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Initially it will have to be the controller and how it actually works...amazing!


Although I'm not a fanboy - just a big Nintendo fan - it is the name Nintendo that I am buying as I know that with the name will also come Mario, Zelda, Samus etc


It'z teh graphics man!! They rock!

Seriously: the possibilities. It's all about that, it has a freaking huge potential and it's a very welcome breath of fresh air.

That and it's made by Nintendo.


the controller, backward compatibility and the third secret which is going to be brilliant. there you go.


now i will go back now and keep dreaming till the day i own 1.


I was watching Elder Scrolls earlier for 360 and sure it looked amazing High definition and allt that but when i saw the gameplay it hit me that this was never even gonna compare to Zelda. Thats the bottom line really i mean how many of us would buy a revo if it had no Nintendo franchises on it E.g Zelda Metroid, Mario etc. Not many because we know that Nintendo make quality gaming experiences


the controller just enhances things for me. Call me a fanboy but I was always gonna buy the next console even before any news was announced.


In all honesty the simple truth is because its a nintendo console, and nintendo havent disappointed ME yet.


But what makes revolution more appealing and interesting is the decisions and ambitions that nintendo have for the console.


The controller

The Virtual console

The direction they are trying to take the market


These things make the console more intersting than the standard road that sony and microsoft are treading.


But even if they had just tryed to make a standard more powerful console id probably still be interested in it.


And might i add, i like how they brilliantly sidestep the Sony/Microsoft battle, which could result in this:



Good article. It will be like what Nintendo did with the 64 but on a much bigger scale. Big enough perhaps to crush sony, at least in the gaming market. Nintendo got arrogant and didnt expect a weaker console from a newcomer would do well. Roles reversed now as Nintendo may aswell be a newcomer with the controller.


I want more interactivity within the game. Some crazy stuff like waving the controller(s) madly around and throwing items in the game, as if you're using the Force.


First of all: it´s a Nintendo console.


Second:The backward compatability. Playing old games from all the previous consoles will be awesome. The Revolution is gonna be 5 consoles in one.


Third: The controller. The new ways of playing the games will be very interesting. Can´t wait to start playing.


I have loved all the nintendo consoles so far. And this is going to be the best one. I'm getting more and more tired of playing games that bring nothing new to offer. Revolution will rekindel my love with games. :)


All of the above, but also...


Mulitplayer!! My N64 an cube have been fantastic for multiplayer games... I mean i love sitting on my own an going through Zelda or Metroid Prome, but sitting down with a room of people and having a massive puyo pop tournament or a quick bash on wario ware is such a great experience. I can see the controller really enhancing the multiplayer experience, not only in the living room but across the world, thanks to wifi connection. I can't wait to see how this all works out.


My one reservation about owning a Revolution? I think it might make my TV look ugly :(


My main reason is because its a Nintendo console, and Nintendo have never failed to disappoint me.


Also because of the awesome controller, the new games, and the opportunity to play games from Nintendo's glory days.


And not to forget the chance to see the PS3 crash and burn

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