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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Because your role isn't a typical town role since you knew about the locks and had some sort of special role to play in regards to them. You also didn't originally belong to any group, yet that apparently changed later on, leading me to suspect that you've joined one of the sides. Whether that side is ours or theirs is hard for me to say, though, but I have a feeling it's the mafia side.


It wasn't me. You disregard the fact there was also someone protected that night, that must have stopped the kill. Perhaps Dannyboy can tell us if his traps leave any indication of being used on a particular night? If yes, he can shed some light on this.


If I had any idea that my traps stopped a killer, I would have said so at once. As it is I have no idea if I'm even told when someone is caught in them.


Off-topic but please stop this.


He can't, his X key doesn't work.


Ehm, that's weird reasoning actually. Although it's perhaps in my best interest to not point that out, oh well.


Not really. I'm convinced Tales is mafia, and it's pretty feasible that we can get a lynch on him today. Since I believe him to be our best lead, it's obviously best to go for him today, leaving me open to protect someone tonight (or kill, if I felt certain who I should go for).


OK, let's entertain the prospect that Tales is mafia. Who are his team-mates? The people that have defended him, most likely. So me. And Zell. And maybe ReZ.


All three of us have been shown to be trustworthy, one way or another.



It makes NO sense for Tales to be mafia. It makes every bit of sense that Smeagol is mafia. Why is he not posting? Because he doesn't need to. Because it would incriminate him further.


Why is Dannyboy et al conveniently overlooking all the accusations against Smeagol? Because why would they entertain accusations against their team-mate?


They've assumed position of run-this-town information brokers. Which is why I'm not giving any info to them. Because scum need to know info, where townies can smell lies a mile off.


How have you proven yourself to be trustworthy, if I may ask?

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Dazz is mafia though, so all you're going to hear is lies. And there'll be no repercussions to his lies, because by the time we have a chance to turn the lynch to him, we'll have lost.


You don't know shit because I'm not Mafia, mate. What Chair has posted is absolute lies for the fact that I am not Mafia and neither is ReZ or Dannyboy.


Also, Flink, you stated in your post that if I told you, I would secure your votes so I hope what you have said is true. So take into account that right now, I am telling you everything I know. I'm totally coming clean and I would really love protection tonight (and no, not spermicide, ReZ :p):


So I've been getting these weird PMs that weren't written like the way they were in the days when I was a dumb cop. The write-up of them was just a little bit odd. It said stuff like an ally is lurking in the shadows and things like this. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to make of it myself and what's the point in telling everybody if I'm not sure about it myself and let’s face it, it does sound a bit dodgy and even I wouldn't believe me so how could I expect everybody else to? I also had other theories which I will explain later on....


So anyway, after a while, I thought that I was always going to get Good results all of the time and I thought that Jonnas was just changing the flavour to make things interesting, right up until I saw EddieColeslaw's verdict of being Evil and it was written in the same way as it was when the PMs started to look weird. I never got an Evil result before so I thought it must be true but before posting, I looked back on some of my messages (most of them, I deleted one by an accident as you know) and studied them. I found that the write-up in Eddie’s results PM was different and I was absolutely confident my power had changed. So I told you guys to trust me that Eddie was Evil and she was. As I said, I wouldn't have said a word if I didn't believe it myself and if I wasn't confident but I just knew that somehow, my power was working and, from what I saw, I think it was since I targeted myself but I'm not overly confident about that and I’m still trying to figure out how it worked.


The reason why I didn’t want to say anything was because at first, I thought there may have been somebody out there who makes powers work or whatever and I was afraid I’d get them in trouble with the Mafia. I didn’t want that considering they did me this favour so I thought they must have been Good but again, I’m not even sure of this theory and I doubt it may be this but I can't think what else it could be. I did think that it was Mafia playing with my head at first but that soon died when the PMs happened three times and it happened again with Tales. As soon as I figure it out, I will tell you but I am starting to think that Dannyboy’s theories as well as the other people who have said that me and Rummy are connected may be right and that we are connected somehow…I’m not sure at all. I would like to hear from Rummy.


