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Bare Bones Mafia II - Taking Over Dystopia


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Mcoy was pretty anal about it, It was only a minor edit. Mcoy just felt like Diageo was being hostile so Mcoy seeked a cheap equalizer.


Mcoy feels the attitude he displayed dosen't belong in the game so Mcoy will pipe down and lunch himself to not ruin the enjoyment for everyone else.

Or you could just change your behaviour.

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Mcoy was just frustrated at how the game has played out. Mcoy meant to play the game with no role to not get too seriously dragged in. Mcoy got dragged In, found out most of the townies with useful roles were inactive and got annoyed :P


Mcoy dosen't often play Mafia for a reason!

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I didn't know that. I will refrain from it in the future.


Don't worry. I know how frustrating it is when you post and there's a spelling mistake or coding error and all you can do is scream at the screen.

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Eddie has been on and failed to say anything. Mafiaaaaaa.


Plus the only other possibly is that the Don appears as good. In which case, the only person we can't confirm what they did would be Mcoy.

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That's what I meant. If you think that the tones in your posts are bringing the game down, then change the way you post.


How many more votes are needed? I can put one on if we're not lynching Mcoy.


I'd prefer if we waited for Eddie to answer. She may be amassing information to post or just checked the thread in work and can't post, etc,

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- I've got good results for everyone except Tales, Rummy, Ellmeister, EddieColeslaw and mr-paul.

- Out of the ones remaining, Rummy did nothing, so he isn't the killer.

- Ell targeted Rummy and therefore isn't the killer.

- Diageo's power has cleared Tales as he is a reverse tracker. So he isn't the killer.

- mr-paul is an tracker and has given information. So he isn't the killer.


All I can see in this post are a lot of assumptions.


- So you've gotten bad results for Tales, Rummy, Ellmeister, me, and mr-paul, or you haven't investigated us yet? Don't be ambiguous :p

- It could be part of Rummy's role that you can't see his power (not sure if this has been done before or if I'm being over-imaginative...), or he can alter PMs or something. Or do you mean he SAID he did nothing? Then he could be lying.

- What if Ell could target two people?

- What if Diageo is lying/they are working together?

- What if mr-paul is lying/pooling information with his team/partner?


Yeah, I don't trust anyone :D


Tales thinks Mcoy is mafia. Tales believes that just because Mcoy doesn't have any power doesn't mean he can't kill. Tales believes that he more likely is the main killer in the mafia group.


Change vote: Mcoy


If people are wanting to lynch Mcoy on the basis of him not having a power, why not decide between Mcoy AND Rummy? Both have claimed no power, iirc.




Teh big reveal!!1: my power is passive/I'm notified of who targets me. That's what I meant when I said I was waiting for more information to post, i.e. someone to refer to/claim to have targetted me. But it seems like I've been getting nothing, unless something went wrong/my power is borked somehow.

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Wait why is Tales cleared?


He mentioned being a reverse tracker a few times. Which means that he must be one, as if it were a lie then it would probably be much more than 10% lies that day.

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I have a feeling that McCoy is the mafia don, and that he appears good. I'm getting much more of a mafia vibe from him than Eddie. Although I'm still getting a vibe from Eddie.


I just think that if we're wrong about Eddie it could be a game ender for the town. But I don't know if anyone would follow me there so there's no point in voting. It's the fact that McCoy didn't get 100% truths and that Eddie did.


Also, Tales could still be mafia and a reverse tracker couldn't he? Who did he say he targeted today?

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Arghhh had my post written in Notepad and forgot to copy the first part:


I'm really sorry for delaying everything, and I appreciate being given a chance to post (*cough* Norse mafia...) :)


Some replies:


- idk what Mcoy is doing, I vaguely remember him voting for himself before in a different game. Can anyone remember whether he was good or bad? Voting for self mafia tactic y/n?


(then my post above)




Gotta go to work again until late. Lynch me if y'all like, you're not going to gain anything, but seeing as I'm haven't been very useful, I won't object to it.

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Mcoy voted himself for his actions. Not because of what role Mcoy is.


Mcoy cannot honestly make a defence against the claims of being a mafia don with a role disguise as good because It's a pretty far fetched guess work that could apply to anyone In any case. How's Mcoy supposed to clear his name when any role investigation/role block or divert moves dosen't affect Mcoy (no power)

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Right, just checked my targets, and I did target EddieColeslaw night 5.

However, I was roleblocked. If she is telling the truth, I'm not sure if she would get that I targeted her or not.

I am still inclined to believe she is lying though. Mcoy has also been acting very weird. Wouldn't surprise me if he's trying to divert attention/split the vote.


Has Rummy posted this day phase?

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