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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Roleblocker/Protector would mean she either roleblocks or protects. Roleblocker and protector would make her a jailkeeper. She is not a kill protector anyway, no exclusively at least. I targeted her and got caught in a trap. But there's a difference. This is a tripwire trap not a bear trap.


Tripwire traps are EddiColeslaw, bear traps are Dannyboy and Nintendohnut, likely. People should highlight the kind of traps they've been caught by.


Anyway, I've been pretty sure EddieColeslaw is evil for a while. So vote:EddieColeslaw.


Also I got chairhanced before.


I wasn't told what kind of traps I use, just "traps". That's why I didn't reply when Zell asked who uses nets, because I didn't know. Also, I think I do protect from kills, I protect from anyone "attempting to target". I can ask Jonnas to confirm it though. Want to test it with Dannyboy/Dohnut tonight? :P




I am a roleblocker/protector (Jailkeeper). I asked Jonnas if I could protect myself, but it is too much of a paradox which I also guessed would be the case because it doesn't really make sense.


She cannot roleblock and protect herself.


You are a jailkeeper. I take the role of either a roleblocker or protector, there's a difference. Why were you so quick to make that assumption and move on to accuse me?


I think it was implied she was a jail keeper - she said she targeted Eenuh and protected Eenuh with traps, and on that same night, Eenuh was role blocked by traps. Therefore she must be a jail keeper. Either that or she can choose to either role block or protect, which is an incredibly unlikely power. She must be a jail keeper, and why would there be two?


Change vote: Eddie Coleslaw


I roleblocked Eenuh only, I didn't protect her. Why is dual roleblocker/protector so unlikely? It's not like I get to use both simultaneously...


Zell and Smeagol are both thieves. Oh no! One of them must be evil, why would there be two? Dazz and Rummy are investigators, one of them must be evil! Why would there be two? etc. :p


While she never claimed to be a jailkeeper, it's suspicious that she has only ever protected herself and Esequiel while roleblocking Eenuh, a known info gatherer, and Aqui1a, whom we know nothing about. Additionally, why even roleblock potential townies when you can protect them instead? Statistically speaking, you're much more likely to help the town by protecting random people than by roleblocking them.


I didn't know anything about Eenuh after she took over Sprout's role, maybe I missed it? She's been relatively quiet compared to some, if she did give info then I must have overlooked it. I chose her randomly, up to you whether you believe that or not. Why wouldn't I roleblock someone I don't know anything about?? Isn't there a chance they do something evil?


Exactly. In fact they did it in the last Pokemafia. It might have been your guys plan to kill me tonight for all we know. Who have your other targets been, because AGAIN as far as we know there are only two people who have spoken up about being benefited by it.


And Eddie coming out as protector now? Lawl. So many protectors, someone is lying. Targets plz, thx.


Night 1: protected heroicjanitor (no PM)

Night 2: roleblocked jayseven (no PM)

Night 3: protected Cube (no PM)

Night 4: roleblocked Aqui1a (PM: failed, but don't think I was roleblocked?)

Night 5: roleblocked Eenuh (no PM)

Night 6: protected Esequiel (no PM)

Night 7: protected myself (no PM)


If you think I'm lying about being a protector, make a plan where I protect someone and someone targets them. Unless jayseven wasn't the only redirector, it shouldn't get messed up.

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I'm a reverse tracker, so I could've gotten info that night, but you blocked me. Grrr. Getting tired of getting no info every night. =(


ReZ, you know I'm not lying about my power. I know you sent your cat to Diageo and that Diageo protected himself. Sadly that's the only information I got so far. All other nights I either got blocked or the person I picked didn't get targeted by anyone else.

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Eddie, did you say anything earlier about your role or who you targeted except for this day phase? I don't deny you're a protector because you could be a protector but for the Mafia. Until a reply, I'm not buying it at the moment so...


Vote: EddieColeslaw

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Eddie, did you say anything earlier about your role or who you targeted except for this day phase? I don't deny you're a protector because you could be a protector but for the Mafia. Until a reply, I'm not buying it at the moment so...


Vote: EddieColeslaw


Don't think so, I was never asked until recently. And of course I had no info to give throughout, if you see my target list above.


The votes are probably almost there...don't lynch another innocent gentleman :/

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Why wouldn't I roleblock someone I don't know anything about?? Isn't there a chance they do something evil?




Night 1: protected heroicjanitor (no PM)

Night 2: roleblocked jayseven (no PM)

Night 3: protected Cube (no PM)

Night 4: roleblocked Aqui1a (PM: failed, but don't think I was roleblocked?)

