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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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I am in agreement with you there Flink. The only thing that sways me to trusting him is he was very insistent in the lynch of Tales, but that may have been to win favour as he knew this would happen eventually. I've only been in the game recently so can't really fully analyse his behaviour/attitude before that.


At this late stage in the game, it could be a mafia ploy to kill one of their own in order to gain the town's trust. I mean, the dude has been almost unnoticed in the game. Without even being inactive. He's been here, and I think he's been right under our nose the entire time.


I'm willing to hear what others think first, but I'm strongly considering putting a vote on.

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I came out with my role early on and I've given my info every day. It's really not my fault if I've been unnoticed. I was the one who discovered Nintendohnut could kill and brought him into the open. All I've really been able to do all game is confirm people's powers. Everyone has been so open about their roles that I've really not been needed. Now that we know that the mafia always has an Angus that can only kill, I can be more useful. If I manage to target the right person I can specifically find Angus because he will have a kill power and nothing else.


I targeted Chairdriver on night 6. I don't like how people are turning on me or Eenuh. Eenuh has posted targets every day as well and has given everything she can. I don't think reverse tracker is a common mafia power either is it? Wouldn't be that much use.


more posts while I was posting. I'll bring up the fact that I'm the adoptive son of the butler (my previous character) in the first game and that heroicjanitor was my sister in this game and he was good.


I think there are more suspicious people than me, namely Chairdriver, Zell and possibly ReZ.


Also, why would I admit to targeting Dannyboy if I killed him? There's only one (reverse) tracker alive so I'd easily get away with lying about targeting someone else and with my role I'll admit it's very easy to just make stuff up.

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See, this is one of the things that makes me doubt:


Anyway, I now speak to thee peeple about The Peeps. I could not find him, him being very busy and all, but I know who he is. He is a hard-working servant of the Royal House.

I wish only I knew what he has been up to, exactly.


We know you are Herojan's bro, but are you the same alignment? This little passage reminds me of Tales', he wasn't in his room any more and neither were you.


Could the mask have been passed onto you because the mafia didn't expect for you to be suspected????

Still suspicious of chair though, and Sméagol hopefully won't steal any win.


Also, I trust Eenuh. She hasn't been voting, but her power is genuine. Reverse trackers aren't a very mafia role.

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This is why I want to hear from others. If we get their targets, we can try and piece things together.


I think if Chair is mafia, so would ReZ be as Chair seems to be enhancing ReZ a lot...


Like I said before though, I don't trust anyone at the moment. Any of you could be mafia to me. =P

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See, this is one of the things that makes me doubt:




We know you are Herojan's bro, but are you the same alignment? This little passage reminds me of Tales', he wasn't in his room any more and neither were you.


Could the mask have been passed onto you because the mafia didn't expect for you to be suspected????

Still suspicious of chair though, and Sméagol hopefully won't steal any win.


You know, that was something I was looking at, as well. That post, it reminded me of Tales'. A dead ringer.


I found it odd also how chair suddenly came into life and started posting for us to vote for Smeagol. I haven't felt comfortable about him all game, but that just may be down to how he plays these games.

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On the flipside, I trust three people. Eenuh, mr-paul and Flink are definitely town in my eyes and if any of them are mafia I will cry. We can surely at least agree that Flink is not Angus because his power is the notes and they're still appearing.


Maybe I wasn't in my room because I'm a servant, so I was out... serving? Couldn't say for sure.

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I have several tiers of trust.

Eenuh and Flink are in the top tier. I fully trust their results/intentions.


Rummy and Dazz aren't far behind, but are a little bit cos they don't like revealing their targets :p Along with them is Zell. He isn't the most active, but he was the first to accuse EddieColeslaw of being evil.


In the next tier is The Peeps and ReZ. I thought both were good, but I have tiny doubts, and more now with what Flink brought up.


Then in my bottom tier is chair and Sméagol (who is most likely neutral).

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Read back at the last day, with Tales' lynch, and remind yourself with chair's crazy actions.

Accusing everyone voting for Tales of being the mafia making one last push to win the game.

And now he will only turn up and vote for neutrals, because it benefits him as a mafia member to get rid of them too.

Look at his voting too. Almost all the time there was a good lynch, he voted for someone evil or neutral. Maybe that's because he's got good judgement, but then remind yourself of the last day with Tales again. I think that was purely tactical.

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Mr Paul, if you turn out to be mafia in the end, then you've put in an impressive performance. :heh: I will cry like a bitch if you are.


I'm unsure of half the people who are playing. :heh: Well...Zell, The Peeps, ReZ and Chairdriver.


Actually, lets look at ReZ again.


