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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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And yet everybody took it as gospel that he must be right, even though he wasn't willing to stake his own life on the info but was willing to kill a protecting townie.


I took your advice about exposing a mafia/leaving them wide open. If you're not mafia, then I'll be looking into ReZ/voting for him tomorrow. If you are mafia, then we've lynched you, and ReZ was right.


We're tight/stuck for leads, at the moment. There's you (According to ReZ) and probably Eddie. So, this seems like the natural move to make.

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And yet everybody took it as gospel that he must be right, even though he wasn't willing to stake his own life on the info but was willing to kill a protecting townie.


It's not all that surprising, though, is it? You've said it yourself, we can't wait for conclusive evidence, so at one point or another we have to take chances, well-knowing that we might screw up. If it turns out he's a townie who just made a mistake, of course he won't be willing to risk his life on it. I was dead certain jay was mafia, and I could've sworn my life on it, but I'm not just going to say: "Oh, well, I was wrong, you should lynch me now." That'd only benefit the mafia even more.

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But what I'm saying is that it wasn't just the 'evil' result he got for me, as I came out and posted everything I'd done he made it completely clear that nothing I could do would clear my name.


I agree, we needed to take chances, and I accept that this looks like a good lead potentially. I'd have voted for me with the evidence provided. However, this is why I chose to end it and give you the next lead you should chase down, which is ReZ. If you don't think that him incorrectly incriminating and killing a townie is a big deal then you're either mafia or you've been blinded by the fact that he's active. That by no means clears someone of suspicion.


The more you try and clear him the more I'm positive you work together.

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But what I'm saying is that it wasn't just the 'evil' result he got for me, as I came out and posted everything I'd done he made it completely clear that nothing I could do would clear my name.


I agree, we needed to take chances, and I accept that this looks like a good lead potentially. I'd have voted for me with the evidence provided. However, this is why I chose to end it and give you the next lead you should chase down, which is ReZ. If you don't think that him incorrectly incriminating and killing a townie is a big deal then you're either mafia or you've been blinded by the fact that he's active. That by no means clears someone of suspicion.


The more you try and clear him the more I'm positive you work together.


Dammit, I'm not trying to clear him, I'm just saying that people make mistakes! I'm by no means blind to the idea that he could be mafia, especially since I know how well he plays.

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Dammit, I'm not trying to clear him, I'm just saying that people make mistakes! I'm by no means blind to the idea that he could be mafia, especially since I know how well he plays.


How can this possibly be a mistake? Thats why I questioned ReZ and made absolutely sure that his cat came back with a definite answer. The definite answer being that "Dyson is Evil."


I questioned ReZ, asked him if the result could possibly have been ambiguous, with ReZ "interpreting" Dyson to be mafia/evil. His response to that was no. It was a definite answer.


Its pretty black and white, dude.


Of course, Dyson could be playing us.

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Nighty night people. Don't let me down, town. I'll be keeping an eye on the game!


How can this possibly be a mistake? Thats why I questioned ReZ and made absolutely sure that his cat came back with a definite answer. The definite answer being that "Dyson is Evil."


I questioned ReZ, asked him if the result could possibly have been ambiguous, with ReZ "interpreting" Dyson to be mafia/evil. His response to that was no. It was a definite answer.


Its pretty black and white, dude.


Exactly this, too. Don't overlook anything!

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How can this possibly be a mistake? Thats why I questioned ReZ and made absolutely sure that his cat came back with a definite answer. The definite answer being that "Dyson is Evil."


I questioned ReZ, asked him if the result could possibly have been ambiguous, with ReZ "interpreting" Dyson to be mafia/evil. His response to that was no. It was a definite answer.


Its pretty black and white, dude.


Of course, Dyson could be playing us.


It could be a redirection, though redirections seem to normally be mentioned. Still, my point is that it's hard to predict what is possible in a mafia.

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Why do you seem to be intent on not admitting he might be lying? Seriously. It's as if you trust him 100%. Yes, mistakes can be made. No, that isn't what happened.


He lied.


Dude, I just admitted that he could be lying. I just doubt that he did. If you do turn out to be good, I'll of course reevaluate. The only thing I've been arguing is that I hate the concept of "Oh, he accused a townie and got him lynched, now we must lynch him! Fuck, he was also a townie!"

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And yet everybody took it as gospel that he must be right, even though he wasn't willing to stake his own life on the info but was willing to kill a protecting townie.


