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Streets of Rage Remake

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And I finally got round to playing... something I've been doing for the last 4 hours or so.


I'm liking a lot of the things they've done with it since the last version I had (V4), but I'm not sure I can forgive them for what they've done to Go Straight - luckily, they didn't butcher Under Logic :p


I started off on normal and got to level 6 starting on the SoR1 path with Axel, and then I got to level 8 on the SoR2 path with Adam, who seemed so much more powerful than Axel, but I died in the lift on the second part of the level.


And then I thought I'd knock the difficulty down to easy, my lives up to 5 and use a CPU partner. And I did manage to complete it. I started on the SoR2 path and took the first split path and never came back to any of the original levels after that. The part on top of the train where you have to jump the barriers was a pain and a jetski/bike section still remain quite poor compared to the normal fighting, but I got to the end and unlocked some stuff.


I think it's a shame you have to complete a run through to be rewarded as unlocks are based on points but you only get the points at the end of the game and not at the end of each level.

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Well I've been playing through this and it's amazing. It literally does everything a fan remake wants and I'm convinced its better than anything sega would have released themselves. Just a few notes on what I love:


1: See I never really played streets of rage 3 so I'm not sure the improvements but I love all the special combos you can use now and how you can now use your specials and the police!

2: It's WAYYY faster and I love it.

3: How double tapping down and up has your character doing a roll.

4: The music remixes are fantastic!

5: I appreciate them keeping the graphics to the 16bit. That's the point! Sonic 4 could have learnt a thing or two here.

6: combining the 3 games with a map screen is a great idea.

7: the ability to THROW your weapon! I can't tell you how annoying it was in the original when your character threw your weapon away randomly.


Just a few things they COULD improve:

1: There's a lot more blood in this than I remember... I mean it's cool enough but It didn't strike me as a game that needed it.

2: That damn second boss(guy with claws) still is random as fuck. I never found a viable strategy for beating him. I CAN beat him but it's a matter of saving up the police cars just like the original and landing the fluky hit now and then.


Overall its a fantastic remake. One of the best I've ever seen. It's soo good I don't want sega to make one. They'd only arse it up.

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Just a few things they COULD improve:

1: There's a lot more blood in this than I remember... I mean it's cool enough but It didn't strike me as a game that needed it.

2: That damn second boss(guy with claws) still is random as fuck. I never found a viable strategy for beating him. I CAN beat him but it's a matter of saving up the police cars just like the original and landing the fluky hit now and then.


You can turn blood off in the graphics menu screen.


And yes, the bosses are really quite tricky. I too had to rely on the police car/helicopter to beat certain bosses as landing a hit was hard. They move round so much that you can't get near them.


I found that with the guy with the claws, you seem to have the same attack range. So if he is close enough to attack you, your close enough to hit him. Approach him as normal and when you think you're in range, just attack. He'll also attack and you'll see the start of his attack animation but you will interrupt it. Trying to land a special appeared to be a waste of time unless you were combo-ing into it - the start up time or attack range was just too limiting on it's own.

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2: That damn second boss(guy with claws) still is random as fuck. I never found a viable strategy for beating him. I CAN beat him but it's a matter of saving up the police cars just like the original and landing the fluky hit now and then.


Pretty much what Captain Falcon said, but it is crucial that you do not jump, jumping sparks him to go bat shit insane slashing every where like it did in the first. The Streets of Rage 1 route has turned out the hardest of the 4 I think and it's probably due to the fact they had to adapt the SOR enemies into a completely new system. SOR2 isn't that much different from SOR3, but the first one is pretty primitive. So I've found enemies to swirl around at ridiculously fast paces (even outrunning yourself as Blaze etc), probably to make them more difficult, including the bosses.


Not really a spoiler so I'll come out with it: 7 of the 'unlockable' characters are just certain characters other skins from previous SOR games. This does leave you with 12 different characters though, which is pretty good and you'll be surprised as to who you can unlock.

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At first I thought Adam grossely outmatched Axel, especially when you look at their stats. Adam beats Axel in every catagory. However when I play as Axel I find him stupidly quick and much better for bosses. Strange thing is this isn't represented in the stats so you just assume Adam is quicker, when he isn't. Only boss i've found difficult is Shiva. Such a pain in the arse. Much like original.

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Well I've now unlocked three of the extra characters although I've only tried using one.


Was just playing through on normal difficult and I died on the last boss. I should have been able to do it but I lost a continue's worth of lives on Level 7 - I'd started on SoR2 path and swapped to the SoR1 path. Consequently, the level was on the lift going up the outside of the building. I wasn't dying due to taking a pummeling, it was because those darn Signal guys kept throwing me off the thing. Their throw appears to be much longer than yours.

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Bad news everyone - it looks like SEGA have killed it.




Because of that, I've gotten it from an alternate source. It should be great with the SFFIV pad (the one that looks like a Mega Drive controller).


It's not been killed just yet, the article is pointing out the currently known information we've had for a while. But I do think Sega is pretty well on the way to killing it judging from the attitude of the mods and contributors on the Bombergames forum.


I think the likely outcome will be getting the guys to port it to PS3 & 360. The only slightly questionable content if it received an official release is the sound bites featuring artists that haven't consented, namely The Prodigy. I just can't see Sega passing up on this opportunity, but there's the factor of Bombergames not wanting to. Then again, I couldn't see Square Enix passing up on the fan made 3D remake of Chrono Trigger, but they did..


Damn shame.

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what's with the SoR Maker? I bought it and whenever I go into it I just get a blank blue screen with 0/0 on it ::shrug:
You've got to create a new folder in SORRv5\mod\games first. Then you can start up the SoR Maker.