ReZ - animal handler, investigative cat

night 1 - dohnut, inconclusive

night 2 - was targeted by Aqui1a, Dazz and Mundi.

night 3 - tracked Flink, targeted Dyson

night 4 - protected self

night 5 - tracked maddog

night 6 - sent a cat to diageo

night 7 - investigate Zell - good, enhanced by chair

night 8 - investigate Dyson - evil (wrong info), protect self enhanced by chair again

night 9 - track diageo and dazz, diageo targeted Aqui1a, Dazz targeted ReZ

night 10 - reverse track flink, targeted by eenuh

night 11 - protected self, enhanced by chair


But if Dazz is to be trusted, then ReZ is confirmed as good. So, maybe thats one less to worry about.

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When did Dazz claim he was good though? Before or after his power change?


Also, did anyone get enhanced by chairdriver last night?


Just want to put it out there and say that if Chair is mafia it doesn't necessarily mean ReZ is mafia - though it wouldn't look good for him.


I guess it could just be a way for chairdriver to appear good.

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Dazz investigator (claimed day 3)

Night 1 - Diageo - good

Night 2 - ReZ - good

Night 3 - Sméagol - good

Night 4 - Dohnut - good

Night 5 - Dazz - good

Night 6 - Nobody

Night 7 - Dannyboy - good

Night 8 - eddie - evil

Night 9 - Rez - good

night 10 - tales - evil


Actually! It might not prove anything. Rummy didn't target ReZ on that night...and doesn't their power require both of them to target the same person in order for it to work?


Rummy, who did you target on Night 9? You didn't give in that target, I don't think.


This might not prove ReZ's goodness after all, then.

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Well I'm more suspicious of chairdriver than I am of ReZ. It's just if there's two mafia left and one of them turns out being one, the other might be too.



But like I said, did anyone get enhanced by chairdriver last night?

Because if no one did, either he didn't send in a target or he did something else that night...

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Cube- Duke Phillip Manning, investigate/protect (DEAD NIGHT 7, GOOD)

night 1 - investigated zell

night 2 - handkerchiefed, then pushed dannyboy over

night 3 - back to being disfigured, trusts flink, targeted ReZ (revealed day 6)

night 4 - diageo, couldn't find out what he wanted

night 5 - someone tried to kill him, fought them off

night 6 - caught in a trap on way to Esequiel


Why was cube "back to being disfigured"? Was he only enhanced for one night or something?


Also, he targeted ReZ. What happened as a result of this?


This may help to prove ReZ is town, as Cube was confirmed town. I trusted him.

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ReZ claimed to be targeted by chair.

And yeah, Rummy's targets would help a lot.


Cube, I just took from what he said in the thread, he is always quite a mysterious town player who never seems to give a lot away, but he was dead by the time I returned to the game, so I couldn't get him to clarify any targets/what was done to him etc etc etc....

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I been across town for the whole day and very busy all weekend with birthday and whanot so not read whole thread yet, but for lying to us as good earlier in the game and coming out neutral now vote:smeagol


ReZ claimed to be targeted by chair.

And yeah, Rummy's targets would help a lot.


Cube, I just took from what he said in the thread, he is always quite a mysterious town player who never seems to give a lot away, but he was dead by the time I returned to the game, so I couldn't get him to clarify any targets/what was done to him etc etc etc....


No. They won't. I'm not saying this another fucking time. I AM NOT SAYING THIS ANOTHER FUCKING TIME.


I have given you two mafia. Fucking listen to what I've been saying in response to every fucking question to keep bloody asking me. I'm getting pissed off, keep pushing me and I'll lynch myself just cos I'm getting too goddamn tired and annoyed with this shit.


Also, now caught up on the thread, vote:remove vote for now to allow for more discussion and no rushed lynches/day endings.

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I been across town for the whole day and very busy all weekend with birthday and whanot so not read whole thread yet, but for lying to us as good earlier in the game and coming out neutral now vote:smeagol




No. They won't. I'm not saying this another fucking time. I AM NOT SAYING THIS ANOTHER FUCKING TIME.


I have given you two mafia. Fucking listen to what I've been saying in response to every fucking question to keep bloody asking me. I'm getting pissed off, keep pushing me and I'll lynch myself just cos I'm getting too goddamn tired and annoyed with this shit.


Also, now caught up on the thread, vote:remove vote for now to allow for more discussion and no rushed lynches/day endings.


Don't get pissed off! I trust you for god sake! I trusted your allegations against Eddie and Tales! We'd just like your targets so we can look out for any anomalies etc and correlate them to what other people have done! Being so tetchy is what makes people think you have something to hide.


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