However, what I am sure about is that the weird PM thing happened with ReZ and Dannyboy and it said they were Good and it happened with Eddie who was proven Evil and it happened again with Tales so I definitely know he is Evil.


This is honestly all I know and I know for a fact that Tales is Evil. What Chair has told you about me is utter bullshite as me, Dannyboy and ReZ are Good people. I absolutely 100% promise you that I am Good and that I have no other win condition and that I'm not Neutral or Evil or part of some weird super-secret Mafia group like Tales says there is. I am Good and I swear to you, hand on heart, that I am Good and that Tales is Evil.


PLEASE double-vote Tales. You will be helping the Town by lynching a Mafia.

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Dazz and Rummy need to come out with their characters and targets for each night. I'm not going to vote for Tales otherwise.


I already have came out with my targets for each night. Vote please! :p


Tales and Flink, please vote for Smeagol.




Vote for Tales! He's Mafia, I promise! Chair, why have you suddenly, out of nowhere, started posting fanatically? We never usually hear a peep from you and yet here you are, making lengthy posts about me that's proper bullshit...

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You don't know shit because I'm not Mafia, mate. What Chair has posted is absolute lies for the fact that I am not Mafia and neither is ReZ or Dannyboy.


Also, Flink, you stated in your post that if I told you, I would secure your votes so I hope what you have said is true. So take into account that right now, I am telling you everything I know. I'm totally coming clean and I would really love protection tonight (and no, not spermicide, ReZ :p):


So I've been getting these weird PMs that weren't written like the way they were in the days when I was a dumb cop. The write-up of them was just a little bit odd. It said stuff like an ally is lurking in the shadows and things like this. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to make of it myself and what's the point in telling everybody if I'm not sure about it myself and let’s face it, it does sound a bit dodgy and even I wouldn't believe me so how could I expect everybody else to? I also had other theories which I will explain later on....


So anyway, after a while, I thought that I was always going to get Good results all of the time and I thought that Jonnas was just changing the flavour to make things interesting, right up until I saw EddieColeslaw's verdict of being Evil and it was written in the same way as it was when the PMs started to look weird. I never got an Evil result before so I thought it must be true but before posting, I looked back on some of my messages (most of them, I deleted one by an accident as you know) and studied them. I found that the write-up in Eddie’s results PM was different and I was absolutely confident my power had changed. So I told you guys to trust me that Eddie was Evil and she was. As I said, I wouldn't have said a word if I didn't believe it myself and if I wasn't confident but I just knew that somehow, my power was working and, from what I saw, I think it was since I targeted myself but I'm not overly confident about that and I’m still trying to figure out how it worked.


The reason why I didn’t want to say anything was because at first, I thought there may have been somebody out there who makes powers work or whatever and I was afraid I’d get them in trouble with the Mafia. I didn’t want that considering they did me this favour so I thought they must have been Good but again, I’m not even sure of this theory and I doubt it may be this but I can't think what else it could be. I did think that it was Mafia playing with my head at first but that soon died when the PMs happened three times and it happened again with Tales. As soon as I figure it out, I will tell you but I am starting to think that Dannyboy’s theories as well as the other people who have said that me and Rummy are connected may be right and that we are connected somehow…I’m not sure at all. I would like to hear from Rummy.


However, what I am sure about is that the weird PM thing happened with ReZ and Dannyboy and it said they were Good and it happened with Eddie who was proven Evil and it happened again with Tales so I definitely know he is Evil.


This is honestly all I know and I know for a fact that Tales is Evil. What Chair has told you about me is utter bullshite as me, Dannyboy and ReZ are Good people. I absolutely 100% promise you that I am Good and that I have no other win condition and that I'm not Neutral or Evil or part of some weird super-secret Mafia group like Tales says there is. I am Good and I swear to you, hand on heart, that I am Good and that Tales is Evil.


