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Funnily I was just thinking forget a summary I'll vote chair cos he's been quite quiet over everything. All I mean by that is, it makes an assumption/implication you're 100% cleared as town, I didn't realise that was the case, though I may have missed as such. Then again, you did put doubt into the statement, so ignore me.


I think I have my vote on Esequiel? I'll let him off for another day because I don't think we can reach any majority there, chair is giving very little to the game and I have no solid opinions on anyone, I'd rather vote an inactive off in that case, not to mention keeping quiet is always a good way to slip by as mafia. Vote/Changevote:chairdriver

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Talking about Jayseven, he has not said a word this day phase. Not a single word, and both the peeps and rummy have been quieter than usual.


No I haven't


The Peeps...Peeps, what did you do last night? Since you have a different power and appearance every night, this could be useful to know.


Last night I roleblocked Jayseven


Maybe The Peeps? Is the ocarina a trophy in SSBB?


I can only choose from the assist trophies (the ones that help/hinder when you're playing) or pokémon.


I can roll with chairdriver (it has bothered me for a while how he only occassionally pops in, says something irrelevant, then leaves), but I still want to know more about the Tales case, so I'm keeping my vote there for now.


I choose not to when there are other more plausible leads we can follow. The only reason you are suspecting me is because I have yet to come out with my role. I have yet to come out with my role because nothing useful has as of yet come of it. But when it does, I'll share.


I don't buy you being so adament that you want to know my role. Who says you're not looking for the next useful townie to off tonight?


No dice. Sorry.


All I can say is that I am useful to the town, am indeed a townie but have yet to actually get any info we need. Rest assured I am trying! And do have a power that could help the town if the right things happen. If I reveal my role it'd become instantly useless.


I'm not saying any more! I don't want to give it away. Feel free to investigate me tonight so you can check my alignment (if there are investigators in this game?) or whatever. I just ask that if you find out my character and work out who I am and what I can do, you don't spread it. If the info comes tonight then I'll reveal all, character, power, and why I've been keeping schtum about it. If not, it'll be the next day. Or the day after.


I can't imagine it taking much longer to get something useful..


Dyson, it's just character. Not alignment or powers. Just the character.


Of course, if you are Luigi, I understand why you wouldn't want to reveal yourself...


So you're going for the guy that is useful to the town and has come out and actually explained himself, rather than the guy that pops in and votes with no explanations? Can you not see how wrong that is?


Maybe I should have continued not to post, at least I'd still be in the game.


My vote for chair stands.

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