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Free Stuff!


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They give out free tickets for upcoming films. Then you just fill out a survey about the film.




I don't think I've ever gotten free stuff. =(


I mean there's presents and all that, but those don't count I guess. Send some free stuff my way Ashley! Pretty please? =P


I gave you Jim!

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I don't understand. How did you get free games for braving weather conditions?


Nintendo promotional launch events.

In December for Donkey Kong they had a deal that the first 20 people who turned up with a bunch of bananas first thing in the morning would get a free copy in exchange for their 'nanas.


And yesterday they had the Kirby one in Elephant and Castle, where there were 20 games tied to the railings on a big roundabout where they had some people doing "graffiti knitting".


It's very useful being in central London!

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Man, I need to start hanging around Ashley so I can get in on all of that free stuff he keeps getting. :blank:


..nothing in this life is free! In one way or another, you will pay for everything :nono:


There goes any hope of the Most Positive Member Award for 2011..

Yeah, because you were likely to win that award before this post. :heh:

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What about telling us how your got your free games Ashely, makes it more interesting. Why did you have to go to south london that kind of thing. Might as well be a 'what have you bought' thread otherwise.


EDIT: Should probably read the whole thread.......

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Yeah, because you were likely to win that award before this post. :heh:


..but I was so close last year :eek:


Your obscure (to me :indeed:) 'Name the Game' rounds haven't been helping me this year.. but I've been staying out of the negative thread or whatever it is called these days :heh:


I'm not really sure what the last thing I got "free" was but it may have been the Super Mario Galaxy 2 coin box/tin darksnowman gave me relatively recently..

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I got a free sony walkman way back when, when I opened up the new BBC Radio Cumbria building in Carlisle. For some reason they invited all the twins to come and open it up. As me and my brother were the youngest we got to pull the lever to open it.:bouncy: and bagged a sony walkman in the process.

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