PLEASE double-vote Tales. You will be helping the Town by lynching a Mafia.


So, your explanation for how your results started changing is...there isn't one. And that they just happened to change by themselves? Who is this Ally? Rummy?

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Vote Standings


Sméagol (4): chairdriver, ReZourceman, Zell, Eenuh


Tales (5): Dazz, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Rummy, mr-paul, The Peeps


Dazz (1): Tales


Majority is 7




I now bring thee...appropriate soundtrack


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I already have came out with my targets for each night. Vote please! :p


Character! What is your character's name?


Also, I don't know what your targets are from night 5 to night 9. It shouldn't be too much trouble to post them again (if you've already done so that is).

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Vote for Tales! He's Mafia, I promise! Chair, why have you suddenly, out of nowhere, started posting fanatically? We never usually hear a peep from you and yet here you are, making lengthy posts about me that's proper bullshit...


Because that's how you win the game.


You keep quiet at the start, so you don't appear a threat to the mafia, then when you've worked everything out, you come out guns blazing.

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So, your explanation for how your results started changing is...there isn't one. And that they just happened to change by themselves? Who is this Ally? Rummy?


Basically? Yes...I guess there really isn't that much of an explanation because I don't really know myself.


I really honestly have no idea how they changed. I know that it couldn't have changed by themselves but I don't know how they've changed, which is the part I wanted to be cautious about. I was scared of coming forward with this because I was scared that Mafia'd be after me or whoever made my power work again if they knew someone like that existed. The same might have happened to Rummy but I can't say I know about if that is true or not.


I'm just not sure how and why it happened like that but I just know it happened. I swear to you, you know as much as I do. I wish I could tell you more but I just can't because this is all I know. It's seriously frustrating knowing that something's working for a reason you don't know and you can't find the answer and you can't actively search for the answer in case of getting me or another Good guy in trouble. But I swear to you, my result will be correct.


Tales is Mafia! Vote for him and end this and I promise you the result will be good news for us!


Because that's how you win the game.


You keep quiet at the start, so you don't appear a threat to the mafia, then when you've worked everything out, you come out guns blazing.


But you've wasted your time because your theory is so wrong. I'm Good and so is ReZ and Dannyboy. So I suppose, after all this time, you must have a back-up theory, right?

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Dazz, why were you so against sharing this info earlier? It doesn't seem too incriminating at all.


As I said, I was frightened that the Mafia'd know who the guy who fixed my power was or whether they had an inkling and would kill them as well as me. I wanted to try and tell you without revealing exactly what happened because I didn't want the Mafia to catch wind about how my power changed. Again, not sure if there is such a thing as a man who fixes powers but it's the only thing I got. Now I'm scared I'm not going to make it through the night and I really want to win my first ever Mafia game! But I have a strong feeling I won't win because I'll probably be killed now...I would honestly love some protection tonight!


Please double-vote Tales. Don't make me come out to everybody like this for nothing. You honestly have no clue how hard it was for me to do this and I'm literally not kidding, it was very hard for me to do this. It's quite worrying how into the game I am, lol. I just want my team to win badly and with Tales gone, we'll be one step closer!


I'll genuinely eat my hat if Tales is mafia. Not so much because of the actual result, but because that would mean his team-mates are really superb at this game.


Can I pick the hat because I'd probably pick a Fedora...or maybe a baseball cap with G-STAR on it...:p


I would also like for you to record a video of yourself eating it. :p

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[..] You also didn't originally belong to any group, yet that apparently changed later on, leading me to suspect that you've joined one of the sides.


Well, no. That is speculation on your part. I don't know why there are little variations in Fierce_Link's notes, but I've always been town, and I didn't change from neutral to anything somewhere along the line.

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I'm going to regret this in the morning...