It seems to be a drag and drop system for enemy/object placement, but I haven't figured out how to create backgrounds yet though. ::shrug: So if anyone knows how, please post.

: peace:

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Rather than acting like arseholes, shouldn't Sega be giving these guys jobs or something.


Because they've been able to deliver something that the fans want, which Sega themselves haven't been able to do properly for a lengthy amount of time.


Also, 8 years on one project is dedication. The fans respect this. They don't respect Sega churning out game after game with little care in each one.


Actions speak quite loudly don't they?

If this is as good as you say all it would take is for SEGA to agree on a price (most likely not suing them) and then publish it on XBLA and PSN. It's a fully fledged game, it would be insane not to. It's not like they could damage the IP at this point.

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Actions speak quite loudly don't they?

If this is as good as you say all it would take is for SEGA to agree on a price (most likely not suing them) and then publish it on XBLA and PSN. It's a fully fledged game, it would be insane not to. It's not like they could damage the IP at this point.


If they were to stick it on XBLA/PSN, they'd probably want them to redo all the graphics as it's not HD by any stretch of the imagination - it was made with the Wii HBC in mind and as such, is quite low res. I think the average HD games player would expect more in that department.



People say, SEGA shouldn't have intervened because BomberGames aren't profiting from it but they will turn around and say it's taking potential sales away. Would you buy any of the SoR games on the consoles if you knew you could get this up and running for free? I certainly don't have a need to go out any buy any of them now.

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People say, SEGA shouldn't have intervened because BomberGames aren't profiting from it but they will turn around and say it's taking potential sales away. Would you buy any of the SoR games on the consoles if you knew you could get this up and running for free? I certainly don't have a need to go out any buy any of them now.


You may have a point, but the ports were done ages ago. I have pretty much every port that's currently available on the 360, Wii owners had them all ages ago, so did PS3 players.


The remake is a completely different beast. It's a mix and match of all the streets of rage games with a few original features and a complete overhaul of the system originally used (but of course, left them with their own bugs after clearing up the originals). Sega knew about this ages ago. They're just being absolute fucks about it.


Even more assholish is the fact they're sitting on the IP just porting the originals, giving no attempt at a new lease of life (as far as we know). The only legal problem would be the name of the game and characters, every thing else is fair game. I say they just label it 'Avenues of Anger' like one of the comments circulating the internet suggested and rename all the characters because at that point, Sega wouldn't have an argument except for similarities would could easily be countered by a disclaimer.


Total dick move on Sega's part. They offer no alternative but to play the originals which we've already had played to death for 20 years and didn't have the balls to do this before it was too late. But this apparently could be explained as Sega letting it loose for a few days THEN shutting it down so it would spread but still see like they're looking to protect their IP's to investors.

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You may have a point, but the ports were done ages ago. I have pretty much every port that's currently available on the 360, Wii owners had them all ages ago, so did PS3 players.


Actually, the port of SoR2 on PS3 will be released next month.


Still, there's no reason why they can't release this (after coming to an agreement with the developers). I gave it a quick go (I need to look at controls as it won't accept all the buttons on my controller) but it still looks nice on a 1080p screen.

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Sega released a statement about it:


"Sega is committed to supporting any fans that take an interest in our games, and where possible we do so by involving them in beta tests and other development, marketing or research opportunities.


"However, we need to protect our intellectual property rights and this may result in us requesting that our fans remove online imagery, videos or games in some instances."



I'm not sure why they waited all of this time to protect their intellectual property rights, as the remake has been available for a good few years or so, so why wait until bombergames put out the final version?


I think Sega should strike some kind of deal with them and release this officially through PSN/XBL/Wiiware and Steam.

Edited by Helmsly
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Still, there's no reason why they can't release this (after coming to an agreement with the developers). I gave it a quick go (I need to look at controls as it won't accept all the buttons on my controller) but it still looks nice on a 1080p screen.


There's some programmes out there that can map keyboard keys to your controller if you're having difficulty with it, I think Xpadder is one of them.

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Hopefully this has been resolved..


I'll be all giddy if a C&D arrives from Sega in my PM box :grin:


If the said PM would somehow make it's way to my inbox, that would be somewhat good.


Y'know, for research or something.



Edit: Never mind, got it now. It's pretty good so far.

Edited by Goafer
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I'm no expert on PC gaming but didn't valve hire the developers of counterstrike, a game that used the half-life engine and sproused the game up. It's still one of the most played pc games of all time. I know this is sort of different but at the same time it shouldn't be.


Why don't sega HIRE these guys and take the game? Do they hate the fact that nobodies did a good job with this? I get the feeling that if it turned out terribly, there would be no problem.

They have most certainly done a better than Sega could ever do at this. Sega treat their franchises EXTREMELY poorly and simply don't give their fans what they want. They're one of the most out of touch companies I've ever seen.


The remake is near-perfect. A little bit of tweaking of the AI in the first streets of rage route and an on-line mode and it's perfect.

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I'm no expert on PC gaming but didn't valve hire the developers of counterstrike, a game that used the half-life engine and sproused the game up. It's still one of the most played pc games of all time. I know this is sort of different but at the same time it shouldn't be.


I don't know about Counter Strike, but Valve spotted some collage kids who made a game involving portals, who they then hired to make Portal.

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BomberGames bandwidth for the month has finally ran out heh, good thing they warned members in advance.


I will be keeping an eye out for Bomber Link's bug fixes, I very much doubt the situation will prevent him from releasing it via anonymous channels. When it's released, I'll PM all those in this thread with a link to the patch.

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