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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Wait, so you're telling me there's two different Mafia groups? I doubt it. Has that even been done before or are you just making it up to make me look like the Evil guy to take the heat off of you?


Pirates mafia. Mafia and neutral group. We never saw it coming.

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Vote: Tales


Cos he'd rather vote for people that were insistent that Eddie was mafia than people like Smeagol whose whole stories relied on Eddie being honest about what she had done (which she probably wasn't). Smeagol has been clearly bad/up to something all game and is still here, and tales, no matter how much you deny it, youve been defending them all game.


I may change my vote to smeagol, but tales, you are so scummy to me.

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This is ridicilous. They're obviously working together, with the numbers dwindling they're going in for the kill. They are both mafia.


Mafia who...lynched Eddie? Mafia who revealed powers very early on in the game and have them confirmed by Peeps? Mafia who've found you out and you're trying to fight against now? Give it up Tales, we've got you.

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This is ridicilous. They're obviously working together, with the numbers dwindling they're going in for the kill. They are both mafia.


I'm not Mafia, you are and you know it!


You're scared right about now because I found you out and so will try anything to distract everyone from you, even making me look bad. You're just pissed because I have sussed you out. You're pissed your plan isn't working and that I have outed you to everyone to be the Evil man that you are.

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I protected Rummy because I trust him and Dazz to be a pair of cops now after yesterday. I guess the mafia realised they'd likely both be protected and went after Ell instead. However, Ell was one of the people I was suspicious of, so now I feel we're very close to have identified the remaining scumnags. If we get nothing solid today, I shall follow chair's example and vote for Sméagol since he's blatantly the most suspicious currently.


Thanks Danny, it was a good thing to do! As for Ell, I'm not sure he was actually the mafia's target, he may well have been protecting the other one of us or someone else, the writeup starts saying he was standing guard outside a door, protecting against any attacks.

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I'm confident that dazz, Rummy, Esequiel and dannyboy belong to one mafia group. Marcamillian, Eddiecoleslaw and two others, probably Rezourceman as one of them and maybe Nintendohnut working as a hired kill, belong to the other group. Mark my words.

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I'm confident that dazz, Rummy, Esequiel and dannyboy belong to one mafia group. Marcamillian, Eddiecoleslaw and two others, probably Rezourceman as one of them and maybe Nintendohnut working as a hired kill, belong to the other group. Mark my words.


Tales, I think you have a little memory loss. I'm not Mafia, you are.


I'm not even 99.9% sure. I know 110% you are. Give it up, you've been sussed out and you're digging yourself a deeper hole.

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I'm confident that dazz, Rummy, Esequiel and dannyboy belong to one mafia group. Marcamillian, Eddiecoleslaw and two others, probably Rezourceman as one of them and maybe Nintendohnut working as a hired kill, belong to the other group. Mark my words.


Now I kinda want to keep you alive, just to hear your wacky conspiracy theories. :heh:

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I'd like to ask what everyone got up to, like I did yesterday, so we can be sure of any interference to anyone's actions before we lynch everyone. On my phone now but will be updating all my notes this evening.


I targetted Tales.


Now I kinda want to keep you alive, just to hear your wacky conspiracy theories. :heh:


EOTW all over again :p

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I'd like to ask what everyone got up to, like I did yesterday, so we can be sure of any interference to anyone's actions before we lynch everyone. On my phone now but will be updating all my notes this evening.


I targeted Tales as well.


Nintendohnut was neutral. Your theories are crazy. Give it up and help us lynch real mafia if you're actually town.


Can he vote for himself?

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Tales, I think you're boolsheeting us. You seem to be plucking this story about two mafias out of thin air.


Dazz and Rummy, I want to hear an explanation of how you two are able to get the "correct" results. I'm with Chair on this one because we had Eddie down as dodgy for a while. We just didn't take the plunge until late in the game. So, tell us, why are you two now able to get correct results? Or so you say.


Also, answer my question from the previous page, Tales. Where have you been living?


I'm going to Remove Vote until we get some answers.

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You still can't take me and what I say despite taking out Eddie? Why do people constantly insist on asking so many questions that'll put us in jeopardy? Seriously, does anybody ever consider the implications of the questions they ask!!

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Nintendohnut was neutral. Your theories are crazy. Give it up and help us lynch real mafia if you're actually town.


That is why I said hired kill. It all makes sense. And I am helping you. I can't believe I'm the only who is tired of them not telling why they went from stupid investigators to get-correct-results-investigators. They have also refused to tell if they targeted each other. Something is definitevy up with them.


Tales, I think you're boolsheeting us. You seem to be plucking this story about two mafias out of thin air.


Dazz and Rummy, I want to hear an explanation of how you two are able to get the "correct" results. I'm with Chair on this one because we had Eddie down as dodgy for a while. We just didn't take the plunge until late in the game. So, tell us, why are you two now able to get correct results? Or so you say.


Also, answer my question from the previous page, Tales. Where have you been living?


I'm going to Remove Vote until we get some answers.


I have no idea. His correct about the items I guess. I am described as a woman of mysterious powers with prophetic dreams. Maybe that's all I do, sleep, and why my room in such a bad shape? I honestly have no idea.

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It's like you guys WANT us to die or something. Here we are, giving you information on Mafia kills (to which was correct) and all you want to do is question us about our powers. If we were right the first time, we'll be right now. Just target Tales, for crying out loud, he's Mafia and he's going to get away with it! If you really are supposed to be Town and you really do want to kill Mafia, vote for Tales!!!!!!


You guys seriously frustrate me! If I die, it'll be because of you guys questioning everything and another Good person is down! Tales is Mafia. I'll shout it on the fecking rooftops if you seriously want me to. I don't know how many times I can tell you that this guy is Mafia until you actually get it in your heads! He is Mafia trying to get the attention away from him. I am telling you guys the whole truth. Just vote for him!


I'll even use Tales' much hated tactic if I really have to. HE'S MAFIA! Please, for goodness sake, vote for him!





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The fact that you guys are so chicken shit about revealing whatevers happened means that you've got something to hide. You're already supposedly pointing out mafia's and are (every-night-good-investigators) apparently, so any target that you could possibly paint on yourself for the mafia is ALREADY PRESENT, and in permanent ink, if you're telling the truth.


Unless you win on your own or have a different win condition.


If I do vote for Tales, it'll be because he seems scummie, and appears suspicious in Flinky's paragraph, not because of you DISGUSTING people. (Lol)

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