Double Vote: Tales


I don't fully trust either you or Chair, to be honest. I'm not sure what is going on with your story, Dazz. It just doesn't make a lot of sense. And chair, I don't really know why you're suddenly making page long posts when you've been quiet all game. If you're town, then you could've been a bit more vocal earlier to help us out.


I'm going with Tales, as I went for him earlier before retracting my vote.


Dazz, if you're wrong about this...

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Also, perhaps Dazz and Rummy both have to target the same person at the same time. I was actually thinking of these kind of roles, a good-cop / bad-cop routine.

You probably should discuss here in the thread who you want to go for, if you want to end up with the same target. I'm not sure if there's anyone left who can stop you now (except Angus). May I suggest me by the way?

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Well, no. That is speculation on your part. I don't know why there are little variations in Fierce_Link's notes, but I've always been town, and I didn't change from neutral to anything somewhere along the line.


Well, yes, obviously it's speculation, but you asked why I found you suspicious, and that is one of the reasons.


Anyway, we've reached majority, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.


Also, perhaps Dazz and Rummy both have to target the same person at the same time. I was actually thinking of these kind of roles, a good-cop / bad-cop routine.

You probably should discuss here in the thread who you want to go for, if you want to end up with the same target. I'm not sure if there's anyone left who can stop you now (except Angus). May I suggest me by the way?


I pondered that maybe Dazz got Rummy's correct results and vice versa or something like that.

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I'm going to regret this in the morning...


Double Vote: Tales


I don't fully trust either you or Chair, to be honest. I'm not sure what is going on with your story, Dazz. It just doesn't make a lot of sense. And chair, I don't really know why you're suddenly making page long posts when you've been quiet all game. If you're town, then you could've been a bit more vocal earlier to help us out.


I'm going with Tales, as I went for him earlier before retracting my vote.


Dazz, if you're wrong about this...


You honestly won't regret this in the morning! You won't regret it at all and I'm not wrong about this!




Now can somebody please protect me and Rummy? I want to see what he has to say tomorrow!


Thank you so much guys, you won't believe how happy you made me! :heart:


Also, perhaps Dazz and Rummy both have to target the same person at the same time. I was actually thinking of these kind of roles, a good-cop / bad-cop routine.

You probably should discuss here in the thread who you want to go for, if you want to end up with the same target. I'm not sure if there's anyone left who can stop you now (except Angus). May I suggest me by the way?


This is why I want Rummy and me to be alive tomorrow. I want to know whether this could be the case. However, how could that work when we can't talk to each other outside of the thread? :confused:


Guys, would really love protection for both me and Rummy if there are any protectors out there. I'd appreciate it alot.


Right, so the lynching will take place.


Dazz, answer me this (before I sleep): Were you lying to me?


No. As I said, you now know as much as me.

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Protector should protect Flink. He's the only chance the town have of winning now.


How when there's at least three (possibly four) Town? You can't kill three times in the night...can you?


Anyways, I'm going to bed guys. I very much look forward to reading the write-up and seeing Chairdriver eat a G-STAR baseball cap! :p

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This is why I want Rummy and me to be alive tomorrow. I want to know whether this could be the case. However, how could that work when we can't talk to each other outside of the thread? :confused:


Guys, would really love protection for both me and Rummy if there are any protectors out there. I'd appreciate it alot.


Well, Eddie was a roleblocker, there's nothing that suggests there's something else they can do to stop your report (unless Dannyboy is evil, in which case he can protect your target), except for outright killing you. You just have to hope Dannyboy (assuming he's good) makes the right choice in that case.


Jonnas isn't online, so I don't think we'll see the write-up soon, and exatly because you can't talk outside the thread, I suggest you and Rummy decide on a target together, in here, while you have the chance. I think you're better off that way, but again, that is assuming the mafia has nothing left to influence your report anyway, and Dannyboy makes a lucky choice.

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