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Rise of the Planet of the Apes


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  • 3 months later...

I genuinely can't understand the hate from the trailer. I thought it was one of the most captivating trailers in a long time, for a blockbuster type affair.


Saw it today. Brilliant. It's essentially a really solid character drama, with the last half an hour delivering what was essentially promised in the trailer. It looked stunning, and I found myself almost having to hold back tears at numerous moments. Anything with animals just slays me.


By far the best of the summer 'blockbuster' films, and one that will blatantly end up being the most underrated.

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I seen it yesterday and thought it was fantastic. I went in with low expectations as the trailers didn't really do anything for me but I came out of the cinema amazed.


I loved the parts where there was no dialogue and Ceaser was "talking" with the other apes. I thought I would hate his character and want the humans to kick his butt but I really felt sorry for him and was rooting for him by the end of the film. :D


Awesome film and I encourage everyone to go see it.

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I don't think it was quite as good as the above praise, however it was really awesome! Very.....unique and interesting/sad/understandable/good action and such. It does well at conveying emotion.


Also I liked Tom Felton. He has entered my "cast in every movie I make" with Idris Elba and Bradley Cooper.


James Franco wasn't stand out, but I always love him anyway.....some people said he was miscast but I don't agree.


Definitely a must see. But Cap and Super 8 may be more of a spectacle at the cinema. And this on Blu-Rayz or DVDz. But greatness.

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I'm a big fan of the original movies, own the boxset for them (also taped them off the telly yeeeears ago) and watched the tv series. I'm worried yet excited. This is meant to be a new timeline for the series, I've been told. So, if this does well, there should be sequels planned for it.


I want to go and see it, but I can't imagine many of my mates being up for it.


Lousy Human Bastards.

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