch!"


"Mcoy is Mcoy. Mcoy is done here. Mcoy hopes that Mcoy is never forgotton."


And with that, he pulled a gun from his pocket and shot himself in the head. Mcoy wouldn't be killed by anyone but himself.


Brian Mcoy is dead. He was a Civilian. He had no power. Something good would have happened if he had survived until the end of the game. He was Good. The town are severely facepalming right now.




Diageo ate a hat. And then another.




Night 9 begins now! What on earth will happen?! Choose your targets... carefully...


Player List - 18 players begun the game. 6 remain:








Brian Mcoy

Cube (Zell)




The Peeps







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Night 9 is over.


A busy night indeed.. but the remnants of the town were relieved to see that no blood had been shed overnight!


Day 10 begins now.


Player List - 18 players begun the game. 6 remain. Majority is 4:








Brian Mcoy

Cube (Zell)




The Peeps







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As I said before, I pick my target at the start of the day. I didn't trust McCoy and so I picked him, I wanted to make him talk as much as possible with accusations and then catch him out with my power. I was happier to lynch him because I was convinced he was evil. Anyway, the point is, I got info that McCoy was telling 100% truths. I don't know why I got 90% on him before.


Anyway, no roleblocking did not stop my power. It is a day power.

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Wait what, why lynch me? Someone just said they investigated me didn't they! (also yeah a ltitle drunk right now so excuse thaT)


So majority is 4. We have tiem!


I went to Rummy's house. I discovered that he has a massive stash of cigars.




... So should we just lynch rummy and his two-votes anyway?


Why me though? Cos I was wrong on Mcoy?


Rummy targeted noone.

What did everyone else do?

Let's get to the bottom of this.


Aha! Yes! Though tbh I did tell you, and it would have been better served on someone more worthy of the sucpicion.


Hats don't taste nice.


Anyway, sorry guys, I was wrong. I was so sure McCoy was mafia.


Anyway, out of everyone left, I've got to go for Rummy. Vote Rummy


That's pretty flimsy to me. It's very hard for me to prove anything with the power I have(except it exist), but I really urge people to allow votes until they're certain at these sort of numbers. Ask me to do something, and I shall.

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