Woah, preaching to the choir here brother! Tis a shame, a mighty shame, but unfortunately tis the nature of people.


Unless you're lying, in which case screw you! :P


I took your advice about exposing a mafia/leaving them wide open. If you're not mafia, then I'll be looking into ReZ/voting for him tomorrow. If you are mafia, then we've lynched you, and ReZ was right.


We're tight/stuck for leads, at the moment. There's you (According to ReZ) and probably Eddie. So, this seems like the natural move to make.


We're not really tight/stuck. We had Eddie, and we have Smeagol on Ell's suggestion. Is/was there anything much on Dyson before ReZ just came out and said he was evil?

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Why do you seem to be intent on not admitting he might be lying? Seriously. It's as if you trust him 100%. Yes, mistakes can be made. No, that isn't what happened.


He lied.


Because he's willing to vote for people on small evidence, but not willing to accept that those providing the evidence could be bad too. I think Danny seems to struggle with thinking anyone could be mafia!

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We're not really tight/stuck. We had Eddie, and we have Smeagol on Ell's suggestion. Is/was there anything much on Dyson before ReZ just came out and said he was evil?


Cmaaan. Yeah, we had Eddie, but we had nothing solid on her. Nothing that screamed mafia scum. Ell's suggestion of Smeagol is just that, a suggestion. There's not an awful lot on.


There's nothing much on Dyson. But, ReZ says that he has proof that Dyson is evil. Its a lead, so it makes sense to go with that. Probably the strongest lead we have at the moment.


If Dyson is town, then we can look into ReZ and then look at his moves throughout the game and stuff. If Dyson is mafia, then we've lynched a mafia. So, it seems like the simplest move to make.


Cmaaan, Jonnas.

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I don't see why somebody coming out with 'X is definitely evil!' is always going to be 'stronger' a lead than having lots of suspicion around somebody. Here's betting nothing happens to ReZ if Dyson turns out good. Tomorrow I'm going for Eddie, or maybe ReZ depending how events turn out.

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I don't see why somebody coming out with 'X is definitely evil!' is always going to be 'stronger' a lead than having lots of suspicion around somebody. Here's betting nothing happens to ReZ if Dyson turns out good. Tomorrow I'm going for Eddie, or maybe ReZ depending how events turn out.


You Rum & Coke! I already said I'll be voting for the ReZathon if Dyson turns out to be good.


Diageo also said he's voting, too. So, that's three potential votes already. There will be more.


That's unless something crazy happens, like we get supreme evidence of another mafia or something. Or, if ReZ dies in the night. Who knows.

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Well, excuse me for being generally doubtul after the jayseven fiasco! :heh: I still don't get how he wasn't mafia.


This isn't quite the same, jay was a rather spectacular silly, though I understand that is his mafia way :P

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Vote Standings


Dyson (9): Zell, The Peeps, ReZourceman, chairdriver, Diageo, Rummy, EddieColeslaw, Flinky, Dannyboy-the-Dane


ReZourceman (1): Dyson

Sméagol (1): Ellmeister


Majority has been reached



"Heed me, Gentlemen, for I am 100% sure that Dyson might possibly be an evil fiend!"




"Sounds fine..."




"...I expected more enthusiasm out of this."


Broadcast Yourself


"Pfft... You nobles are all the same. You couldn't possibly accept a commoner like me as an equal ally, could you? I have served the Queen without batting an eye, and this is the trust I get?"


"Shush, you cur. Your deceitful lies shan't work on me, for I have...reliable sources!"


"...A cat?"


"THE fineliest groomed cat in the kingdom!"


"...A cat is more trustworthy than me? You son of a-"


An enraged Dyson jumped towards ReZ and started pummelling him. Violently. So violently, it would only be a matter of time before ReZ was taken down along with-


The other eight gentlemen, who happened to be still awake, dragged Dyson away from ReZ. There would be no lynchbomb today.


"FINE! If none of you trust me, despite everything, I will take care of myself! No need to dirty your precious hands with me..."


Dyson approached the window and quickly jumped off. The sea was particularly murderous that night.


Dyson is dead. He was the Street Urchin, Jack Bradford. He could protect others, even though his rough and brash attitude made him shady. He was Good.


"...Where is ReZ Horseman, again?"


"I need my beauty sleep!" he said, as he ran back to his room




Remaining Players















The Peeps



There are 15 remaining players.


Night 9 starts now

Edited by Jonnas
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