Night 5: roleblocked Eenuh (no PM)

Night 6: protected Esequiel (no PM)

Night 7: protected myself (no PM)


I don't doubt your powers, I doubt your alignment. I'm saying that it's statistically wiser to protect people you don't know about than to roleblock them, since there's about a two thirds chance they're town.


For now, though, I'm not sure if I feel certain enough to lynch you. After the jayseven incident yesterday, I'm a bit more wary. :heh:


Remove Vote


There are enough votes on you for now. I don't want to end the day too soon.




Something completely different: Diageo, I have you down as a jailkeeper, but that's not possible if you have protected yourself at some point. What's the deal with that?

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And about protecting the mafia, wouldn't I go for the people who were most suspected/likely to be investigated? Yet no one's reported being stopped from investigating/tracking, apart from Zell who wanted to steal from Esequiel last night. Unless everyone's kept quiet about it.

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I'm not telling anyone my damn power, stop trying to infer.


Well, if you won't tell us, our only option is to infer.


The votes are probably almost there...don't lynch another innocent gentleman :/


OBJECTION! You're not a gentleman - you're a lady!




And about protecting the mafia, wouldn't I go for the people who were most suspected/likely to be investigated? Yet no one's reported being stopped from investigating/tracking, apart from Zell who wanted to steal from Esequiel last night. Unless everyone's kept quiet about it.


Hadn't noticed that. Yes, tou do seem to have an equal amount of townie and mafioso protections. I'm willing to believe you for now.

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This is what you know. I found out Marcamillian was trying to kill. I found out Sméagol had the power to protect. I was seen by The Peeps saying I needed to roleblock and protect. I was questioned by Cube and told him nothing. I targeted myself.


That is all you will know until I think you need to know more. That's it. I'm not telling you.

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I'm not telling anyone my damn power, stop trying to infer.


No need to act like an arse. Eddie asked a perfectly valid question, and I was asking for clarification on that. Trying to help you out here.


And it does seem like a valid question. Somebody already posted on a few previous pages what your power was anyway. So, a simple yes or no wouldn't have hurt.


Doublepost: I can confirm that I was caught in a trap on the way to ReZ's. Dannyboy was the only one who owned up to setting the trap.

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No need to act like an arse. Eddie asked a perfectly valid question, and I was asking for clarification on that. Trying to help you out here.


And it does seem like a valid question. Somebody already posted on a few previous pages what your power was anyway. So, a simple yes or no wouldn't have hurt.


Doublepost: I can confirm that I was caught in a trap on the way to ReZ's. Dannyboy was the only one who owned up to setting the trap.

They posted what they think my power is.


I already proved that I was town. I don't need to reveal my power and have said I won't a million times. And people still keep asking. I might just start ignoring it now.

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They posted what they think my power is.


I already proved that I was town. I don't need to reveal my power and have said I won't a million times. And people still keep asking. I might just start ignoring it now.


Easy, I was just hoping to correct a mistake in my notes. I don't doubt that you're town.

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Guys, I just had a sickening thought.


The game is called Hunter's Chance. Earlier, when we lynched Angus, we were asked "What of the Hunter?" (not sure if I quoted that 100%, will check) by Jonnas. Then, Dannyboy was found today with Hunting Knives. He also has the opportunity to lay traps, right?


Am I seeing the link here? Has this been established already?

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Guys, I just had a sickening thought.


The game is called Hunter's Chance. Earlier, when we lynched Angus, we were asked "What of the Hunter?" (not sure if I quoted that 100%, will check) by Jonnas. Then, Dannyboy was found today with Hunting Knives. He also has the opportunity to lay traps, right?


Am I seeing the link here? Has this been established already?


The line "What of the hunter?" was in reference to the fact that Angus is still out there. When we lynched Marc/Angus, he escaped and killed one of his mafia companions in his own stead, i.e. Angus, the hunter, is still out there.


Also, the title is obviously in reference to Angus being the main villain this time, seeing as he was side-villain last time that ended up becoming the last threat against the town.


Besides, I've never hidden the fact that I am a hunter myself. Why are people still surprised about the fact that there are hunting knives and traps in my room? Heck, the most surprising part about it is that Jonnas originally claimed I didn't even have a room myself, seeing as I was knocked unconscious and locked in a closet! :p

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The line "What of the hunter?" was in reference to the fact that Angus is still out there. When we lynched Marc/Angus, he escaped and killed one of his mafia companions in his own stead, i.e. Angus, the hunter, is still out there.


I know that. But, hunting knives? The ability to lay traps, like a hunter. Coupled with the multiple usage of that word.


I may be off on a wild tangent there, but I'd like to see what others are thinking.

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